He's correct that real Christians are a minority that's being actively discriminated against by the heathen community. Forcing Christians to cater homo weddings and accept the homos at our places of business, suppressing political activities in our churches while promoting such at satanic churches, forcing Christians into the travesty that is Obamacare, etc.
But we had worse, and we survived. And we will overcome this just like we overcame the Romans and Roman Catholics feeding us to lions.
Here's what a true Christian believes:
-Jesus is Lord
-The fallen man is absolutely and totally depraved and completely unable to do any good thing or to do anything to come to God by himself
-God's electing purpose was not conditioned by anything in man
-Christ's atoning death was sufficient to save all men, but efficient only for His Elect
-The gift of faith, sovereignly given by God's Holy Spirit, cannot be resisted by the Elect
-Those who are regenerated and justified will persevere in the faith
-Salvation is by Grace through Faith in the Blood and finished atonement of Jesus Christ at Calvary
-Man is secured in his salvation eternally and unconditionally at the moment he believes. This condition is secured by the numerous irreversible works of God and the Holy Spirit
-The world is absolutely and totally evil in its nature and Satan is its primary governor
-The Trinitarian doctrine of the Godhead and therefore the belief that Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God but also God Himself, the image of God, God manifest in the flesh.
-The King James "Authorized Version" Bible is the perfect and infallible Word of God, and the the Word of God is totally and completely accurate in all things religious, historical, scientific, and mathematical. It was written by Jesus, then divinely preserved throughout its various generations and languages until it reached us in its final form. Thus, the Authorized Version preserves the very words of God in the form in which He wished them to be represented in the universal language of these last days: English.
-All babies that die go to hell for eternity. Therefore every abortion sends a child directly into the eternal fire of Hell. Ditto all the savages from the jungle, and anyone else who never heard of Jesus. All these people simply constitute the unElect.
-Women must be silent in churches. Thus no talking, no questions, and no singing.
-A true Christian woman must and WILL bear children to be truly Saved. 1 Timothy 2:15
-All real Christians are supernaturally protected against evil (Ps. 91:10) until our time to pass on has come.
In the name of the Lord,
Your neighborhood fundamentalist