Ariahn Zirmohn #fundie #homophobia

It is disappointing how inaccurate this review is. A notable thing that this blogger typed out was that the straight couple in the convenience store was harassing the homosexual couple. That did not happen. Secondly, the blogger twists many of Ray's and Peter's words to make them sound like hateful pieces of trash. That was expected. The biggest thing I noticed is that the blogger says that Christians have this weird idea that speaking out against homosexuality gets you more oppressed than if you didn't. My friend, I'm not sure if you keep up with statistics, but the number of people who support same-sex marriage in this nation has risen to around 56%. Whether you want to believe it or not, true Bible-believing Christians are a very small minority. God help this nation. Please watch the movie again, and instead of calling everything Ray and Peter say "homophobic" and "anti-gay", please try being a little more objective. God bless.



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