I don't give a care about beliefs; mathematics and science- both of which are hated by the vast majority of the population- should be used to determine which religions are right and wrong. Instead, we worry more about being politically correct and trying to please the masses than trying to use science. I wouldn't be surprised if the evolutionists tried to press legislation to remove the teaching of the scientific method from school.
So Science and Maths (wtf?) must abide by Religious dogma, oops, I mean doctrine? Hmmm...
I declare this fellow the winner for the "Idiots for Jeebus" award...
Mathematics, a belief?
And so the ISOPERIMETRIC QUOTIENT stepped forward and spake;
“And yea, 3.142 shall be the number; the number being 3.142 it is indeed holy. Take none but 3.142 as the number, for the number is 3.142.”
“Use this number for finding out the area of cyclic shapes only. Use it not for trigonometry, for it does not work that way. Yea, thou shalt also not use it for standard deviation, nor finding the frequency density of a histogram bar; that is well out.”
Too bad this moron does not understand that just by writing the comment he did, he verified that science is correct. I mean, he did not write the comment with pen and ink now, did he?
Since when are mathematics and science hated by the vast majority of the population? References, please?
"evolutionists" trying to get the scientific method out of school? Who? When? How? Specifics?
The vast majority of the population hates math and science?
Speak for yourself, dimrod. Most people who are as stupid as you never give a thought to these subjects. To truly "hate" them requires fundy indoctrination.
I really really hope that this is some kind of joke. Even that this guy is just bending the truth.
But please, don't let him be serious.
If this fellow is a gamer, he just contradicted himself. I've always maintained console gaming rots the brain. PC gaming, on the other hand, is the acme of cool.
I don't give a care about beliefs; mathematics and science- both of which are hated by the vast majority of the fundie population- should be used to determine which religions are right and wrong. Instead, we worry more about being theologically correct and trying to please the fundies than trying to use science. I wouldn't be surprised if the creationists tried to press legislation to remove the teaching of the scientific method from school.
One word. One SINGLE word turned this from making perfect sense to making none at all.
If you had only typed out "creationsists" not "evolutionists", you would have spared yourself. Alas, it's time to thin the herd, and you're the thinned, I'm afraid.
Right up to the last sentence I thought this was a rare secular fundie, oh well.
"mathematics and science should be used to determine which religions are right and wrong"
Okay dickwad, how? You see you've got this religion, and it's got a god, and this god can do absolutely anything that it pleases him to do. So when you say something along the lines of "scientifically it is not possible that...", the immediate answer is "The great Lolcat can do anything, even the impossible."
Or if you point out "this is mathematically impossible", they can reply "Almighty Lolcat changed mathematics to make it possible, then changed it back afterwards."
Or perhaps you might say "look at all this evidence for a natural explanation", and they answer "Lolcat the magnificent put that false evidence there to disguise his actions so that we might only know him by his divine words!"
You see, if you'd actually understood the scientific method, you'd have known that it can't really say anything about a god because gods are supernatural and science deals with the natural.
What I want to know is this- why in the FUCK is this retard fundie sheeple bleating on about something that has nothing to do with games ON a website dedicated only TO games?
Fundy word salad with bullshit dressing is just nasty.
... What? My mind is now officially boggled.
Why would a SCIENTIST try to eradicate the scientific method, the very practice which makes them a scientist?
I hate science, it gave me antibiotics which cured an infection.
Damn it to hell, now I'll never get into heaven because I didn't suffer horribly and die while praying.
I don't give a care about beliefs; mathematics and science- both of which are hated by the vast majority of the population- should be used to determine which religions are right and wrong.
I absolutely agree. Unfortunately, yours fails both litmus tests.
Instead, we worry more about being politically correct and trying to please the masses than trying to use science.
Also agreed. ID, for example, should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as science.
I wouldn't be surprised if the evolutionists tried to press legislation to remove the teaching of the scientific method from school.
Hmmm...as it is scientific, it wouldn't do well to do that, no.
"...mathematics and science- both of which are hated by the vast majority of the population..."
This must be a pervasive belief, seeing our nation's low global education rankings.
Math and science, given the chance, would conclude that there isn't a "right" religion. The experiment would then be scrapped, and we would go back to the old way to determine right and wrong religion: open warfare. Lather, rinse, repeat.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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