Brabantian #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

The Christmas Day bombing clearly targeted a building of telecommunications giant AT&T whose Nashville facilities are also believed to serve a major outpost of the US NSA National Security Agency there. The NSA has long been in rivalry with the CIA, and they are likely now on opposing sides in the Trump vs Biden election fraud controversy.
AT&T is said to have been ready to audit suspected US voting machines, questioning the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are backed by George Soros, partner in creating 'colour revolutions' along with the CIA for decades. The CIA-NSA rivalry runs very deep, and the blast on Christmas morning perhaps signalled that this war has now gone 'hot'. Its staging, with sounds of gunfire to draw police and a recording playing warning to evacuate the area before a huge explosion, seems professional.
Like his friend Assange, Snowden opposes 9-11 truth, covering for a CIA operation; whilst Snowden and his Rothschild friend Greenwald bash NSA surveillance, media-hyping the 'spying on us' which was long

This ties in to the Nashville bombing, with the CIA apparently angry that Trump has not pardoned these apparent CIA fakers, despite how the CIA-Soros apparatus seems knee-deep in USA election fraud.

The CIA-NSA battle reflects a wide split overall in US law enforcement, with most police and sheriffs and US Marshals, much of Homeland Security, and many rank-and-file military, all horrified at this last year of riots running wild, police being unfairly charged with murder, and George-Soros-funded prosecutors letting criminals out into the streets to advance the Bolshevik agenda of societal collapse



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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