Tom(Montalk) and Carissa #magick #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Join Tom and Carissa for an unprecedented drill down on consciousness, reality, and the Law of Attraction. This 8-part podcast miniseries aims to decipher the deepest and darkest mysteries of this Matrix construct.

Part 1: Consciousness, Synchronicity, and Manifestation

✧ What is "frequency" really?
✧ Exploring mind vs. matter
✧ Synchronicity vs. causality
✧ Examples of reality creation
✧ Understanding thoughtforms and the Demiurge
✧ Shaping probable futures through mindset

Part 2: Vibrational Matching, States of Consciousness, Manifesting Pitfalls

✧ Attracting like-minded individuals
✧ Contagious synchronistic numbers
✧ States of consciousness shaping reality
✧ Spontaneous invisibility
✧ Synchronization of multiple realities
✧ The pitfalls of manifesting from the false self
Part 4: Manifestation Modes, Realm Breaches, Quantum Entanglement, False Beliefs

✧ Specificity vs. generality
✧ Entities manipulating the subconscious
✧ When negative forces breach your realm
✧ Quantum entanglement & tangibility
✧ Monkey's Paw Principle
✧ Higher positive beings
✧ Rethinking necessity of suffering
Part 6: Targeting, Frequency Manipulation, Battle for Personal Sovereignty

✧ Gangstalking & paranormal harassment
✧ Personal frequency's role in attracting it
✧ Realm breaching as a step-by-step process
✧ Freewill occult warnings
✧ Black helos, MILAB handlers, and surveillance
✧ Shifting frequency to beat them

Part 7: Retro-causality, Probable Futures & Resonance, Symbolic Synchronicities

✧ Retrocausality
✧ Trans-temporal feedback loops
✧ Attracting probable futures through resonance
✧ Physics as programmed consciousness
✧ Dream weirdness vs. Fortean anomalies
✧ Precursor synchronicities
✧ Signs from the departed

Part 8: Dream vs. Simulation, Transcendence, and the Power of Divine Will

✧ Semiotic & Reflexive aspects of reality
✧ Etheric plane as "Matrix" code
✧ Superconscious beings beyond spacetime
✧ The purgatorial function of reality
✧ Myths that warn about misuse of power
✧ Transcendence through divine will



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