Sean Naughton/Sister Angela #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #crackpot #conspiracy

COMMENDATIONS <for Dr. Robert Sungenis>

Dear Robert, …While I’m writing let me say how grateful I am to you for all that you have taught me. And for the absolutely heroic work you do for the Church. Alongside Dr E. Michael Jones you are, quite literally, keeping the Catholic Church on the straight and narrow. To not only defend unfashionable and highly controversial teachings like geocentrism and supersessionism, but to do the research, master the content, and publish the evidence is nothing less than heroic.
- Sean Naughton (London)
"I hope your DVD’s on Geocentricism (“Journey to the Center of the Universe”) and also “How the world was created in 6 days” will be spread far and wide so that everyone can know and understand the truth that we are very specially centrally placed in the universe; and to understand how God really did create everything for man and did not just stand off and watch things happen from afar. It makes so much sense, and brings one closer to God.
- Sister Angela

"Who would have thought that the homo-pocalypse would be pocket-size and around 250 pages long. A work of art done at the height of mental capabilities, something that we will likely not see again, mostly because of the brain damage that Robert must have been endured by virtue of reading through the answered material. The mere thought of reading through several hundred pages of some pervert old man inserting his sexual fetishes into the Bible is enough to make me go mad, let alone having to dissect it to briefly explain why sentences like “the sky is blue” are not filled with deep, clear hidden sexual euphemisms.

Said answers are not only merciless and on-point, but are extremely funny. The wild beating of the homo-apology is given the tone of mockery and humiliation that it deserves. The collection of fun little facts about homosexuals, and the constant putrid homosexual scandals among the clergy is the cherry on top.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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