You truly are a mal-ignorant-poodle! The only thing going down in flames is your soul because you didn't accept Jeezus before you died. I hope you enjoy a thousand demons shoving pineapples up your ass. Maybe after you and Dawkins lock up all the peacful Christians, the Mulsems will move in and slowly saw your heads off.
God hates you for being an atheist because you are sending even more people to hell with your Devil's philosophy.
"...thousand demons shoving pineapples up your ass."
... well, (s)he's original, I'll give him/her that.
"The only thing going down in flames is your soul because you didn't accept Jeezus before you died."
Jeezus? Blasphemer! You're hellbound now boy.
"I hope you enjoy a thousand demons shoving pineapples up your ass."
Your threats are as empty as your head.
"Maybe after you and Dawkins lock up all the peacful Christians, the Mulsems will move in and slowly saw your heads off."
Ok, who put Dawkins in charge of incarcerating the Christians? He's supposed to be our propaganda mouthpiece. Someone at the E.A.C. has been screwing around with the assignments again, haven't they?
"God hates you for being an atheist because you are sending even more people to hell with your Devil's philosophy."
God hates you on general principle. Read your holy book if you don't believe me.
... I'm with SurfinSeaOtter. I mean, yes, OK, poodles are an embarrassment to the canine kind, but I wouldn't say they're malignant, exactly (assuming that's what this sadly illiterate waste of oxygen means). It's not their fault their hoomans make them look silly.
As for the rest - pftt. Can't be bothered. More important things to consider than this sort of twaddle.
"God hates you for being an atheist because you are sending even more people to hell with your Devil's philosophy."
And God is incapable or unwilling to stop me? What a n00b!
That's a new one.
And I'm pretty sure the pineapple thing came from a movie. How disappointingly unoriginal, for an ass who came up with mal-ignorant-poodle.
God hates you for being an atheist because you are sending even more people to hell with your Devil's philosophy.
I always thought that god is an all loving god, who commited even the worst his atrocities just because he loved mankind so much.
Looks like FlowCell admits that this isn´t the case ;)
You are all retarded, this is obviously a poe...FOR FUCK SAKE, WHO IS CHECKING THESE OUT FIRST?
This post has to be a joke and I'm basing that opinion on "FlowCell"'s spelling of Jesus. No fundie worth the name would dare to show the kind of disrespect to Christ that misspelling his name entails.
Just in case it's not a joke I'll say this about Dawkins: No matter what you think of his intellectual endeavors he'll always have one thing that the rest of us will eternally covet--he married Lalla Ward (Romana II from Doctor Who), the world's hottest piece of British ass.
Have any of you guys calling poe actually read the site? It's a youtube video for the KingTheist Party and their jackhole retarded plans (flat taxes, extorting money from occupied nations, etc. etc.). FlowCell is an attack dog in the comments section who is totally serious about all this.
No. It's not a Poe, it's just that retarded.
Poe. Or an excerpt from some vulgar sermon.
I don't favor locking up the peaceful Christians, or castigating the peaceful Muslims. In spite of their religions, they are good people.
Wow, this is very mean and malignant, but also hilarious. Evil, dumb poodles, 'strange' demons. Also Jeezus. LOL
Maybe after you and Dawkins lock up all the peacful Christians...
I can't speak for Dawkins, but I personally have no issue with the peaceful Christians. It's the batty, bloodthirsty ones I have issues with.
Do you own any wool sweaters? Ok.
Do you own any linen pants? Right.
Have you ever worn them TOGETHER????
ZOMG! You're goin' ta HELL!
(according to Deutoronomy 22.9)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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