George Clark #fundie

Science makes many presumptions to arrive at an age of 13.8 billion years for the universe. Such as, science assumes the speed of light is 186K miles a sec AND this has always has been a constant. But Genesis infers that initially light was infinite in speed and illuminated the universe without stars. God lowered the original speed of light so we could see stars at night that He made.

Secondly, science ignores all anomalies that contradict adverse issues. Such as, if the Earth were as old as you say like 4.6 billion years , then the oceans would be much more salty than they are. The inverse of the current rate of change in salinity places the age of the oceans at around 10,000 years.

The same is true for nickel powder from meteorites being deposited only on the outer edges of the Earth surface. If the Earth were billions of years old, you would find evidence of nickel at a much greater depth. But you don't.

I believe science that depends on truth, facts, and all data not just excluding evidence that conflicts with non-science suppositions.



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