Bill Charlton #fundie

When I was an atheist, I spent an inordinate amount of time & energy trying to disprove the Bible, God, Christianity, etc., and trying to discourage others from doing the same. It never occurred to me that, if it wasn't true, if it was just a stupid belief, then why was I SO obsessed with it, when there were so many other better uses of my time.
Obviously, the answer (which I eventually discovered) is that it's true... He's really our Creator. We didn't magically spring to life from some primordial ooze. Just look at the incredible complexity required for the simplest cell, or the fact that information could not have just appeared as complex DNA, the incredibly complex cell processes... all of it!
Do a sincerely honest and open-minded investigation of the scriptures (without falling for the critics accusations carte-blanche).
Join the many of us former atheists who were surprised at the results of a sincere look at the existence of God, the truth of the Bible, and the love of the One Who came to rescue us!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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