
EricNeoMatrix #psycho #moonbat friendlyatheist.patheos.com

[in response to another of Rick Wiles’ vaccine conspiracy theories]

Why do we even bother allowing bastards like this guy to live? They contribute nothing positive to society and are hell-bent on destroying us for their own sadistic amusement.

You know what we should do? We should kidnap antivaxxers like Wiles in the dead of night, forcibly inject them with a double dose of the Delta variant, and toss them in glass prison cells, where their slow and painful deaths will be televised. Not only would it be fucking hilarious to hear their gasps for air, but it’ll serve as a warning for anyone else who tries to lie about vaccines.

Deputy Jason Meade #fundie #psycho friendlyatheist.patheos.com

A recording of Meade’s remarks, delivered at a 2018 convention of the Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists, has brought religion to the forefront of a controversial police killing with opposing interpretations of the Gospel squaring off on Sunday mornings here in central Ohio. During those remarks, the SWAT officer described violence in the line of duty as a “righteous release.”

“I work for the sheriff’s office…. I hunt people — it’s a great job, I love it,” Meade told those in attendance. “I worked this job 14 years, you know I ain’t never been hit clean in the face one time? It’s a fact. It ain’t ’cause I’m so good… You know why? I learned long ago I gotta throw the first punch. And I learned long ago why I’m justified in throwing the first punch. Don’t look up here like, ‘Oh, police brutality.’ People I hit you wish you could hit, trust me.”

Soldiers of Jesus #fundie #psycho friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Jesus said “turn the other cheek,” but an evangelical Christian group called “Soldiers of Jesus” is taking over large swaths of Brazil, threatening religious minorities with death if they don’t convert. The Washington Post‘s Terrence McCoy has the disturbing story:

Priests have been killed. Children have been stoned. An elderly woman was seriously injured. Death threats and taunts are common. Gangs are unfurling the flag of Israel, a nation seen by some evangelicals as necessary to bringing about the return of Christ.

All of this is bolstered by a right-wing government that came into power on the backs of evangelical Christians who weren’t bothered enough by the blatant cruelty of President Jair Bolsonaro and a rise in Christian programming in the media that routinely paints non-Christians as villains. (It all sounds very familiar.)
These gangs in particular have broken into people’s homes, forcing them at gunpoint to destroy religious items that aren’t Christian. Religious leaders who practice a non-Christian faith have been forced to shut down their houses of worship or face death. So far, over 200 of these temples have been forced to close. There is no sign of this persecution stopping any time soon.

Until conservative Christians have the courage to call it out, no matter the country, it will never change. They’re too addicted to power to do the right thing.

Warren Hurst #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Warren Hurst, a member of the Sevier County Commission in Tennessee, said during a meeting last night that white man were losing their rights and that Pete Buttigieg shouldn’t be running for president because he’s gay.


“We got a queer running for president, if that ain’t about as ugly as you can get,” he said. “Look what we got running for president in the Democratic party. We can go over here to Hoss’s jail [Sevier County Sheriff] and get better people out of there than those running for democratic to be President of the United States.”


“I’m not prejudice, a white male in this country has very few rights and they’re getting took more every day,” said Hurst.

Pastor Stephen Phillips #fundie #conspiracy #quack friendlyatheist.patheos.com


…Because we have refused to adopt state mandated Covid guidelines, we have had our license to do business rescinded… Please feel free to convey your indignation and contempt to the Montgomery County Health Department and Governor [Ralph] Northam.

If you are not already aware, the entire Covid pandemic has been a hoax to establish an [sic] the anti-Christ Kingdom on earth. It is a direct assault against the Church and will be used to bring about a One World government…


…The coming vaccine is like none before it. It literally changes your DNA to protect you from viruses… Clearly it meets all the criteria and requirements of the Mark of the Beast…

Pastor Dan Burgoyne #crackpot #fundie #quack friendlyatheist.patheos.com

[Transcript of a video clip]

So, do you know what God equates as sin in the Bible? He equates poop, filth in the Bible.

No, this is not a brownie. No, this is not [a] Snickers bar. I own two Bullmastiffs in my life. This is Great Dane. Do you know how God sees — now this is important — Psalm 141:2: “May my prayer be set before you” — like what? — “like incense.” May the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrifices.”

Your sin, God says, has hidden My face from you so that I will not hear.

So when you come in, and you’re saying “God, the gods of my life compete with who You are, but I’m declaring that I belong to you,” God says “This is what I see!…”

[Sticks hands in poop]

“… And what I see comes up like incense before Me. And what’s going on in your soul, I can see in ways nobody else can see.”

And so you know what you say? “Oh, God creating me a clean heart and renewing me a right spirit and cast me not from Thy presence, and take not Thy holy spirit from me.”

And you got chunks coming off of your thumb and God is saying, “What do you want? Do you want Me or do you want you? Do you want your ways or do you want My ways? Because you can’t have what you’re getting the way you think you want it unless you’re gonna make Me the absolute priority of your life.”

And so God comes in, and He says, “I see these in your pores. I see the way you’re talking. I see the way you’re living. I see what it is that you’re doing. And I just want to tell you, child, I’m not the God who made the ear, the eye, and the mouth — and cannot hear and cannot see and cannot speak.”

Sheila Zilinsky #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

We BIND the strongmen assigned to Donald J. Trump in the mighty name of Jesus. We cut and bring to naught the power of the spirit of the witch, the wizards, the warlocks, the witch doctors, the magi, the debonators, all sorcerers, high priests… sending attacks against him and God’s people. We SEVER the silver cords of every spirit that’s astral-projecting, even human spirits.

In the MIGHTY name of Jesus, we cut off every ritual, custom, ceremony, curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, chant, evil spoken judgement, magic, evil prayer, dance, trance, animal and human sacrifices, drums, shells, beads, bones, candles, pins, nails, rituals, customs, voodoo, hoodoo, hooloo, joodoo, Santeria… Cut these supply lines off in the mighty name of Jesus!

Steven Anderson #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Over the weekend, a group of Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preachers held yet another cult meeting where they preached all different kinds of hate. Pastor Steven Anderson of Arizona’s Faithful Word Baptist Church, for example, delivered a rant against environmentalism, saying that God created the world for us, so there’s no reason to accept climate change as real, much less an existential threat.

He claimed Al Gore was trying to protect people who didn’t need protecting,

Along the way, he denounced activist Greta Thunberg as a “sniveling Swedish brat”:

[God] formed [the world] to be inhabited. If it’s not inhabited, there’d be no point. If this Earth were just this Earth, of just animals and flowers and trees and California condors and spotted owls and three-toed sloths, the whole thing would be a waste. It’s what the Bible says. If it’s not formed to be inhabited, then it’s in vain…

… the world’s gonna end. And we already know how it’s gonna end. It has nothing to do with the climate. It has to do with the Spirit. It has to do with an angry God, raining His wrath. So that’s why following after Al Gore is vanity. That’s why following Alexandra — whatever the “O” stands for — Cortez is vanity. And following that little sniveling Swedish brat is vanity!

This is the danger of irrational thinking. By dismissing all environmentalists — and experts who back up what they’re saying about our world — as liberals who have some secret anti-Christian agenda, they’re more likely to support politicians who are equally ignorant or short-sighted enough that they’ll pass bills exacerbating the situation.

The mockery of a child is just icing on the cake for these people. It’s only “persecution” when people mock them. Never the other way around.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Linda Harvey, the founder of Mission: America and a Christian who thinks straight people never engage in oral or anal sex, says that LGBTQ people can’t possibly celebrate Thanksgiving because they’re not thankful for anything.

ingratitude forms a core ingredient of the “LGBT” community, the pro-abortion movement, and the left in general…

The internet is replete with homosexual/transgender hostility toward parents, those who lovingly provided a home, allowance, support, and often college tuition, not to mention the child’s genetic heritage — and receive derision and scorn in return from sexually sinful or gender-deviant children.

The tears of these parents could fill a cathedral. God knows their pain.

Only straight pain matters, apparently. Harvey must have forgotten to mention the pain caused by Christian parents who torture their kids via conversion therapy or kick them out of the house over a same-sex relationship or gender identity issue.

In her mind, the only happy people in the world are the miserable wretches who spend their lives trying to force their will on everybody else. It’s a wonderful Thanksgiving for everybody except the people unlucky enough to have to sit next to people like her over the holiday.

John Merrill #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

How do you win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate if you’re from Alabama? Considering that Roy Moore came ever-so-close to doing it, we can safely say being a child molester doesn’t hurt.

But being a fan of Game of Thrones? That might do it.

AL Secretary of State John Merrill, who’s in that race, said over the weekend that TV is no good anymore because everything is gay gay gay.

Yellowhammer News reports that Merrill was asked to comment on the “shift in the culture”:

“[T]hat’s what we’ve allowed to happen,” Merrill said. “How have we allowed it to happen? There are no more good TV shows on like ‘Gunsmoke,’ ‘Bonanza,’ ‘The Virginian,’ ‘Andy Griffith,’ ‘I Love Lucy.’ We don’t have those shows anymore. We’re too interested in homosexual activities. We’re too interested in seeing how this family’s finding a way to mess on this family or to see how people are trying to date on TV, or having wife-swapping on TV. That’s what we watch. When we push back against that, and we quit allowing it to be in our homes — that’s how those changes have occurred because we’ve allowed them to slowly but surely come into our lives.”

Trashy TV has always been around, which is to say there are plenty of reasons to talk about what’s wrong with the medium. But it’s downright ignorant to pretend we’re worse off than we were several decades ago. What we have now are more creative outlets, with a more diverse array of characters, and an ability for creators to tell stories that were rarely, if ever, told in the past. That’s a huge plus, even if a bunch of shows aren’t to your liking.

Of course Merrill can’t deal with gay characters in TV, because that would require admitting gay people deserve some empathy as fellow humans. (Not every show with gay characters is all about sex, and plenty of “straight” shows are full of it.)
It’s also telling which shows Merrill holds up as the classics: the ones that featured a very uncomplicated sort of America that never truly existed. Not shows that challenged viewers or ever made them reach beyond their comfort zones. (Even I Love Lucy had the main couple sleeping in separate beds. Like normal married couples do.)

It’s exactly the sort of thing you’d expect from people who only ever claim to love one book.

When asked later what he meant by “homosexual activities,” Merrill didn’t get specific.

Asked to explain what he meant, Merrill said, “I meant what I said. People are too interested in anything that is not uplifting, edifying. They’re too busy being preoccupied with homosexual activities and the wife swap shows.”

He declined to give examples of how Americans are too preoccupied with “homosexual activities.”

He can’t give examples. He just knows homosexuality is evil. Isn’t that enough for you people?!

As we’ve said before, no one is more preoccupied with what gay men do in the bedroom than straight white conservative Christians. It’s all they ever think about.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Dave Daubenmire is the latest Christian Right activist to pile on after Democrat Pete Buttigieg answered a question from a nine-year-old boy about how he could be brave when it came to telling people he’s gay. (Buttigieg said the kid, just by asking the question, didn’t need any advice from him on bravery.)

Daubenmire made the comments on his “Pass The Salt Live” program yesterday, saying that Buttigieg should be punished for “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

“Fifty years ago, they would have thrown Buttfudge in jail for even bringing it up and talking about it in front of a young kid,” Daubenmire bellowed. “What ever happened to shame? Why didn’t his mommy put him in a headlock and drag him off the court? Where’s his daddy?”

One of the participants in Daubenmire’s show then piped up to say that someone in the audience should have demanded that the sheriff remove Buttigieg from the stage for “violating the moral code of our lives,” while another declared that the boy who asked the question “was probably molested by either mom or dad or some relative.”

For his part, Daubenmire couldn’t believe that we live in a society where “a possible presidential candidate [is] contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”
Remember this exchange whenever Christians say they’re fine with homosexuality, just not homosexual acts. That’s not true. They can’t handle gay people, period. And they’re delusional about when people realize their sexual orientation.

Daubenmire and his guests are far more upset about Buttigieg treating a gay child with compassion that anything Donald Trump has done to harm children, whether it’s separating refugee kids from their parents or serving as the worst role model in American history.

These Christians don’t give a damn. Their bigotry overrules any semblance of common sense.

Rick Wiles #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Notorious Jew-hater Rick Wiles, fresh from being booted off of YouTube for his Christian bigotry, would like the Chinese leader to know there’s a simple way to stop the recent deadly strain of coronavirus.

All he has to do is convert to Christianity and bring the Chinese people along for the ride.


You have a plague, Mr. Xi Jinping. You brought it on China. Now do the right thing and repent, and tell the Chinese people you are sorry, you made a mistake, you repent, and ask them to put up in their homes the painting of Jesus Christ.

Watch what happens if you do it! The plague will stop!

You, Mr. Xi, turn to Jesus. You give your heart to Jesus Christ. You repent of your sins. You believe on His name, and you lead China to the cross. Do it, Mr. Xi. Do it for your people. Don’t be a fool. Lead China to Jesus. Lead them to salvation. The plague will stop.

No pandemic has even been prevented because of Jesus. Hell, no single germ has been defeated because someone prayed for it. Anyone who believes prayer will stop a virus should be grateful that there are scientists around the world who understand the utter futility of prayer when it comes to solving a problem.
Honestly, I’m shocked that Wiles didn’t blame the virus on Jews, since that’s his usual M.O.

What’s surprising, though, is that Wiles thinks turning to God is the way to stop the virus considering he recently said God created it to wipe sin off the planet. It proves the old saying: Christianity is a solution to problems created by Christianity.

Ken Ham #fundie #dunning-kruger friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Creationists Are Mocking Flat Earthers for Not Understanding Science
By Hemant Mehta, June 3, 2019

Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness: Creationist Ken Ham says people who think the Earth is flat are being ridiculous because they aren’t basing their beliefs in science. And if they think the Bible supports them, it’s only because they wrongly choose which verses to quote as if that tells the whole story.

Someone should introduce him to a mirror.

His hilarious rant was prompted by a new documentary in which one group of scientifically illiterate fools tells another group of scientifically illiterate fools why they’re scientifically illiterate fools.

Now, before you contact us to tell us the earth is flat, first, please watch this documentary. We’ve thoroughly researched the supposed biblical and scientific pieces of evidence presented in favor of such a (wrong) view. It simply isn’t taught in Scripture, and the science doesn’t support it (although, sadly, many Christians are being convinced by cherry-picked data that only shows part of the whole story and out of context).

If you know someone in the flat earth movement, I encourage you to share this documentary with them. And if you’re part of it, I respectfully encourage you to humbly view this film and reconsider your position.

Ham also says people now ask him if he believes in a Flat Earth “all the time!” He doesn’t seem to realize it’s because when you promote fiction as science, you’re bound to draw in an audience that’s susceptible to bad arguments and distorted facts.

Anonymous Fundie #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Two weeks ago, the Westerville City Council in Ohio voted 4-3 to add sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to the list of classes receiving non-discrimination protection. It’s no longer legal to be denied housing or employment, for example, just because you’re LGBTQ.[…]

Council member Valerie Cumming voted in favor of that change, and she now says her family has been targeted by conservative activists as a result.

“On Sunday afternoon I arrived home from our Thanksgiving vacation to find that someone left a bag on my doorstep with two copies of an article titled ‘Democrats and their Coalition of the Damned.‘”

With a cover letter saying “Happy Thanksgiving from Your Neighbors,” the letter says “pro-choice women…should ask themselves, if I had crossed my legs instead of my fingers…” and refers to “…organized sexual deviants demanding acceptance of their perversions by the general culture.”

“There were two copies of it — one addressed to me, and one addressed to my children,” Cumming said…

One Million Moms #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

The evangelical Christian hate group One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,758) can’t believe that Disney just introduced its first LGBTQ character. They’re referring to the character Officer Specter, voiced by Lena Waithe, who is open about having a same-sex partner in the upcoming movie Onward.

The Moms can’t handle the existence of an openly gay character, because they see it as homosexual indoctrination. Which makes about as much sense as kids saying they want to become cyclops themselves because the same character has only one eye.

There have been numerous attempts by Disney to indoctrinate children with the LGBTQ agenda discretely [sic] and now more overtly…

Disney has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family friendly programming. Disney should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda.

Please share this with your friends and family to make sure they are aware of the gay character in Onward and not blindsided by it. As moms, we all want to know when Disney is attempting to desensitize our children by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.

It’s not clear what isn’t family friendly about the mere mention of a same-sex partner. Closing your eyes and covering your ears and pretending gay people don’t exist won’t make them go away.

Like it or not, children are going to have classmates with same-sex parents, or classmates who aren’t cisgender or straight. Representation of them on-screen acknowledges their existence. No one is forcing an orientation on viewers, just as the movie isn’t demanding that everyone accept those characters’ partners.

It’s telling that these Moms get overly outraged whenever gay characters appear in children’s programming considering they haven’t put out any press releases condemning the Trump administration’s separation of children from their parents. They don’t care about actual problems. Just ones they’ve created for themselves because they’re supposedly guided by their faith.

Franklin Graham #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

I was saddened to see the news that President Ronald Reagan’s son, Ron, Jr., is a self-proclaimed atheist, and proud of it. His father was certainly quite different — President Reagan had a deep faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. Ron, Jr., was in a television advertisement to raise money for the Freedom From Religion Foundation that aired during the Democratic debate this week and got a lot of attention. He boasted in the ad that he was a “lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.” Wow. It is, of course, his choice to believe or not to believe in God and His plan of salvation through Christ. But whether an individual “believes” in God, heaven, or hell doesn’t change the reality. The Bible tells us that hell is a place of torment, fire, and separation from God — and hell awaits those who do not repent of their sin and put their faith and trust in Christ. Let’s pray that Ron will know the saving love of Jesus Christ and turn to Him before it is too late.

Various Christian Cowards #fundie #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

There are many ways to respond inappropriately to someone else’s loss of a loved one, but the abuse received by Reverend Richard Coles, who lost his partner to an illness, takes “inappropriate” to a whole new level.

Coles is a musician, priest in the Church of England, and a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing (similar to Dancing with the Stars). He announced the death of Rev. David Coles last week:

I’m very sorry to say that @RevDavidColes has died. He had been ill for a while. Thanks to the brilliant teams who looked after him at @KettGeneral. Funeral details to follow. “The Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended”.

Given Richard Coles’ popularity, there was an outpouring of love and support, but not everyone was on the same page, as he explained days later:

99.99999% loveliness from people and then a small but lively correspondence from Christians who wish me to know that D is in hell and I will follow. It’s like the Khmer Rouge suddenly popping up in a stream of condolence.

He said: “A letter, courageously unsigned, begins: ‘Dear Mr Coles, I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am to hear of the death of your partner…’.”

In a follow-up tweet, he added: “It continues: ‘I have been praying for your pain for a long time now…’.”

Of all the terrible things to say to someone in mourning — “He’s in a better place now”; “This happened for a reason”; “I understand how you feel” — claiming happiness over someone’s grief might be the most cruel.

It’s unfathomable how any reasonable person could think that’s appropriate, much less loving. Especially if the goal is to somehow “convert” Coles to heterosexuality and/or a specific conservative denomination of Christianity. What on earth would he find attractive about such a group?

For his part, Coles seems to be handling the abuse with a degree of positivity:

A short while later he tweeted: “The horrible letters: they don’t touch me. I am right now an expert in pain, the real kind, and these are paper darts among the incoming, and just leave me mildly curious about the state of mind of the writer.”

He’s a good guy. It’s too bad he has to deal with miserable souls who have an urge to project their own pain onto someone else.

Dave Daubenmire #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Right-wing commentator Dave Daubenmire said on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast on Thursday that the idea of Mayor Pete Buttigieg becoming president was “wicked” because he happens to be gay.

What Buttigieg does in the bedroom is apparently disqualifying for the presidency, but Donald Trump is just fine despite the affairs, and cruelty, and corruption, and admitted sexual assaults.

Straightness is all that matters.

That’s not just our side saying that. Daubenmire literally defended Trump’s extra-marital sex life using the argument that his straightness made his sins more acceptable than Buttigieg’s.

… [Daubenmire] said that Buttigieg can never be allowed to become president because “if a man cannot figure out what to do with his sexual organs, he has no business being in the White House.”

“Donald Trump sleeping with a thousand women — I don’t know — is a perfectly normal human response, but immoral,” Daubenmire said. “But Mayor Pete Buttplug — I said that again on purpose — what he is doing is not only immoral, it’s unnatural, it’s a crime against nature. It doesn’t even make sense, yet people are actively considering allowing that man to be president of the United States. It’s beyond wicked.”

No one thinks more about what gay men do in the bedroom than white Christian men who preach against homosexuality.

Remember that Buttigieg is married and monogamous. President Obama was the same — and straight! — but that didn’t stop Daubenmire from condemning him every chance he had either.

The problem with Buttigieg, to these people, isn’t that he’s gay. It’s that he’s doing well enough among Democrats that there’s a chance he might actually win the White House. They’re afraid. So they’re attacking him in a way that’s designed to stoke fear and hatred among the GOP’s gullible, bigoted base.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

We are encompassed with a web of hatred for Christ and all things Christian and we don’t even see it. And the media points out when the black guy gets some discrimination, and the Jewish guy gets discriminated against, and the Muslim guy gets discriminated against, and there is not a lower class citizen in America than the Christian — strong Christian male. Not a lower class citizen in America than the strong-voiced Christian male.

Josef B. #fundie #psycho friendlyatheist.patheos.com

In the Netherlands, what appeared to be a farm house with one person inside has since been revealed to hold six other people ages 18 to 25, all of whom were hidden in the basement for the past nine years, apparently “waiting for the end of time.”

A 58-year-old Austrian man named Josef B was arrested after police discovered those six young adults, who may have been locked up downstairs since they were children. (News reports say it is “unclear” whether they were there voluntarily, but if their entrapment occurred nine years ago, none of them would have been old enough to give consent.)

The secret spot was only found after the eldest victim escaped during the night, went to a local bar, and asked for help.


The older man, who has been arrested, was initially assumed to be the father, but local mayor Roger de Groot later told reporters that was not the case. Nor was the man the owner of the farmhouse, Mr de Groot said, adding: “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy friendlyatheist.patheos.com

In case you’ve forgotten, since it’s been a minute or two, right-wing pundit Rick Wiles hates Jews. A lot. He’s already blamed them for impeaching Donald Trump, and now he says it’s their fault for rigging the app used in reporting the results of the Iowa caucus.

You want proof? Then you’re asking far more questions than Wiles ever has.

The pro-Israel owner of the Times of Israel newspaper, he’s backing homosexual mayor Pete Buttigieg, and he’s the money man behind this app?” Wiles asked his co-host, Doc Burkhart. “Are you suggesting the Israelis are influencing the election to have the Democrats nominate its first openly homosexual presidential candidate?

What happened last night was weird, and we have already pointed out there is an Israeli connection,” Wiles said later in the program. “They might accuse me of being anti-Semitic for saying it, but the truth is there is an Israeli connection to the app that bombed last night in Iowa. But you’re not allowed to say these things. Everybody is being censored now. By who? The same people who are doing this stuff.

Though Wiles’ anti-Semitism is almost comical in its lack of originality — he just had to throw in a money reference to check off more boxes on his Bingo card — his ability to jump to a conspiracy theory when pure incompetence makes far more sense is all too common.

David Fowler #fundie #homophobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

This week, every single one of the 95 county clerks in the State of Tennessee received threatening letters accusing them of breaking the law and violating civil rights… all for doing their jobs by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The letters in question came from David Fowler, a practicing lawyer who is deeply involved in efforts to challenge the 2015 Supreme Court decision that made same-sex marriage legal across the United States of America.

As general legal counsel for the Constitutional Government Defense Fund, an initiative run by Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT), he was involved in the state’s earliest challenges the Obergefell ruling. Currently, he’s also partnering with Tennessee Independent Baptists for Religious Liberty (TIBRL) as they file a legal challenge against the Tennessee Department of Health, claiming ministers’ conscience rights are being violated when the government requires them to sign marriage certificates that “define marriage without regard to the sex of the two parties.”

That case appears to have inspired him to send the letters, which refer repeatedly to the TIBRL case, using dense, intimidating legal language to implicate county clerks in a violation of his clients’ civil rights:

The Department’s Certificate is inextricably tied to the marriage license issued by County Clerks that, according to Tenn. Code Ann. 36-3-103(a), is the legal document that actually authorizes my clients to solemnize the marriages they conduct by ceremony… However, the issuance of licenses by county clerks to persons other than a “male and female contracting party” as stated in Tenn. Code Ann. 36-3-103(a)(1) presents my clients with a grave civil rights issue of conscience under the Tennessee [Constitution], Article I, section 3, as well as a grave civil rights issue under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution regarding the free exercise of religion and government-compelled speech.

Confused? That’s probably the goal.

In conversation with noted LGBTQ news outlet The Washington Blade, Fowler described his intentions:

The purpose of the letter was simply that which was stated, to call to the attention of our county clerks the constitutional fact that the provisions in our state constitution applicable to marriage licenses have not been enjoined by a court or repealed by vote of the people, meaning they have not been excused from complying with it and, because they are purely administrative officials, they have no judicial authority to interpret the U.S. Constitution or the Tennessee Constitution, or to interpret licensing statutes in light of the language in the two Constitutions and the Obergefell ruling. They are not judges.
Neither are all of us, but we have to follow the law, too.

In any case, Fowler is just admitting that he wants to make county clerks nervous that they might be falling afoul of the law if they continue to do their jobs as they’ve been instructed.

It’s true that, as it currently stands, the state’s Constitution defines marriage as existing only between one man and one woman and insists that any other understanding of marriage is “void and unenforceable.”

However, following the historic Obergefell v. Hodges decision on marriage equality, even the state’s attorney general, Herbert Slatery, acknowledged that Tennessee was legally obligated to abide by the Supreme Court’s decision — a fact that Fowler neglected to mention in his letters. It’s the same reason that some states have constitutional provisions blocking atheists from holding public office even though those laws are all unenforceable.

According to Chris Sanders, president of the Tennessee Equality Project, Fowler’s letters amount to little more than a bad-faith attempt to undermine settled law:

We are well aware that some continue to look for ways to deny and ignore the plain meaning of the Obergefell ruling and the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Marriage equality is equal protection of the laws, and it is the law of the land.

It’s hard to avoid the impression that Fowler is playing with emotional manipulation here. He’s sent county clerks hefty packets with an important-looking letter full of hard-to-parse jargon, backed up by no less than five enclosures packed with legalese, and he’s playing on understandable fears of repercussions in the hope that maybe, somewhere in Tennessee, some LGBTQ couple will have a harder time getting a marriage license because of him.

Does he seriously believe this is what Jesus would have done? (Does it even matter to people like him?)

Dave Daubenmire #racist friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Proving yet again that right-wing commentators who wrap themselves in religion have plenty of other problematic beliefs as well, Dave Daubenmire said on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast yesterday that he went to the zoo with his daughter… and therefore he still opposes interracial marriage.

… You don’t see eagles marrying buzzards, do you? You don’t see it happening.

… It is unbelievable, right? And it doesn’t have any idea… with your dignity as a human being…. Somebody help me out here. Maybe, I don’t know, at the zoo last night, I don’t think I saw one Oriental married to a black guy. I don’t think… that may have been… you don’t see it… you don’t see it. You don’t see it…

… Randy, I was actually even thinking last night when I was looking in the aquarium. All the different fish that are swimming in there together. But you know what, Randy? The guys who take care of the aquariums keep certain fish out of that aquarium, don’t they? Because they know if they put the wrong one in there, he’s gonna eat everybody else! So they segregate even in the aquarium. Isn’t that something?

I can’t believe I need to say this, but the reason eagles and buzzards don’t marry, and the reason “certain fish” are kept away from others, is because they’re different species.

Humans with different color skin are, believe it or not, still humans.

Daubenmire doesn’t understand this because he refuses to learn a thing about science. But that won’t stop him from pontificating about why different races ought to be segregated. Like the good Christian that he is.

Skyler Wheeler #transphobia friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Last week, a transgender flag flew atop the Iowa Capitol building in honor of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, making it the first state to do that. Some conservative Christian lawmakers, of course, weren’t happy. Some, like State Rep. Skyler Wheeler, went so far as to call the symbolic gesture part of a “rainbow jihad.”

He made the comments to a right-wing publication:

“I found out the same time as most Iowans,” he said. “Nothing was sent to my legislative email, no phone call, absolutely nothing. It’s another way that the Rainbow Jihad continues to give those of us who don’t agree with them a finger in the eye and push their beliefs on us.”

“Flags flown at our state Capitol should not be flags that fuel division among Iowans,” Wheeler said. “How would the Rainbow Jihad react if we were trying to fly the Christian flag over the state Capitol? The Rainbow Jihad is not OK with simply living their lives. They are so hellbent on pushing their beliefs on us that they would go so far as to fly that flag over the state Capitol. It’s one of the most egregious acts of political aggression I’ve ever seen.”

It’s unclear how a trans flag pushes anything on anyone… other than the idea that we should pay respects to trans people who have died because of who they are. Apparently, that violates Wheeler’s beliefs. Unlike a Christian flag which is meant to suggest government favoritism of a particular religion, directly violating the First Amendment, the trans flag is simply a statement of respect.

And while Wheeler and fellow Republican State Rep. Dean Fisher are complaining, Iowa Safe Schools, which requested that the flag be flown, went through all the proper procedures to have their request approved, including petitioning the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. The flag flew for a grand total of five minutes.
That was too much for Wheeler, who thinks that’s tantamount to terrorism.

Wheeler, by the way, is no stranger to irrational statements promoting his beliefs. Two years ago, he defended an anti-science bill by insisting climate change and evolution were “just theories.” He also co-sponsored a bill allowing public schools to teach Bible classes, but shot down an amendment allowing similar classes for the Qur’an because “the Bible is different.” So there.

But a trans flag flying for five minutes? That’s “one of the most egregious acts of political aggression” ever.

Paula White #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

… I’d had three dreams, and in those three dreams, we flew out on a Monday morning at that 6:00 flight. I land at 8:30 and I was going into surgery at 9:30. And I didn’t tell anyone this, but in three dreams, I saw my leg getting amputated.

And I said, “Lord” — and I know it wasn’t a fear, it wasn’t anything else — I said “something’s not right today.” And I’m sitting there, and they go in, they put the IV in me, etc. And all of a sudden, I said to the doctor, I said, “Sir,” I said, “How long?” Meaning how long will the surgery be? And he said, “Oh, we’re just waiting. They changed the anesthesiologist.”

And the moment he said that, I turned to [husband] John, I said, “Grab my phone right now.”

John goes back in the office, grabs my phone, and all of a sudden, a prophet that’s a very dear friend calls me from Ghana, and said, “Mom, you’re on a table right now. Get the IV out of your arm. There’s a demonic timeline to try to take your life.”

I looked at the doctor, I said, “Get me off of this table right now.” I’m going in surgery! Is this not true, baby? John’s looking at me like I’m crazy, but he knows when I hear the Holy Spirit, there’s nothing you can do. I looked at him, I said, “Sir, you’re not going to understand this, but I’m about to save your practice, and I’m about to save my life.” I said, “Because they have intercepted, and there’s a demonic timeline to take my life today, and God had confirmed it to me through three dreams, and I had not said a word to anybody. The Prophet calls up, and he says, ‘Mom, you’re laying on this’ and there’s a demonic, he said you can have surgery but not on this day.”

And I knew. And I said “Get this IV out of me!” And they said, “Oh, we’ll get your regular anesthesiologist. He’ll come at 2:00.” I said, “Get the IV out of my arm, or I’m ripping it out of my arm. You can’t do surgery on me today!”

Rick Wiles #racist #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Right-wing pundit and professional anti-Semite Rick Wiles, who recently said COVID-19 was homophobic, isn’t even in his studio right now but that hasn’t stopped him from blaming Jews for anything he can.

On last night’s ”TruNews” episode, he sent a message to Israel that COVID-19 was infecting synagogues — they’re closed in Israel due to the virus — because Jews oppose Jesus Christ.

Stay out of those things,” Wiles said of the synagogues. “There’s a plague in them. God’s dealing with false religions. God’s dealing with those who oppose his son, Jesus Christ. He’s dealing with the forces of Antichrist. There is a plague moving upon the Earth right now, and the people that are going into the synagogues are coming out with the virus.

It’s spreading in Israel through the synagogues,” Wiles continued. “God is spreading it in your synagogues! You are under judgment because you oppose his son, Jesus Christ. That is why you have a plague in your synagogues. Repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ, and the plague will stop.

Keep in mind most churches have closed, too. But Wiles seems to think the virus hates Jews as much as he does, and that converting to Christianity will somehow end the pandemic.

It’s bad enough Wiles doesn’t understand science. He’s using that ignorance to be a bigot in other ways.

Remember: Rick Wiles still gets press credentials for White House briefings.

“Jaime”, Francine Fosdick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Christian radio host Francine Fosdick, last seen on this site because a guest on her show falsely claimed the Red Cross was turning to human trafficking for blood donations, aired a prayer during her show that former First Lady Michelle Obama would be exposed as a man.

(She’s not even the first person this month to make that absurd suggestion.)

This prayer came courtesy of “Jaime,” a guest on the show.

“Father, I thank you for exposing all of the corrupt book deals, not only Obama’s, but Joe Biden’s, Michelle’s,” Jaime continued. “And speaking of Michelle, today ABC just had an article saying that she’s been named the most admired woman in the world for the second year in a row. Father, I am asking you that whatever plan they have to have Michelle or Hillary [Clinton] run for president, we call that cancelled in Jesus’ name. And I am asking you Father that the true identity of Michelle — Michael — would be exposed. Father, I am asking you that that whole family, that those children — they are not their children, they’re the children of Obama’s best friend — Father, we ask you that that whole lie would be exposed for the everyday person to see it, in Jesus’ name.”

Leave it to the worst kind of person to ask God to “expose” a complete lie. (Where Jaime got this information is anyone’s guess.)
Considering the Obamas are no longer even in the White House, this all seems rather overblown anyway. But since none of the doomsday predictions that conservative extremists made about the Obamas came true — no mass persecution of Christians, no round-ups for preaching — I guess they have to resort to this nonsense to avoid embarrassment. Even if we blow it off, there are people — somewhere — eating it up.

For what it’s worth, every display of faith made by Obama was far more genuine than what conservative Christians have seen from Donald Trump. And all that without hush money payments or a fervent desire to begin World War III to distract people from impeachment.

David Barton #fundie #pratt friendlyatheist.patheos.com

During an interview with the Mighty Oaks Foundation’s Chad Robichaux, Christian pseudo-historian David Barton said that the federal government shouldn’t have anything to do with handling COVID-19.


Barton has already praised Donald Trump for refusing to heed the advice of medical professionals and claimed that anyone who fears the virus isn’t Christian enough.

But now he’s insisting that federalism requires the federal government to stay out of national disasters.

“The Constitution puts all health care at the state level; it does not put it at the federal level,” Barton said. “So this was not a federal question; it is a state question. In the Constitution, you have 17 what are called enumerated powers. The Constitution says, ‘Federal government, here’s 17 things you’re allowed to do.’ And then in the 10th Amendment, it says if it’s not one of those 17 things, it belongs to the states to deal with. Health care was one of those issues.”

Matt Powell #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

I believe if we study history — you know, the Confederates were able to shoot pterodactyls. You know, back in the Civil War. And they spread these things out. Anybody can look it up online. They spread these things out, and— this is a historical fact. So, you know, they spread this thing out and it’s got huge wing-length. It’s a pterodactyl they shot! So of course these things have been around. Now they went extinct, obviously. Slowly but surely. And so I don’t believe that just because— at some point in time, coming from your perspective, that— just because they stopped talking about it means that they never saw it. When we have all this evidence that they’ve seen it.

Charlie Kirk and Eric Metaxas #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

In a bizarre conversation in which both participants have no clue what they’re talking about, conservative activist Charlie Kirk and Christian author Eric Metaxas talked about atheism while building all kinds of men made out of straw.

You can hear it around the 50:32 mark:

KIRK: … I go as far to say that atheism, in certain senses, can be a religion, and people disagree at this. They say, “Well, Charlie they have no theology.” I say, “Hold on a second. Atheists have a agreed upon belief in afterlife: nothing. They have agreed upon belief in a deity: nothing. And they proselytize and evangelize moreso than Christians do.”

I get more people approaching me to try to convert to atheism than almost any Christian does. And there’s a lot of different reasons for this, but I always challenge the atheist, I say, “If you actually believed what you say you believe, why does it matter? You got like 38 years and five days left, and then you’re just a clump of cells, dust, and then you’re gonna deteriorate into the abyss. You should live it up. You should do as much drugs and indulgence as you possibly can.”

And atheists are divided into two different buckets. There’s agnostics who call themself atheist because they think it’s punk rock. Then there’s deeply unhappy people that have been scarred by religion, and they think they’re too smart for religion, and I say there, I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. I think it takes unbelievable philosophical calisthenics to believe this is all just an act of randomness. In fact, I think it’s actually rooted in hubris.

METAXAS: Actually, I have been talking about this a lot lately. I actually believe it’s… Let’s put it this way: If God created the universe — which He did — and if He created us in His image — which He did — it is effectively, demonstrably impossible to live as though He didn’t exist. So when people talk about that, it’s a lot of words. There is no one who has the ability to actually live that way… When you have people talking about that, and… they’re implying that everything is random, life has no meaning, there is no good and evil, they don’t live that way, and they don’t dare live that way…

Their mistakes are so obvious, you would find good rebuttals on the first link in any Google search of their arguments.
But just to state the obvious, atheism isn’t a religion any more than “off” is a TV channel. Being a fan of your local sports team is far more “religious” than atheism is. We’re not nihilists either. Many atheists have personal philosophies about why they want to make the world a better place and why they want to do good — hurting other people and hurting ourselves would get in the way of all that. You don’t need fear of the supernatural to be a decent person.

To pretend life is only “randomness,” or to equate atheism with cockiness, or to assume atheists have nothing to live for means Kirk has never actually read about or spoken to them. He just makes up his own reality, then shares it like it’s gospel.

A lot of atheists are vocal because we have to be. As white evangelical Christians control the government and right-wing conservatives push idiotic arguments for public policy that hurt many Americans, it’s important to speak out about the harm both groups cause.

Metaxas, of course, believes everything Kirk is saying, and then proceeds to use that straw man to suggest real atheists don’t exist because they can’t possibly live that way. (It’s true. Those atheists don’t exist because the two guys just conjured them up out of nowhere.)

It’s not the first time Metaxas has perpetuated these myths about atheists.

He once wrote a book about “miracles” — which included things like the fine-tuning argument and the improbability of life, which have been countered and rebutted many times over — and then said of his critics that they exhibited a “real intolerance and a lack of open-mindedness.” More recently, he claimed that a solar eclipse was proof of God.

But evangelical Christians, who treat him like a supposed intellectual, rarely push back on any of this. Like Kirk, they just accept the lies because listening to actual atheists is apparently never an option.

Jonathan Shelley #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

— [Kids are] going to continue being more rebellious, more mocking, more arrogant, more prideful. You see, it’s never enough. They just want to keep mocking their parents and disobeying their parents. You’ve got to squash out the rebellion in your child.

You know you could squash rebellion in a public school today? Take the rebellious one out and stone him. I bet they’d shapen up pretty quick. I bet they’d figure out, “Maybe I should hearken under the authorities in my life.” And we see, unfortunately, our society is continually destroying itself, because [all of these] rebellious, arrogant, prideful teenage jerks that just don’t want to hearken to their parents, you know, and God said they should be put to death.

The guy that’s the lazy gamer, “I don’t want to get a job. I just want to play video games all day and drink alcohol with my buddies,” that guy should be put to death.

You know what? As a young man, you should be able to work! And you should work hard! And you should be sober! And the man that’s not going to do that, God says, “Well, I think you’re worthy of death.” That’s pretty serious.

Now obviously, in this society we live in today, this would never happen, right? America, this isn’t happening. You can’t take your child up to the government and say, “Look, this guy won’t listen to us, hearken to us.”

But here’s the thing. When man fails to execute God’s judgment, do you think God’s just gonna let that go? God will repay. When man fails to put someone to death, God will take care of it. And if you’re a stubborn and rebellious child, you better be careful every single step you take—

Diamond and Silk #conspiracy friendlyatheist.patheos.com

Now, I know that [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]’s worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature. Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It’s a absolutely no for us.

Bill Charlton #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

When I was an atheist, I spent an inordinate amount of time & energy trying to disprove the Bible, God, Christianity, etc., and trying to discourage others from doing the same. It never occurred to me that, if it wasn't true, if it was just a stupid belief, then why was I SO obsessed with it, when there were so many other better uses of my time.
Obviously, the answer (which I eventually discovered) is that it's true... He's really our Creator. We didn't magically spring to life from some primordial ooze. Just look at the incredible complexity required for the simplest cell, or the fact that information could not have just appeared as complex DNA, the incredibly complex cell processes... all of it!
Do a sincerely honest and open-minded investigation of the scriptures (without falling for the critics accusations carte-blanche).
Join the many of us former atheists who were surprised at the results of a sincere look at the existence of God, the truth of the Bible, and the love of the One Who came to rescue us!

Bruce Mejia #fundie friendlyatheist.patheos.com

You know, obviously, this already passed yesterday, but Halloween. And I know many sermons have been preached on this, but this ticks me off. The pastors — these supposed men of God — never touch this with a ten foot pole! They don’t talk about it at all!

They don’t want to preach against it. You know why? Because their kids are out there going — I was going to say soul winning — Halloweening. You know, their kids are the ones dressing up like devils. Worshipping the devil on the 31st. So they’re too scared to say anything from the pulpit regardless of that because it’ll make them look like what? Like hypocrites. Well, guess what? They’re already hypocrites! Because they’re letting their kids do it. Aww, they’re just trying to have fun. You know what? Sodomites want to have fun, too. Does that make it right, what they do?

So don’t give me this, it’s nothing bad. It’s the Devil’s night!

Well everyone’s doing it. So what? If that person jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? No.

So we as Christians, when this stuff comes around, we need to be the ones who are casting down that imagination and say, “Sorry to crash the party, Christians. But your trunk-or-treat is wicked.” “Sorry to, you know, crash the party on this whole fun you’re having here, I know you already bought your Frozen costume, but trick-or-treating— is wicked as hell, and you’re worshipping Satan actually, and your daughter is dressed like a whore, because that girl in Frozen is a whore. Sorry to crash the party on you about that. She’s not a princess. She’s a whore.”

And every princess from Disney is a rebellious girl who has forsaken her leader, her fathers, okay? She’s forsaken the covenant of her youth. She’s not under authority. And she’s teaching every single person who’s watching her to be the same! Sorry to rain down on your parade, but I’m just here to cast doubt on this stronghold and just kill the party. Okay?

But you know what that’s called? That’s called a reality check that people need. And pastors hate that stuff. They hate when this one pastor or these two pastors get up and they say these things. Well, whether you hate it or not, you know, I hate every false way! So— You pastors need to get right with God and put these children in subjection with all gravity, and say “We’re not doing Halloween anymore.” You know, “I’ll order you a pizza if you want, for the 31st, but you ain’t going nowhere. We’re not doing this. It’s the Devil’s holiday.