Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy
SO the question is WHAT IS THE DELAY? According to my sources it’s the RIGHT TO ISSUE that resides with the Basel Switzerland families (and off planet Anunnaki) who will not relinquish control…
Since you are revealing the close relationship between Nixon and Trump you must be aware of how haunted Nixon was over the Bay of Pigs because it involved our dealing with the Greys and Reptilians and the fact we were dealing with an adversarial group of off-planet races. Your drive to continue secrecy about the ET presence and influence on our planet..which includes the Alien AI threat further endangers humanity. The longer you and the White Hats continue your lack of disclosure to the American public about the real threats, the fact that Trump is still President and CIC the more in-roads our off-world enemies are able to make.
You and your Generals need to realize that AI’s can be infiltrated and it is likely the one you are using is as well. If you see the Courtney Brown remote viewers are all seeing a Galaxy-wide infiltration by a an Alien AI who not only controls the Reptilians and Greys but has an insatiable drive to expand its control into the Milky Way Galaxy and specifically Earth.
Is anyone listening? Some people don’t want to know about the aliens or the AI. They prefer to stay in the dark and only hear “positive stories”. Hiding their heads in the sands of time. Too bad. The future is now. We are the ones we have been waiting for. If you and your friends and family wake up to the true reality… like a light bulb the Earth will start BEAMING OUT INTO SPACE and all the other races, dimensions and densities will sit up and take notice. Maybe we will gain a few friends in the process to combat the threat of AI (Borg Genesis) takeover.