Nona_Biba & jelliknight #transphobia
RE: Do they actually believe their own bullshit?
(Nona_Biba )
IMO if they REALLY believed their own bullshit, they wouldn't need to insist on blocking terfs and "terfs DNI" and things like shinigami eyes. I think most of them deep down know that we're right, and that's why they don't want to hear from us. I know that the earth is round. Do I care enough to block flat earthers from my social media? No, because I am confident I am right. Those loons won't be able to convince me no matter what they say.
A trans person's identity is fragile because it's built on lies. And they know it's a lie, so they don't want to hear from us lest we remind them that they estranged their family and friends and possibly altered their body for a lie. Like they may have ruined their lives so they could live a lie. I don't think I'd want to be reminded of reality if I were in their shoes either.
PS- where are the block lists for racists and white nationalists? Where are the block lists for incels and misogynists? trans people are far from the most oppressed people in the world, why are they the only ones who care enough to censor people who disagree with them from the internet?
They can't literally believe their own claims. They do not believe they are literally female in the same way Catholics do not believe they are literally eating the body of a deadman. They SAY they believe it literally, but they arent actually tasting flesh.
They know 100% that they are not any kind of woman. Its wilful suspension of disbelief, like when people watch professional wrestling. Everyone knows that everyones pretending but saying so ruins the fun.