Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 19:44 and ending around 22:03 of a 36-minute video)
"(This is also perpetuated by 'gender-critical feminists', referencing Alison Bailey's inappropriate and borderline pedophilic comment about 'breasts that have never known a lover's caress' while talking about underage FtMs)" that line of the heroic Alison Bailey comes from her keynote speech at the LGB alliance conference in London last year. I was in the audience, when she made it, and it was electrifying. Fortunately you can see the whole thing on Youtube. I'm just going to show the tiny bit Taln refers to

up and down the country and around the world girls are removing breasts that have never known a lover's caress

. there are many horrific consequences of the dissemination of gender ideology, but the amputation of healthy body parts and other irreversible interventions on young people, female or male, underage or not, is surely the worst. I find it impossible to imagine, what it must be like to do this when you're so young, you haven't even had a relationship and then to regret it. Is it possible to sink any lower, than to call Allison's comment, designed to raise awareness in a way that will strike a chord with all decent and humane people, inappropriate and borderline pedophilic? And he doesn't say why he thinks this, because he doesn't think it. Really, this is one of the cultists tactics, to throw out any old shit and hope it sticks. That's why we get called bigots and fascists and white supremacists. It's a bit hard, to make any of those stick on a black lesbian feminist. so let's go even lower, Hey Taln.

I'm skipping the next bit where he again invokes the patriarchy in a manner that suits his purpose and he mansplains what intersectional feminists should do. Obviously he's not going to acknowledge, that transgenderism is one of the worst forms of the patriarchy, because of how it obscures power relations between men and women and turns victims into oppressors and vice versa.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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