[Pat Robertson stated that the acceptance of homosexuality could result in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombings and "possibly a meteor"]
You have a problem with this? Why, you think that people can just do whatever they want to do and not have to pay a price for it? If you look on the internet you will see a sex industry established in Thailand. It should be no surprise to anyone the disasters that they have recently had there.
Ahhh yes fundy logic. We're so important nothing could've preceded us. Cue insane, abberant creation myth. Hmmmm, all these bizarre climactic conditions occur, well the sun being pushed across the sky we wont mention because we worship the cloud God who sits up on high and punishes us when we're bad.
Every country has a sex industry - why don't the desert ones ever get hurricanes? Why don't the areas away from fault lines never receive Earthquakes? Why are the Greek party islands blessed all year round with good weather? Why hasn't God struck you down for being the world's stupidest douchebag?
<<< It should be no surprise to anyone the disasters that they have recently had there. >>>
Living on a fault line and near the ocean, you're right, it isn't a surprise. But that has nothing to do with the sex industry there.
I'm frequently amused that Xians think that their omnipoent, omniscient, good & loving God works with such blunt instruments as tsunamis and hurricanes. "God" is angry about the sex industry in Thailand so he sends a tsunami to indiscriminantly wipe out a couple hundred thousand persons with no connection to the sex industry. "God" is unhappy with the wanton behaviors in the French Quarter, so he wipes out the 9th ward.
"Why hasn't God struck you down for being the world's stupidest douchebag?"
Julian - God is trying to strike him down, but he keeps missing. That's why so many innocent people are struck by lightning each year..
I can't remember the last hurricane we had in The Netherlands. Earthquakes stay away pretty much to, all qwe get is those little ones that make your coffee cup shake a little. And even those are quite rare if you don't live in Groningen near the gas fields.
The last large flood was in 1953 and back then we didn't even have legalized abortions, euthanasia, gay marriages or any of that creepy liberal stuff.
Maybe it is because god loves to smoke a joint in Amsterdam every once in a while. He probably shows that to us by not wiping us of the face of the planet. And peronally I think smoking a joint is a far better reason to be forgiven than a bloody sacrifice of relatives.
Ah, so the point isn't that God hates sin. He just hates fault zones, tornado alleys, flood plains, and hurricane sweep zones.
Seriously, how is it that these people cannot wrap their heads around the concept of NATURAL disaster? It just boggles the mind that they think the entire world runs on magic!
~David D.G.
I hate tobe a pedantic dick(who am I kidding?), but if it hits Earth, it's a meteorite , not a meteor.
Pat Robertson, you fail at astronomy.
whys the bible belt get all the big bad storms then?
Obviously to many homos
Pat Robertson is the definition of "false prophet"
had your chance for a good old days stoning and you idiots blew it!
So, yet again, God kills many to kill off a few...and likely missed them altogether.
For an omnipotent entity, he has CRAPPY aim.
no surprize to Climatoligists or Geoligists anyway.
Why wasn't Germany shut down by some disasters in, oh 1936. That woulda cleaned out some evil, wot?
natural disasters are called natural for a reason
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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