Dakota Lawson #fundie facebook.com

(Context: Still going on about a gay couple in a popular kids cartoon called "The Loud House".)

Dylan Jones: Spare me the pretentious lecture. You can't prove God any more than I can prove the existence of aliens. No more of this. Thank you.

Dakota Lawson: Then, at least, be weary. Do not be lead away from the flock and into the wilderness. For there, the "wolf" waits for any, who believe they have no fear, to be lead into its teeth. I pray that you, one day, see what we see. Good day and God bless you.

Dylan Jones: Dakota Lawson that's the biggest crock of bull I've heard all day.

Dakota Lawson: Dylan Jones It's metaphorical.

Dylan Jones: A very pretentious metaphor.

Dakota Lawson: But it's truth. And you deny it with doubt and pride. Now THAT is pretentious, even for you. You deny everything just to avoid a form of conflict; but I don't have that fear. The LGBT lives in fear and blasphemy through selfishness and pride. Eventually, this "trend" will fade away like the rest of them. Like I said before: God bless you.

Dylan Jones: That's disgusting what you just said. And who gave you permission to impose your worship of an unproven God upon anybody here, most especially of LGBT individuals?

Dylan Jones: I don't think you realize the level of hate and prejudice in what you wrote. Some god you choose to follow kid. Shameful.

Dakota Lawson: Like Denver said: Good will be seen as Evil and Evil will be seen as Good. It is shown that you let Desire conquer Reason. And that is why the LGBT is one of the most politically dangerous community to the Christian faith.



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