Gymcelled #sexist

[Brutal] [STUDY] Bullies are more attractive, are rewarded with more sex, more relationships, more popularity, access to more economic and physical resources

Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis

if a guy slams your face in to the concrete and shoves you in to the lockers in front of your crush, she now sees you as weak and pathetic and the chances of her wanting to be your girlfriend are pretty much down the drain. if a guy does that to you in front of his crush, he’s not going to be worried that she won’t want to date him anymore, if anything it benefits him because he showed that he’s a physically strong “alpha male”. simple logic. but bluepilled copers still think there’s nothing to how other people perceive you except for how “nice” you are

Women reward and respect men who can unleash violence and destruction upon other men it's really that simple. And the opposite is true for those who are the recipients of that violence

Not shocked at all. Bully is the alpha who fucks. Bullied is the beta who buxx. Or stays an incel (omega male). Bullying is also there to prevent incels from trying and spreading their genes. This is why adults and teachers are allowing for it, 100%.

I remember reading some posts years ago about teachers admitting online that they fucking hate the kids who gets bullied and pretend like they don't see it, deep inside they're actually cheering and when the kid asks for help they do the absolute minimum if anything at all. As enraging as it is, at least it explains a lot of things. Tbh if we couldn't get empathy from people our age, why would we assume that teachers would be different? They were normies who almost certainly stood by or participated in the bullying when they were younger



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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