[I'm saying that not all gay couples practice anal sex, that you don't have to be gay to take it up the ass and that there is several ways to tango.]
so your saying that people that are in heterosexual relationships want anal sex ?
I really don't believe that, In many of my relationships I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway
but if a man wants to give his wife or girlfriend anal that eather makes him physiologically gay or bi not heterosexual
anyway if someone is truely heterosexual there is no need for anal sex
Whips, chains, restraints, swings, toys, candy, food, multiple positions... anal just another road to fun hun.
I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway
You make it sound like other sexual activies are okay with girls you've dated. Don't tell me you're having pre-material sex....Bad, bad Christian.
"so your saying that people that are in heterosexual relationships want anal sex ?
I really don't believe that"
Haven't been on tne internet long have you?
@ xis: It makes her a dirty, hell bound gay-enabler!
We would also accept the answer: Who cares, it's only a woman!
I really don't believe that, In many of my relationships I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway
I'm sure some of them would if you would have asked them.
anyway if someone is truely heterosexual there is no need for anal sex
Many hetrosexual women enjoy anal.
I think this is more secular homophobia than fundie homophobia, no mention of God or sin or anything. Also, it seems to me that "makes him physiologically gay or bi" is pretty much admitting that homosexuality is biological in nature rather than psychological, which the fundie "lifestyle" argument depends on.
Yes... People in heterosexual relationships want anal sex...
Ironically when couples were statistically analysed. It turned out that the incidence of anal sex is the same ratio in both gay populations and straight populations.
AKA just as many straight men like recieving anal stimulation as gay men do per capita. It's just who they want stimulating their prostate. The incidence of anal sex in gay people is roughly 40% have tried it, and 10% have liked it and do it repeatedly. Same as in female populations and same as in male straight populations.
He would never be for such things, ignore his devotion to the subject in random internet discussions though, he is quite above all thoughts of anal, because he certainly isn't gay or bi, no sir, he's all man.
The anus is tighter, has more muscles and is warmer than the vagina.
Plus if you take it in the ass, you can still be a technical virgin.
"...but if a man wants to give his wife or girlfriend anal that eather makes him physiologically gay or bi not heterosexual ..."
And the wife or girlfriend who likes anal sex must be a male homosexual? Strange, you'd think someone would have noticed, what with it being "physiological" and all that.
jlgx50 doesn't like big booties? That must be why he's against anal sex and I question his taste in women.
C'mon, even straight animals take it to the rear.
so your saying that people that are in heterosexual relationships want anal sex ?
Yes, actually. Not saying it's a stunning majority, but yeah.
I really don't believe that, In many of my relationships I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway
Well you'd be the expert. How many non-inflatable women have you had sex with?
but if a man wants to give his wife or girlfriend anal that eather makes him physiologically gay or bi not heterosexual
Which is why he's fucking a woman. Gotcha.
anyway if someone is truely heterosexual there is no need for anal sex
THere's also no need for lingerie, and hand-cuffs. Doesn't mean it's not hella fun...alternately, no true Scotsman takes it up the ass, eh?
"In many of my relationships I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway "
Dude...seriously you're missing out.
Or maybe he meant they didn't like getting anal sex, then they're the ones missing out.
Hello Xemnas, I never said I didn't like nicely shaped girl asses I'm just not going have anal with a guy un like yourself, and the rest of you shut the hell up and move along eh.
If you eally feel like debating this with me cometo taleworlds and talk to me about it, or is it that you all seem fit to say this stuff were I'm not goign to see it.
"but if a man wants to give his wife or girlfriend anal that eather makes him physiologically gay or bi not heterosexual "
methinks the closet case protest too much
edit: lol I didn't remember posting in this thread before
You fags :P
Ok I'll try and talk about my views again shell I
first of all in all the relationships I have been in none of the girls would even agree to anal sex, they would probabley slap me then never talk to me again, I'm sorry I'm a normal guy dateing normal girls unlike you guys who date pedos and retards.
I never said blow jobs were bad and I don't live in christheven, even though i'm not a sick pedo like most of you guys
but then again if you guys took the time to go to taleworlds and read the thread them comeing here and trying to feel better about yourselfs because all you get is anal sex from your boyfriends you might know that.
so instead of comeing here and ackting like dicks behnd people's back come to taleworlds and send me a Pm or start a " gay sex" thread and we can talk, other then that Move along and get a fucking life
Edit: 1
Also No I don't feel the need to give anal and use hand cuff, I never said I was a prude I just feel that if you realy get more pleasure out of anal then from a vagina then you may very well be a gay fag, I'm sorry i like Vagina thats just me, but if you guys like makeing a seven man train then by all means I wont judge you.
I czll Poe on the jlgx50 who's posting here. He sounds stupid in the real post, but not quite that stupid.
Also, 'shall' as 'shell,' just too stupid to be reall.
“I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order,”
You know, when i suggested a certain sex act one time, my girlfriend said ‘No.’ Not even loudly. Just once, conversational tone. I never suggested it again.
A restraining order never came up. NEVER. Not even as a threat. Gotta wonder about your dating life this such a thing is LIKELY.
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