European Son #racist #wingnut
”There was a thread full of people on FB recently ranting about white colonization and how those homelands should be returned to the Native Americans, Aboriginals, et al.
I dropped a comment to the effect of 'Maybe you guys are right. So if colonizers return those territories , does that mean we all can return to our ancestral homelands, including Europe for Europeans only?'
I got no answer.”
They don’t answer that because deep down they want all of our homelands.
As we all know, their logic isn't about homelands or natives and self determination in ancestral lands (How could it possibly be when you support migrants and mass migration?) ... It's simply fervent and envious hatred of Whites and therefor Whites don't have a right to a homeland (anywhere) unlike everyone else and anything that Whites want or is good for Whites is also therefore "evil" by its very nature...
The idea of White people having their own lands and in control of their own destinies drives them absolutely crazy.
We're not like everyone else who deserves these things as a unique group because we are not special like other groups... We Whites are indeed unique as clearly we are uniquely horrible but we are not special, we are in fact solely UNspecial and therefore undeserving of anything or any kind of consideration at all... Truth be told our existence as an actual group is often only affirmed when being vilified, blamed and condemned...