Many people have thrown their hands in the air in exasperation at keeping up with all the letters in the ever-growing LGBTQ+ alphabet.”
The people i know that complain about this are also the people who complain that ‘English’ is a choice at the ATM, and not the GOD-BREATHED FUCKING DEFAULT.
I mean, how self-centered do you have to be to feel BURDENED by how other people self-identify?
Draw a line wherever it reaches your capacity. Say ‘LGBT whatever,’ and people will know what you’re talking about, without requiring homework and newsletter updates for you.
God damn, I joined the Navy and instantly had to learn about MTs, and FTBs, and SNs, STs, FTs, FTGs, PO1, PO2, PO3, SSBNs, SSNs, BBs, DPs, DSs, ETs, EMs, NUKE EMs, LTJGs, CDRs, LTs, LTCDRs, CAPTs….
As well as the actual alphabet, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Euphemism, Foxtrot, Golf…
I suspect it’s not the alphabet that bothers you, it’s that such people get ANY recognition by society, huh?
"Perhaps the images of “drag queen reading hour” for kindergarten kids didn’t sit right with you.”
Meh. I’ve got no issues, there.
“Maybe seeing boys and men on podiums receiving winning medals in girls’ and women’s sporting events seemed off.”
Just how many transgendered women are there, who are also contenders for sports medals? Maybe 11 in the country? Odd that it gets JUST SO MUCH attention from you, huh?
But, no, see, I grew up listening to Wendy Carlos. I thought it was Walter for a long time. I dealt with all my issues at her reveal before i left high school. And I’m class of 80.
"Perhaps it felt awkward to interact with the coffee shop’s male barista with lipstick, eye shadow, and breasts,”
More than 20 years ago, we were checked into a hotel in Orlando by ‘Donaldina.’ I accepted her as a her. So did my kids, come to think of it. No, wasn’t uncomfortable.
"and you sensed his smirk was possibly from deriving pleasure at your discomfort.”
Imagined. Not sensed. In your mind, you’re the victim, here, so she must be a villain. And I’m sure you wear your discomfort like a badge.
" it was possible to hear my daughter’s natural voice and laugh”
And I miss when my kids were too small to finish their soft drinks and i was simply FORCED to do it. They grew up. Things changed.
This tells me you don’t love your daughter, you love the IDEA of your daughter. And wish to impose that idea on your son. Shame on you.
"I could call my daughter by her name”
Same as above. My son changed their pronouns. Their being a he is not as important to me as that they still talk to me, so, not even slightly nostalgic.
“people didn’t demand that I lie about the reality of my daughter’s birth sex as female and try to force me to collude with the falsehood that she is a male”
Yes, yes, it’s all about LYING, it’s about YOU being tasked, AND SO UNFAIRLY, with untruths.
Not with, say, learning the new truths. Learning the actual situation. Learning WHY people keep acting like YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.
"gaslighting of my experience of giving birth to and raising two females wasn’t normalized”
This isn’t gaslighting, bitch. Your son wasn’t a royal prince, disguised as a scullery girl’s daughter to escape the vizier’s revenge. And no one’s trying to tell you he came out of your heartless womb as a boy in all respects, you just don’t remember it.
You son’s situation is just more complicated than your Cliff’s Notes biography has room for. You can deal or cry foul.
“people didn’t stop talking to me because I didn’t believe my daughter was a male”
And is there any thought in your ugly head that maybe you might have contributed to this situation even a little bit?
I do know a parent who’s on good terms with their transgendered kid, despite disbelief. But where they say, “I just don’t understand” you say, “NO! You’re NOT!”
"friends and relatives didn’t walk away from me when I needed them most”
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. The stone-hearted bitch sees that SHE needs family support for a tough situation and offers NOT A FUCKING OUNCE to her own son. That’s so sad,, it should be a country western song.
We need two words, to rhyme with ‘hoist’ and ‘petard.’
"my daughter’s birth certificate was a truthful document”
It is. Just not YOUR truth.
“my role as a mother wasn’t undermined, and my knowledge and wisdom were respected”
You’re the one failing to step up to the plate as a mother, and why would anyone respect your bigotry?
"I was valued for the quality of my character”
I believe you ARE, you self-centered, self-absorbed, hate-affirming, lying, vengeful, greedy, bigoted asswipe.
“and my solid history of responsible parenting”
Ever hear that aphorism, one ‘Aw, SHIT!” wipes out a thousand ‘Attaboys!’ ?
Whatever your parenting history, when it really came to crunch time, you failed your son. No one gets participation trophies for passing the easy hurdles, if you nearly broke your neck on the important one.