12blessings.org/The Aetherius Society #ufo #magick #crackpot 12blessings.org

The Master Jesus was not the one and only son of God. Jesus is an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence.
This idea may seem an extraordinary one – laughable even. But it is only extraordinary because it is unfamiliar. On logical scrutiny, the idea that Jesus came from another planet is in fact far less extraordinary than the idea that he is the one and only son of God – an archaic myth still accepted by millions of Christians even today.

The star of Bethlehem was of course not a star; a star could not lead people to a stable and then hover over it. The Star of Bethlehem was an extraterrestrial spacecraft – which could easily lead people in a specific direction and then remain stationary, pinpointing a specific building.

The Master Jesus comes from a higher frequency of vibration of the planet Venus.

If NASA were to send a spacecraft to Venus tomorrow, they would most probably find no trace of intelligent Venusian life whatsoever. Venusian civilization is so advanced as to exist on a totally different material plane. Life there is physical, but not as we know it. Our technology is not yet advanced enough to detect life of this kind, and probably won’t be for hundreds of years.
Nevertheless, he would still have had to work hard to gain his miraculous powers. This he did through the practice of the higher forms of yoga, which he is presumed to have learnt on his largely undocumented travels prior to his main mission as recorded in the Bible. Yoga, of course, in its highest sense, is not just physical exercises for health and fitness, but a profound system of self-development leading to the mastery of psychic powers and cosmic consciousness.
He has spoken to Earth on a number of occasions through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King, giving spiritual teachings specially geared towards the issues facing mankind at this time.

One of the greatest teachings he has given is The Twelve Blessings.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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