Stop assuming that the bible is not on the same level as scientific explanations.
No problem there then. I've never assumed the Bible is anywhere near as valid as a scientific argument.
Oh wait, I don't think that's what you meant...
Honestly, I came to that conclusion after a *lot* of thought and soul-searching. I just *couldn't* believe in something so hypocritical, misogynist, and oppressive. Not to mention, science PWNS the Bible in *every* way!
I'll make you a deal!
We will put the bible up on the same level as scientific explanations. Just like any other scientific explanation for events. Like thermodynamics, or phlogiston.
We will then treat it like a scientific explanation. That means that we will subject it to peer review, challenge of reproducibility, and professional criticism. And then like phlogiston and thermodynamics, the bible can compete openly with other ideas and be subject to revision or rejection based on its available fitting of the data.
Eh... But it's not!
It was written centuries ago, rewritten, edited, copied, pasted, translated, mistranslated, lost, and never mind it was all myth and hyperbole in the first place.
Stop assuming that the bible is not on the same level as scientific explanations.
True, because scientific explanations have proof of their explanations, other than GODDIDIT!
We're not assuming anything, we know that the Bible is not on the same level.
It's on the same level as the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Poetic Edda, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Actually, the Deathly Hallows is much better written than the Bible... (Which is not saying much, I know.)
That's like assuming that a 2 year old kid bashing piano keys at random is on the same level as Beethoven.
Although at least the noise the kid makes is real. So the bible is even further away from scientific explanations that that.
"Stop assuming that the bible is not on the same level as scientific explanations."
Science: Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...
Bible: Pi = 3.
Now build me a wheel on the Biblical mathematical basis that Pi = exactly 3, ininja2000.
Assume: where you make an ASS out of U but not ME.
We Atheists don't need to assume. We already have the facts. The evidence . We win.
Your religion - and the Bible it's based on - stared FAILing when the first church put up a lightning conductor. How's that for a scientific explanation?
"Stop assuming that the bible is on the same level as scientific explanations."
That's what you meant to say, isn't it?
You fundie freaks have no clue about the burden of proof. Always trying to shift it, saying "prove it isn't" for whatever crap claim you pull out of your ass. Here's a hint: Bullshit claims aren't true until someone "proves they aren't", they are bullshit claims until the person making the claim provides evidence that they aren't bullshit.
It's YOUR CLAIM the bible is on the same level as scientific explanations, so the burden of proof is ON YOU to PROVIDE THE EVIDENCE that it is.
And no, your bible isn't evidence; it's the claim.
YOUR claim, YOUR burden of proof.
Until you can provide that evidence, shut the fuck up about it.
"Tell a devout Christian that his wife is cheating on him, or that frozen yogurt can make a man invisible, and he is likely to require as much evidence as anyone else, and to be persuaded only to the extent that you give it. Tell him that the book he keeps by his bed was written by an invisible deity who will punish him with fire for eternity if he fails to accept its every incredible claim about the universe, and he seems to require no evidence what so ever.”
-Sam Harris
Not even remotely the in the same catagory.
Do you find it listed under Science or history? There's a reason for that.
In the end, The Bible's not even on the same level as Grimms Fairie Tales or the Doc Savage series.
Divinity and Science cannot even be physically described as having comparable levels. You see, when it comes to Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Sociology can be defined with levels and can be compared, with one field being more "scientific" than another.
Divinity gets its own axis, completely independent of any scientific field, and if one attempts to compare it to a scientific field, they don't get infinity, or 0, or negative infinity. They get a big fat undefined message.
See the thing is that Science? It works best when you try to prove it wrong.
Religion? Not so much. The Bible claims to be moral but any objective viewing shows it to be anything but. It claims to present facts, some of which are laughably easy to disprove. The Bible is not Scientific in nature, and claiming that it is will result in a verbal ass-whooping.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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