Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Millions of young people trying to get started in life, our seniors on fixed incomes & our families struggling to make ends meet are being absolutely decimated by historically high inflation, prices of food, fuel, and practically everything else.
The left's response?
Endless saber-rattling with Russia, endless J6 trial distractions, endlessly blaming Trump and his supporters.
The left tells us that our nation's misery is worth it to preserve the "liberal world order". Shame on them.
The liberal world order can go to hell where it belongs.
@DrPaulGosar you can take the nigger out of the mud hut, but you can't take the mud hut out of the nigger.
@DrPaulGosar That is what jews do. Destroy nations, suck them dry for profit, and blame others for the conditions they created.
Nullifying the 2020 ELECTION FRAUD TREASON should be the main focus of all politicians and citizens. Fuck the shit any of you say you are going to do...... if we just contribute money, votes, time, surrender freedom and rights. You politicians just repeat your lines and your do nothing actions.
@DrPaulGosar as they allow, in fact...lure a invasion of new replacement slaves that will submit only after the kill off the american citizens. Then aquire the killed homes, clothes and cars... to labor for the reprobates of lucifer.
@DrPaulGosar and never forget we’ve had systemic racism entrenched in our laws since the 1960’s with affirmative action. People of color get a leg up in schools, jobs and government contracts. Even new immigrants of color to whom we owe nothing. Why isn’t affirmative action limited to only descendants of slaves? That should be our reparations even though millions died in the civil war to free the slaves. Reparations weren’t called for back then as they would have been run out of town due to all the families who lost loved ones during the civil war. #stop giving immigrants affirmative action
@DrPaulGosar Do you know why they went to the "liberal world order"? Because the "new world order" isn't working out so well for them