first of all god is in control of everything even something as simple as a football game because he cares about his people. so if he cares about his people then he cares about the super bowl and kurt warner. maybe if we had more people like kurt then the world may not be in the shape its in. so i am proud that kurt has the courage to talk about the lord and how he (GOD) has meant so much in his life. i believe that people trying to take god out of not only sports but in all aspects of life has caused GOD to take a step back and allow things like 9/11 to happen so i think that god should be at the forefront of the super bowl. GOD BLESS!!!
Can someone explain that (I assume it passes for logic) to me?? Because it's giving me a headache.
God is controlling everything, but because people don't accept that god is controlling everything, god has stopped controlling everything and lets bad things happen??
So he'll mess about with trivial things (lets face it, a sports game is NOTHING like Sept 11 was (sorry, I still can't type dates that way)), but let the horrid things happen. And this is a loving god?
The same god that basically said 'men are all sinners, I'll zot the lot of them' and flooded the planet. Of course, why didn't he just go make a new planet, if this one was so bad. Had to be simpler than getting all those animals to the ark.
I was surrounded by Fundies when Warner won the Super Bowl with the Rams. They about peed their pants over it and were certain the entire country was going to get on their knees and come to Jesus because of him. They were so hysterically happy about it that they didn't really notice when it didn't happen.
That's why I was rooting for the Steelers all the way this year. There's nothing more annoying than insane Fundies who think some sports star just saved the world.
I play amateur footy, It's Aussie rules and different to the American game admittedly. But your skydaddy has squat to do with it, if you play better than the other guys and train better than the other guys - you win, simple really.
P.S. What the spaghetti monster did God have to do with 9/11 besides being the inspiration for a couple of evil maggots to go and commit mass murder. Really you should go back to football chants and barracking in the terraces, keep you as far away from a keyboard as possible.
But the 9/11 hijackers had god on their side too.
Also, why can god decide the outcomes of football games but does squat when it comes to natural disasters, war, disease... Oh yeah, because he is either a real big douchebag or he's fake.
I am a South African and we play rugby here. We are, in fact, the world champions in a rougher game where we do not wear space suits.
Wasn't this kurt guy on the losing team? Didn't he pray hard for victory before the game? Has he yet to learn that nothing fails like prayer? Why has god forsaken him? Guess he is an all-round religious loser!
See, this is why I support Torquay United. If God roots for the successful teams*, there's nowhere else for an atheist to go.
* - well, OK, not Manchester United. I think that's the other guy's franchise.
maybe if we had more people like kurt then the world may not be in the shape its in.
Kid, if god's in control of everything then the shape of the world is entirely his fault.
Yeah, God was right there when Kurt Warner choked on the kack and lost the Superbowl. Yay God.
Can anyone else picture an old dude in robes and sandals drinking a PBR wearing a Cardinal's Jersey? LOLOL
"first of all god is in control of everything even something as simple as a football game because he cares about his people. so if he cares about his people then he cares about the super bowl and kurt warner."
In that case, there's gonna be a lot of pissed off fundy Arizona Cardinals fans. God didn't care very much about Kurt Warner did he, if he let the Steelers win, eh? What does this tell you? (check one):
[ ] God doesn't like American Football
[ ] God is a Steelers fan
Choose wisely.
_________ from Bobby Bare Greatest Hits,
Drop kick me Jesus through the goal posts of life
End over end neither left nor to right
Straight through the heart of them righteous uprights
Drop kick me Jesus through the goal posts of life.
Make me, oh make me, Lord more than I am
Make me a piece in your master game plan
Free from the earthly tempestion below
I’ve got the will, Lord if you’ve got the toe.
Take all the brothers who’ve gone on before
And all of the sisters who’ve knocked on your door
All the departed dear loved ones of mine
Stick’em up front in the offensive line.
Froggy beat me to it, but I don't get YouTube
Whenever a football player says:
"Thank you, Jesus, for giving me that touchdown!"
... he's really saying:
"Thank you, Jesus, for making the other team's defense screw up!"
when you say "I think"... you're just lying, aren't you?
Proper frontier gibberish, what you appear to be saying.
if he cares about his people then he cares about the super bowl and kurt warner.
Well if that's your argument, I guess he doesn't give a rats ass about you.
Damn I am so glad the Steelers won.
Yes, however, Kurt, with all his money, is unable to do the only command that Jesus really gave, to share with the poors. Thanks for reminding us that you´re so superficial as to think that a stupid match is more important that the wellfare of people.
Perhaps God could start by actually intercepting a few of the disasters that he can't quite seem to prevent on the world he created, rather than diddling with football results. Seems a touch petty, doesn't it? That he's more concerned with football, than say, Fukushima.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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