People participating in Homosexual Behavior or entertain ideas of sex changing have got to undergo psychological counseling because they are sick, they need to be genetically tested and deign/work with the DNA identity God has given them, not to encourage confounding it......Persons participating in sexual perverted behavior should have no legal right/standing to personally raising children or working closely with them as a teacher/leader or counsellor
Jesus Christ. This has got to be one of the biggest loads of fuckery I've ever read, and that's saying something. For one, psychological counseling wouldn't work, because sexual preference was taken out of the DSM as a mental/behavioral disorder several decades ago. Two, if genetic testing is what this person is advocating, that's implying that homosexuality is in our DNA...which we already know. And if that's the DNA identity that God has given people, then who are scientists to fuck with it? Oh, and for the ten millionth time...homosexuality and pedophilia have nothing to do with each other. That's the same as implying that a straight man shouldn't be allowed to be around his daughter because he might molest her. The stupid is rampant tonight. Must be a pre-election thing.
"People participating in Homosexual Behavior or entertain ideas of sex changing have got to undergo psychological counseling because they are sick, they need to be genetically tested and deign/work with the DNA identity God has given them, not to encourage confounding it......"
Those wishing to undergo a sex change have to be evaluated by a psychologist for a period of a year prior to the surgery date. Obviously you're a sadly misinformed individual.
Homosexuals, on the other hand, don't need a counselor as there's nothing fucking wrong with them . The APA hasn't listed homosexuality as a psychological condition for quite some time now.
"Persons participating in sexual perverted behavior should have no legal right/standing to personally raising children or working closely with them as a teacher/leader or counsellor."
And just who decides what is sexually perverted behavior? You?
Individuals who want to undergo sex reassignment surgery almost ALWAYS have to go through extensive therapy to determine if sex reassignment is best for them. Transgendered individuals are no more "sick" then people who suffer from depression or an anxiety disorder. And homosexuality is not viewed as a psychopathology by any major psychology association, and I think the individuals who comprise these groups know a lot more about it then you do. Educate yourself on something before you act like you know anything about it. Until then, shut your fucking bigoted ignorant hole.
Persons participating in sexual perverted behavior should have no legal right/standing to personally raising children or working closely with them as a teacher/leader or counsellor
Ah, yes...the traditional "homosexuals are child molesters/pedophiles" sneak attack. It's at the heart of ANY argument against allowing gay men or women to adopt or work with children.
Here's a question for you to ponder, Carla: Who gets to decide what constitutes "sexual perverted behavior"? There are large Christian groups that consider oral sex to be a deadly sin. Oral sex falls within the definition of sodomy, by the way, Carla. That means if you've ever given some swell guy a hummer, you're just as much a sodomite, by definition, as any greased-up fruit is.
Are you prepared for the authorities to come and take your children away, Carla, you nasty f***ing sodomite? Don't complain--it was your own sick, perverted sexual behavior that forced us to take them from you.
How would DNA testing be of any use? Either homosexuality is partly genetic, in which case you'll just be proving that the DNA identity God gave them was a homosexual one, or homosexuality is not genetic in which case your test will tell you nothing.
You've obviously heard of science but I don't think you've quite grasped its meaning.
Why is it so important to you that peoples' minds should be adjusted to fit their bodies, and never the other way around? It's much easier the other way, and less damaging to a person's identity. Indeed, why do you persist in classifying someone based on the state of their body rather than the state of their mind?
@Allegory for Jesus
Sounds fair to me.
Is it genetic or psychological.
Cause it's not both.
Also, you would be surprised how perverse the average human being is...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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