Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist
(Congressman Paul Gosar)
No one gets canceled for lying.
They get canceled for telling inconvenient truths, incompatible with the official narrative.
From Covid lies to mutilation of children by doctors, those who speak up against the lies sold by the elite are attacked relentlessly.
@DrPaulGosar (((Elite))) name them or get the fuck out.
@DrPaulGosar I've seen people confront you with inconvenient truths and you immediately blocked them. Weird
@patrickregan @DrPaulGosar If they want to run they have to bow to the jews,I `m no saying this ,but a black woman called them out and lost her position.
What is... disturbing to me is that many of these pro-Israeli lawmakers sit on the House International Relations Committee despite the obvious conflict of interest that their emotional attachments to Israel cause... The Israeli occupation of all territories must end, including Congress.
@DrPaulGosar Who are these so called "elite" you mention?
@DrPaulGosar So name the jews then
@DrPaulGosar You get cancelled for questioning jews, and you know it. Say it, and get the ball rolling about doing something about it. Nothing changes until they're openly called out. Everything else is platitudes and theater unless something is done about their crooked cabal of ruling elite.
@LonnieTull @DrPaulGosar
The Jews are strong. They've controlled the farm for too long. The sheep that moves goes to the slaughter, and there are very few lions
@DrPaulGosar Raise the veil, Congressman. Its jewLawyers