Spain_iS_pain #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt

At risk of poverty rate in 2020, early estimates


Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.

They call us the PIGS. They want these countries poor for their benefits.

EU has been a disaster for Spanish working class... In 2008 crisis we caught into European debts trap and we change our constitution. Right now paying debts to Europe is first priority expenses...not education or health care...very good... That provoke a transfer of wealth from Spain to Germany and others EU countries meanwhile people suffer in poverty... Meanwhile our touristic industry is absolutely dependent from anglo Germany space and only provide bad jobs and bad salaries... The rise of franquoism in Spain is been promoted by elites to control the rage of people... So slowly going to the 30's decade.

Meanwhile German companies are buying fucking everything around Europe.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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