very simple [explanation] about the grand canyon , the flood. wow that took a whole 30 secs.
From moron to imbecile in 30 seconds. Well done.
Meantime, back in the real world, you stupid flood had nothing to do with the Grand Canyon, because your flood is no more real than the pink unicorns that were dancing around in my kitchen last night.
Yes, that is a very simple explanation.
Now, how about a valid explanation?
Such a canyon as the Grand Canyon would require massive amounts of rushing water to form. OK, you have the massive amounts of water in your scenario. However, rushing water has to be going somewhere. Since the whole earth was covered in water, there was no place for water to be rushing to. GeocentricMan, do you and your friends actually think these things out? Or do you simply grab the first notion that appears to confirm your foregone conclusions?
If the Flood did it, show us a scientific model that replicates the scenario. It could be a computer simulation.
Just please stop saying "Goddidit".
Let's do some simple math here. For water (or anything else) traveling 277 miles (length of the canyon) in 30 seconds means the water was traveling at about 9.23 mi/sec, or 33,240mph, or Mach 43.67. 'Hypersonic' speeds are generally considered to be speeds above Mach 5. So almost 9x hypersonic speed?? Water?
And they canyon meanders back and forth, we can SEE the twists and turns it takes; it's certainly not straight. If you take a 9x hypersonic stream of water and let it carve out a canyon, do you think it would result in the twists and turns observed in the modern canyon?
Um, well, no. Just no. Not even wrong.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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