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There is a religion that is spreading so fast and so sneakily that it has almost achieved all its goals already and most people here haven’t even noticed. The carpet is about to be pulled out from under our feet. This religion’s members who have positions in very high and powerful places have done their job well. Soon every piece of our country will be affected by this religion. Our school children will be indoctrined in the dogma and most people in this country are already speaking in the language of this religion. Those who wish to spread this religion are the worst zealots of all. This religion is atheism.

Atheism is a religion. It is an anti-christ religion. Without Christ there would be no atheism. Those who would love to see this religion prosper often refer to our constitution that refers to ‘people being cherished of all religions and none’. It uses that statement continuously because it infers that atheism isn’t a religion itself. It puts atheism on a platform against ‘all the religions’. Another misnomer is ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘reason’ they tell us and people who know that God made us have ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘beliefs’ too. They believe that God doesn’t exist. Isn’t that a ‘belief’?? Also this cherishing people of all religions and none is rubbish. The atheist religion are the only cherished ones. All the others are bunched together and the atheists are given the high ground. Another misnomer is ‘secularism’. As atheism is an organised religion, with it’s own churches, websites, fanclubs, etc that tries to enforce its views, ways and dogma on everyone else in every way they can, secularism should be called what it really is –sectarianism.
In one minute I could name, off hand, at least a dozen Irish celebrities and politicians who have proclaimed themselves atheists. People in the print media, government, seanad, tv and radio who are so influential to our younger , impressionable generation. All of these scoff at Christians and think they are ‘cool’ by proclaiming themselves atheist. Could anyone name a dozen self-proclaimed militant Christians in one minute from those same powerful, influential fields?? Could anyone name more than two??

Instead of admiring the saints like we used to do in Ireland, we idolise z-list showbiz celebrities , sports people and talentless, empty people who are just famous for being famous. Being famous is the new religion here now. It was having money and property a few years back. Will we ever get back to admiring people who actually spent their lives giving to others and loving ourselves without always wanting to be someone else? Maybe. We can only live in hope amid the banal emptiness and despair. And people wonder why the young are taking their own lives??

Back to the non-atheist church. The abuse scandal was used, to full effect, to ridicule and silence the church forever after by the huge atheist organisation. This is despite the fact that less than 3% of priests actually carried out the vile abuse and there was no more abuse in Catholicism than there was in any other religion or ‘secular’ institution in the world. The systematic sectarian bigoted attacks against Catholics in particular and other Christian religions is now a fact of life every day we watch tv, listen to the radio or open a magazine or newspaper any day of the year. Go online and be horrified at the ignorance of the sectarian attacks on twitter, facebook and any of the boards. It’s become a fact of life for every religion except the atheist religion. Anything the people of the non atheist churches stand for MUST be ridiculed and the words and phrases ‘regressive’ ,‘the dark ages’, ‘medieval practices’, ‘the 1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ ‘child abuse’ and ‘magdalene laundries’ must be thrown into the discourse ad nauseum.
Today there is a several pronged attacked, by this atheist religion, on Ireland. Our Christian faith schools are going to be sacrificed for atheist schools to thrive instead. It doesn’t matter that the majority don’t want a change from the Christian Schools. The Atheist dictators will have their way anyway like they have done in most of Europe already. In the recent oireachtas hearings on abortion the atheists wanted abortion on demand into Ireland despite the will of the people and the advice of the psychiatrists and experts. Anyone willing to bet against them getting their way on this too??

All a bishop has to do is to express an opinion on something and we get the same shrill, squealing voices about ‘interfering’ and ‘dictating’ and more of the ‘1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ quotes. Please change the record, folks. The bishops have the same right to express an opinion as anyone else has.

After abortion has sneaked it’s way into Ireland for the first time ever, we will have gay marriage (despite many, many gay people being against it), euthanasia and after that anything and everything’s possible and likely and it will take place whether we want it or not.
Now after that food for thought (which will no doubt be ridiculed in the comments underneath this article if the newpaper has the courage to publish it in the first place) I will leave you with one more thought.
Say what you like about God but nobody was ever saved from a life of crime, drink, drugs, gambling, despair or depression by finding atheism.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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