realhistory #conspiracy #racist

With the recent passing of "Remembrance Day" I believe it is necessary to reveal the real reason behind the Great War, so great that it was later declared to be the "First World War." I bet you probably thought that the reason the war started was because of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip? But actually I will reveal the real reason behind the greatest war of attrition in history, which the global elite have tried to cover up. I am about to drop a bomb shell...

Railways. Everybody was building railways across their territories. Railways were the great technology of those times, there was great power in owning, managing and running trains when motorcars and air travel were in their infancy. Locomotive was the fastest overland transport for both passenger and freight. The Germans had a plan to build a railway from Berlin to Baghdad. The Baghdad Railway would connect Berlin and other major cities in Europe with a Constantinople-Baghdad line. Engineered in 1872 by Wilhelm von Pressel, in 1888 Sultan Abdul Hamid II asked Deutsche Bank, a leader in electrical development, for financing. Germany was the earliest country to make a practical application of electric traction to railway work. England had come up with the steam locomotive and Germany responded with the electric locomotive, the British grew jealous of the German railways to the point of frenzied hatred for all German railway locomotives, why? Why all the hatred for German railway locomotives? The British are degenerate, we have already concluded this. British newspapers declared that German railways were bad and British railways were good, and so that is what the British people believed. They believed that international German trade was bad and international British trade was good, they believed that democratic principles spread through international trade was bad if done by a German but good if done by an Englishman. Lenin talked about how the railways between 1890 and 1913, all over the world, crisscrossing various real estate interests, were the summation of the basic Capitalist industries: Coal, Iron, Steel. It was banking monopolies, syndicates, cartels and trusts that encouraged the formation of railway companies, a transport undertaking between interlocking real estate interests, the line of the railway was to run through land which was obtained by the bank so that when the line is laid down the bank sells the land to the railway company, the railway company is already owned and in debt to the bank, and is reliant on funds from the bank to buy the land and build the railway. And this is how the Berlin to Baghdad railway was built, like all other railways were built.

Railways were international joint affairs, put it this way; neither national entity could build railway tracks and railway locomotives without joint co-operation, the railways systems were interlocked from their inception, it was a joint affair, and international. In principle Great Britain initially supported the German railway, shrewdly watching as the Germans poured money into the project and footed the bill for laying the rails, but also keenly aware that it would one day compete with British trade in Mesopotamia and bypass British tariffs in the process. In 1901, Germany reported on vast supplies of petroleum around the Tigris and Euphrates, and in 1902 the Ottoman government granted a German firm the concession to lay new track eastward from Ankara to Baghdad. However, financial maneuvering and physical problems tunneling through the Taurus Mountains made progress slow. The building of the line from Konya to Mosul and Baghdad and Basra continued, but at 200 rugged, expensive kilometres at a time. When the Ottoman Government gave permission to Germany for the railway line from Konya to Baghdad in 1903, Russia, France, and Britain all regarded a Baghdad to Berlin Railway a threat to their dominance. Alfred Lansburgh publisher of Die Bank wrote that the result of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s tour of Palestine was the construction of the Berlin to Baghdad railway, the great fatal product of German enterprise which was more responsible for the ‘encirclement’ of Germany than all other German political blunders put together. The ‘encirclement’ was the policy of Britain’s figurehead – Edward VII, designed to isolate Germany with an anti-German alliance. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the grandson of the Queen of the British Empire and Edward VII was the Kaiser’s uncle, so perhaps a family squabble over family possessions, and the price at which family possessions are leased to family members, that would like having an argument with your uncle because you wanted to use his car for a day, and neither of you could decide on a lease rate, and that argument leading to a war that involved the entire world, a World War! It’s ridiculous, but Britain became bankrupt by January 1914, and when Bank of England notes consequently became emergency legal tender, all gold was removed from circulation and England’s gold reserves went to the Rothschild’s Bank of England to use for upcoming profit-producing warfare!!

:bigthumb645660314: :bigthumb645610288:

“We cannot agree to a tariff increase that will be used to build a railway which will be used to discriminate against our goods. We cannot, either permit compromise with our strategic position on the Persian Gulf.” – 1911, Sir Edward Grey (British Foreign Secretary) to the German Imperial Ambassador.

So the entire theatre of World War I was about a railway owned by secret alliances, who have never been revealed, but share the same family figureheads, that was actually constructed after the war. So France, Russia and Britain, went to war against Germany over a railway line, that ended up being built anyway. From 1888, from the inception of the plan to build the Berlin to Baghdad Railway, right up until its completion in 1940, all the European “rivals” at the time were joint owners and shareholders in the railway, all along the same entities were involved, and regardless of The Great War, the railway was completed. And this new railway along with all other railways at the time contributed greatly to economic expansion, opened new commercial markets, secured sources of supply, and served to politically unify new territories and vastly simplified the logistics of all forms of transportation, especially military transportation. When it came to the disputed railway track and the freight rates, Turkey was supposedly allied to Germany but the Ottoman Bank was in French hands, and the Berlin to Baghdad railway was not built, but in dispute at that time, and then Turkey became an ally of Britain and France, and then the Berlin to Baghdad was built! As the railway was actually constructed mainly during the 1930’s and completed in 1940. So that means the entire war itself was futile, a complete waste of lives. As I addressed the royal families involved were mere “figureheads,” the actual agenda of the secret Freemasonic elites that rule above them was an engineered war, a ritual offering of millions of soldiers to Zion. I will end this by mentioning that Germany technically won WW1, logistically and technically speaking however it was made to look as if it had lost by the elites who had engineered the war from both sides and the Treaty of Versailles was imposed upon in it by those elites because they wanted to wipe out the German people. The Great War was indeed a Great Deception.

For more technical details:

Adolf Hitler fought in the Great War, he knew he had to beat Rothschild to the planned synthesis so to foil the masonic plan for another war of attrition. Hitler's lightning war would severely put the Zionist World Order behind schedule.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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