Women1st , Understanderson & amethyst7 #transphobia ovarit.com
RE: We should start calling "trans rights" what they really are: Trans privilege
( Women1st )
It’s misogyny. Men are better women than we are, lol. Men can dominate our sports. Men can access our bathrooms. Men can serve time in women’s prisons. Who cares if they are rapists? Their feelings are more important than the lived experience of women. Absolute misogyny.
( Understanderson )
I like this, but in America, it would be too easy to dismiss as a right wing dog whistle (this exact verbiage has been used to argue against gay rights). I would love to find some phrase that focuses more on the replacement of sex with gender and the erosion of women's sex-based rights, but I can't think of anything that can't easily be dismissed. When people (women especially) hear that 'trans women are women' means eventually you won't be free to ask for a female doctor or even gynecologist, that seems to wake them up--but I have no idea how to make a label out of that. Most people are also shocked by what's happening to lesbians when they hear about it, but it is so bizarre that they don't quite believe it could be that bad.
( amethyst7 )
It's safe to say you're preaching to the choir here. I think most of us use the word 'rights' facetiously.
TIPs' imaginary rights include:
1. the right to screech about the "staggeringly high suicide rates" myth
2. the right to practice their fetish loudly and in public
3. the right to infringe upon same sex spaces, including the vitally important areas of prison and healthcare
Do LGB people demand that others call their partners their wife/husband and be propped up by legislation and legal punishment if not followed?
Excellent point.