vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

People improving their lives by transitioning is a beautiful thing

Usually when someone live a shit life as a male he will just complain about how women are unfair to him or he will spend his time on various copes such as videogames and anime.

It's very rare for miserable males to actually improve themselves via medical transition, it usually takes pretty bad gender dysphoria for them to actually take action and even then many fail to act in time.

1.Males transitioning to female makes the world more beautiful (less disgusting males).

2.People that transition and become beautiful benefit from it

3.people around them will see them improve instead of suffering or killing themselves.

4.males that transition are politically useful for my goals (maybe also your goals).

5.trans girls are high in demand and can allow cis lesbians to have biological children with a partner they find attractive.

6.voluntary chemical castration makes a male less likely to hurt other (and himself in the process).

I find it strange that people rarely object to psychiatry that outright harms people and costs billions of dollars each year but they complain about the government helping trans individuals transition even though it's one of the few mental health interventions that actually works.

Forced feminization

A lot of individuals cannot make it as males and will thus be forced to live as female or suffer the brutalsocial consequences of being male, this is especially true for females with gender dysphoria, they mightnot like their female bodies but medical transition would still be a disaster for them.

Most males are no longer needed in our modern society, technology has made name strength mostly obsolete and most males do not have any mental abilities not commonly found in females. Less than 10% of males are needed for sex and reproduction, most males are just a burden to society and thus we need to increase the number of males that transition to female, especially individuals who would clearlybenefit from changing their biological sex.

Most males hold into their male pride but that will soon crash down as females raise their standards (because they can) and even more males lose their jobs to automation.

Currently forced treatments are justified by "danger to themselves and others", you do not need to be convicted of an actual crime. If we are going to treat people against their will that shall include HRT.

A nurse will regularly visit your home. Your pants will be pulled down and soon you will feel a needle inside your muscle and soon the injection, estradiol valerate, it will be slowly absorbed by your body.

At first it was just pills given orally, now it's injections and at this point hiding the breasts is very difficult. The estrogen will make you more emotional and thus you will probably start crying due to theintense humiliation you received by the new government controlled by believers of vintologi. You crying and begging will of course not stop the nurse from doing the injection.

After a while you will stop resisting and accept your face as a girl. It will become increasingly difficult to hide what's happening to you, your breasts getting bigger, face feminized, brain feminized. Once you have been forced to be on HRT long enough there will not be much left of your old self, the hormones have changed your brain beyond recognition and now there is no longer any going back, not only do you look like a girl now, you are now also like a girl mentally.

There are a lot of males who would benefit from transitioning but they are not willing or able to actually transition, this can be due to social factors but in most cases the issue is ignorance, people simply don't know what's best for them. It's a difficult and scary decision to make to start HRT and this is why a lot of people fantasize about forced feminization, often they try to brainwash themselves via sissy hypno porn.

Chemical castration drastically reduces testosterone and thereby sex drive, sexual desires and aggression. Thus a lot of males that are currently dysfunctional in our society would become functionalif they start on HRT, this would allow them to avoid being jailed

Child molesters have drastically low recidivism rates when chemically castrated (1-4%) vs non castrated (40-65%)

Currently just being suicidal alone can warrant forced treatments by harmful and dangerous psychiatric drugs, forcing some males to take hormone replacement therapy can thus be justified in an attempt to prevent them from killing themselves using the same standard.

Innate gender identity?

Studies on intersex children show that about 40% will identify as female when raised as one, thus gender identity is only partly due to genetics

This tells us that a lot of people are able to adapt to living as either sex, the brain is flexible and we can adapt to a lot of things. Whether or not an individual will transition is only partly determined by genetics (33% in the case of MtF)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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