various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

( @Nature_and_Race )
The clinical definition of insanity is the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Anyone who believes they are really a woman, when they were born a man, is living in a complete fantasy world. They are literally insane.

These literally insane people are running institutions all over America now, from government to military to law enforcement to universities.

When the clinically insane are given ruling powers, the normal, healthy, sane citizens are in great danger. I mean this sincerely.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- And this culture produces mentally insane parents, and mentally insane parents raise mentally insane kids. And then you're stuck in a cycle of never ending insanity.

( @Iceman876 )
@Nature_and_Race Feed that thing to a grizzly bear, wtf is wrong with Montana.

( @jkbergin )
@Nature_and_Race So even Montana lets mental illness into a formerly respected body. The country is lost.

( @3yrsin )
@jkbergin @Nature_and_Race This thing came out of the University of Montana, Missoula, and so it is no wonder. When you have a major university in a community, then you will have you the source of all local insanity and degeneracy. Unfortunately that source will flow out and eventually infect and affect the rest of the state.

( @melgibstein )
@Nature_and_Race he looks like a literal demon.

( @RealMarkHohe )

True....and it's not just recognition or equality these fruitcakes want.....they want to "convert" everyone else.....

( @Nilkill )
@Nature_and_Race Probably is a kike, i’m disappointed in Montana but surely it’s the Californians moving there turning cities blue.



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