It’s not easy to just leave an abusive relationship, no. The abuser has often spent years isolating and manipulating his (or her) victim to be totally dependent on him/her. If they leave, they have nowhere to go, and no-one to help them, and their abuser might come after them to beat them up or kill them. That’s why it’s not that easy to leave.
Very few people enjoy something like that, subconsciously or consciously. Far too many people (men AND women) are in abusive relationships.
Most women I know are assertive and in control, and I hear more men saying “I have to ask my wife” than I hear women saying “I have to ask my husband”. Personality is much more important than height and frame. My grandmother was 175 cm tall, I think, while grandfather was shorter than 170.
I’ve never been attracted to any serial killers. I tried to watch the new Hannibal series, but I was so grossed out after a couple of episodes I bawled loudly and wetly*, and told my husband to watch without me.
* What we in Sweden sometimes call "ful-gråta", something like "ugly-cry", when tears fall and the face is red, there are loud sobs, and the nose will start running any second. That's how "attracted" I was. [sarcasm]