Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

(GCnewb )

The thing about enbies

If men and women who identify as non-binary truly believe that they are a third gender or even sex, that they are neither men nor women, then why do they insist on being included in women's resources?


( Jellyfishes )
Unfortunately male NBs often enter women's spaces too

( XX_Power )
Male NBs are just lazy TIMs lol

( OutHereInTheDeep )
My thought has always been that they wanted to be seen as special, but don’t want to be associated with castration/want women to know they’re still sexually “available”.

( pennygadget )
For the female enbies, its a safety thing. They KNOW they'd be sitting ducks in a men's space

For the males, its the thrill of colonizing a female space and forcing all the girls inside to center him when he's there

Also, sadly, we know women are way more likely to tolerate this bullshit than men. Thats why our spaces are now a dumping ground for mentally ill gender-specials

( ElectricBlue )
I think there's also a wider difference in perception of TIFs/female nbs than TIMs/male nbs. I think the TWAW campaign has been so successful that a lot of people now do believe that TWAW, whereas whatever woke thing they might say, they still do just believe an NB woman is a woman with some kinda fancy deal going on.

( platypus )
Because everyone knows a "non-binary female" is just a woman.

The thing is, by trans rhetoric, we're all non-binary, too.

A lot of NB women are just trying to go along and say "well okay, if 'woman' now means 'someone with a female gender identity,' and a female with no internal gender identity is 'non-binary,' then I guess I'm non-binary? No big deal I guess?"

But of course, once you say those words, the pressure is on for you to "prove it" by going on T and getting top surgery.

It's a trick designed to induct women into the cult.

( no- )

we're all non-binary

That's the thing. If you're a human being and not a walking pair of tits who identifies as a sex object, you're technically not a woman according to genderism. Not liking sexism automatically makes you nonbinary, because we all know a real woman is a brave and stunning transwimmin who cosplays as a bimbo for fun.



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