Chris Roberts #racist

White David vs Hispanic Goliath

The Hispanic interest group UnidosUS (formerly The National Council of La Raza) hopes to raise “$50 million by the end of 2020 to define a new Latino narrative, scale our work, and elevate Latino leaders.” It will probably succeed. In its 2019 annual report, UnmidosUS thanked the following companies and foundations for donating one to five million dollars each: Bank of America, Comcast/NBCUniversal/Telemundo, Ford Foundation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Prudential Financial, Raza Development Fund, State Farm Insurance Companies, UPS, Walmart, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Its list of “institutional investors” includes dozens of other major companies. In 2018, UnidosUS had $142,261,437 in net assets.

The Left claims that non-whites in America are in a constant struggle to “secure” their rights in a racist country in which conservative corporations wield enormous influence. This is not true. Private companies fund non-white pressure groups such as UnidosUS and Black Lives Matter, and have for decades. American Renaissance has no such patrons. Quite the opposite: Large companies make it harder for us to raise money by deplatforming us from Amazon, PayPal, credit-card processors, etc. Despite claiming to be the “grassroots” or the “voice of the people,” UnidosUS and others like it get so much money from foundations, the government, and corporations that they could operate without any donations from individuals. AmRen is supported entirely by readers.

This country’s rising tide of color is Goliath, while American Renaissance — and a few other groups — are David.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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