Y.Marianov #fundie #wingnut #homophobia unification-family.blogspot.com

<From the rebranded right guard Moonies>

Members often ask me, what exactly is 'Humanism'. Well, Divine Principle is very clear. Humanism reverses all Subject-Object relationships; it expanded as a Cain-type ideology (product of our Physical Mind reversing dominion over our Spirit Mind). After Satan left Communism his power moved totally in the secular culture of Humanism and Relativism that destroyed morality and the foundation of the family in the last half a century. If we want to stop the degradation of our children, win the cultural war and open the way for peace, it is vitally important to reveal the twisted satanic nature of humanism and overcome it ideologically with the truth.

As Tim LaHaye wrote in his book, Battle for the mind, "Most of the evil in the world today can be traced to humanism, which took over governments, United Nations, education, television and other most influential fields in life." Humanism controls the society today by a network of organizations - humanistic associations, the education, trade unions, pro-sex programs, universities, porn magazines, even the hospitals and the textbooks of our children. But how much the aims of humanism are beneficial for humanity? It turns out that the values they promote are extremely destructive to the family and society, and especially dangerous for our young people.

What Secular Humanism infiltrates in people's minds

This becomes obvious when we check their main philosophical base expressed in the Humanist Manifesto:

1. Humanism rejects traditional moral values. They reverse good and evil. Not only values are made relative, but anyone who mentions what's right or wrong is marked by them as evil.

2. Humanism denies obedience to any authority, including parental, or the authority of God.

3. Humanism promotes selfish-individualism - extreme individualism, as the highest good: It propagates that everyone can do what he wants to satisfy his momentary desires.

4. Humanism directly attacks marriage and the family as outdated, claims free sex, homosexuality, sex with animals and sex with children are normal.

The culmination of the "humanist manifesto" is that the freedom of any kind of sexuality should be allowed: Including same sex relations, sex outside marriage, sex with many partners, or sex with small children and animals. At the same time Humanism's aim is that "the family" should be denied as an outdated and unnecessary unit.

This philosophy directly aims to liberate people from any moral standards and social responsibility. This Humanist mass-propaganda brought the collapse of morality in less than half a century. Understanding of it's essential nature and origin comes when we see that in fact Humanism promotes philosophically the four fallen natures.

The real evil in Humanism is REVERSING SUBJECT/OBJECT; Reversal of dominion on all levels... Thus destroying the order, destroying family, destroying society. And more and more, they are very open in proclaiming their evil goals. But they are very good in rationalizing why that's what what we should want.

EXAMPLES: Forbidding parents to discipline and teach values to their children, meanwhile they are Killing children, Raping children, making children Homosexual and Lesbian etc.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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