The Holy Bible is not a science book.
It is a revelation of God, and it's content is more accurate than science.
['s content is more accurate than science.]
Except for the parts where, you know, it isn't.
"A" revelation of god? Singular? Just one?
HA ha ha. Ha ha HA ha ha.
btw, is there any instruction anywhere in the bible on how to build a fire or use a lever or build a wheeled vehicle?
The Holy Bible is not a science book.
It is a revelation of God, and it's content is more accurate than science.
Bible: Pi = 3
Modern Science: Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
(and this is only part of the decmial places we know for Pi,
today it is known with an accuracy of more than 1 million decimal places ;) )
So, well if you want to use the biblical Pi to calculate circles, because you think the bible is more accurate on this, you might do so.
I prefer the Pi that I get from modern science.
it's content is more accurate than science.
And rat DNA is more like human DNA than even human DNA is like itself, ain't that right, Carico?
I'm so glad we finally got that sorted out.
I wonder how the inhabitants of Tyre feel about this? That is if they existed, which they don't because the bible says they don't.
"The Holy Bible is not a science book."
That much is certain.
"It is a revelation of God,"
Prove it. And, while you're at it, prove that God even exists.
" and it's content is more accurate than science."
No, it's a poor compilation of inaccurate, badly-written fairy tales. Makes a great prop for my sofa with the broken back leg though.
"The Holy Bible is not a science book."
Yeah, no shit it isn't.
"It is a revelation of God, and it's content is more accurate than science."
It's neither actually.
We know it's God's revelation, we just wonder why, in two thousand years, it's still a matter of great controversy as to what the revelation is.
"and it's content is more accurate than science."
So the earth is flat resting pillars with the sun revolving around it?
Bats=Birds, Pi=3, insects have 4 legs?
So a senior citizen and his crappy family who had not architect experience manage to build a boat able to fit 2 of every animal and fish in the world? Not to mention 8 people managed to repopulate and make over 8 billion people in a short amount of time even though we had all those wars over a couple thousand years.
Oh and back then, women used to routinely die after giving birth.
You lose Mr. John.
The Holy Bible is not a science book.
He shoots...
It is a revelation of God, and it's content is more accurate than science.
And he fails terribly. Better luck next time, or not.
The Bible. Where Pi equal 3, bats are birds and incects have 4 legs.
There is so much fail in this I can't even comprehend where to start.
Textbooks: Science.
Bible: Super-science.
Conclusion: Keep your "super-science" out of the science classroom. The general public just isn't ready for your "wisdom", "knowledge", and "Troof".
Sigh, you can't generally say something is accurate. Science is more accurate about universal truths regarding physics, biology, etc, etc, etc, and the bible is more accurate about the Christian Faith. (Except for the KJV)
However, most parts of the bible are extremely vague and open to interpretation. How can you call that accuracy?
'It is a revelation of God, and it's content is more accurate than science.'
BULLSHIT. Science has proven a lot more truths than the Bible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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