Pliggy #dunning-kruger

[From 2009, "Elissa Wall, Victim of who?"]

Elissa Wall was 14 when she was betrothed to a young man, a man who is hard working, dedicated, and very kind. Yet Elissa would have you believe that she was forced to marry him against her will. That is not true. Of course a jury of his "peers" riled up by the fabricated evidence, biased media, and bitter former members lies, agreed, with the help of a prejudiced judge, and put an innocent man behind bars. The man was convicted of rape. Convicted not for touching her in any way, not by requiring anything of her against her will, but for asking her the "typical" accomplice's words: "Do you take this man to be your husband of your own free will and choice?" Amazing

Of course the "official story" says that she was crying etc before the wedding. Do you think it might have been due to the fact that she was nervous, and anxious? You mean like every other girl gets before her wedding?[…]
These pictures are not of the man convicted, no, they are of the man that Elissa herself calls a "victim" as well. I certainly cannot argue that he was NOT a victim (of her). This man here has not even gone to trial yet

Here they were taking pictures after the ceremony. Certainly she was very much against all this, having such a young man who is as new to this as she is[…]
Here is the trip they went on together shortly after, can't you see it? She must have been suffering immensely!

Finally she had enough (abuse?), so she began partying without him, and met a really cool party dude named Lamont Barlow. But of course she did not want her victim and family to notice, so she would go home to her victim after sleeping with another man[…]
I hold no judgment as to Elissa Wall, or her Lamont, except to discern. I hope only that she has the happiness of her own choosing as I would anyone else[…]I have told the truth here, despite the lies that she has spread, including her fictional account written in her book



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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