Their [Muslims] god is satan and they have always hated Christians and Jews and the God they worship.
Ever notice that every evil in the world is placed on the shoulders of the United States by liberals?
Yet the Muslims can have their own children blow themselves up to kill non combatants in suicide bombings... but they have "their reasons" according to the wigged out logic of some...
Go figure!
Thank you, Yahweh, for your blessings on my senses. I am at peace once more.
(Wow, I haven't said a prayer like that in years!)
bibleberean, in case you didn't know there's a three sided jihad going on in Iraq right now. Three distinct sects of fundies are blowing each other up, and we can thank the good ol' USA for creating that situation with their "precision bombing tactics" and getting Saddam out of power. I despise his crimes, but I seriously have to wonder how else you'd keep Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites from doing this kind of thing earlier if it wasn't for the fear.
I think, though, that the Americans still racked up the highest number of civilian casualties, therefore giving them the honor of pouring the biggest can of gasoline on the bonfire. Sure there are other jerrycans, but the USA had to have the biggest one.
Oops. There I go again. I'm such a silly liberal.
Hey, folks ... I'm about as conservative as it gets ... but I gotta say, a lot of times, the line between terrorist and freedom fighter are very blurred. Especially in the middle east.
That being said, the line in Israel is somewhat -less- blurry than most. I'll step up and say that the so-called terrorists attempting to overthrow Israel have more right on their side than the Israeli government does.
Thinking about it a bit more, I realize this is a lot like Ireland. It is given a religious spin when it's really about something else. And it,of course, ropes in anyone who believes the propaganda.
In Ireland, it's about England's claim on northern Ireland, but it's been spun up to be some ridiculous holy war between Catholics and Protestants.
In Israel, it's about real estate, and the ease it is to find people who have nothing else to lose. In Iraq, it's not only about the American occupation, (but that's a part of it because the Americans didn't discriminate when they attacked, they shot everybody until they were told to stop), but about which religion gets the real estate and political power. Similar, but not quite the same as "who gets divine rights to practice the REAL Islam."
Never thought about that before.
“Their [Muslims] god is satan and they have always hated Christians and Jews and the God they worship.”
Their god is ALLAH, which is arabic for GOD. Same name that arabic Christains pray to.
And their biggest problem with Christains is that they are pagan, worshiping the triple god.
Politically, they hate Americans because of the way we exploit their countries. They’d hate us just as much if we were a nation of any other religion.
“Ever notice that every evil in the world is placed on the shoulders of the United States by liberals?”
No. But then, you’re taking every accusation personally. Wonder why that is?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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