These peeps need a refund on their "sex change." They both still look like guys lol. This is very sad. But the world cant see the works of God's enemy when they're right in front of their faces.
They actually believe this is real and people need sex changes to live successfully. They dont see that this is all mental illness and confusion and these people need help to get free of it and to be whole in their birth gender identity. Very sad indeed. But when people live in the dark they're apt to stumble into a wall lol. All we can do is pray and proclaim freedom to these folk.
Your mental disability is your extreme immaturity; that repeated "lol" is a dead giveaway. You most certainly will get older, but it takes more than days and years to make you more mature. You go ahead and pray, but keep it to yourself know, the way Jesus said. Meanwhile people who need real mental and physical help will be consulting real professional doctors, not you.
But the world cant see the works of God's enemy when they're right in front of their faces.
We see it in the terrorists who do it as Christians, the doxing of non Christians by many Christians which leads to death threats (the real reason bakery shut down, etc
But when people live in the dark they're apt to stumble into a wall lol.
Explains Christians quite a bit
All we can do is pray and proclaim freedom to these folk.
So you will let them live their lives as they see fit as long as they are not hurting anyone? After all you'd be proclaiming freedom to them so I assume you will be allowing them to live their lives and not be trying to control them.
Finally is his name really David Gunn? Because that would be ironic considering a Christian terrorist named Paul Hill killed a doctor named David Gunn in the name of pro life.
Y'know; Even if the transperson doesn't look like they "pass" perfectly....WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? WHY OBSESS OVER THIS?! CHARACTER IS WHAT MATTERS! WHY IS THAT SO HARD?!!!
Guess what! You may have been around transpeople....
image image
....and had absolutely NO CLUE!
Heck; I could say to them, "God makes no mistakes. God just has an interesting sense of humor."
Since Deity embodies all gender, perhaps all this trans and gay stuff going on is Deity sending a message.
ELOHIM: "That junk against crossdressing and stuff in The Scriptures? Yeah; That's not Me, that's The Demiurge in the pen-guy's noggin' talkin'! Ignore that and love one another! *SHEESH*!"
You need a refund on your brain transplant.
Freedom means having the human right to be who you are, not how others dictate what they say you must be.
That's a nice Freedom of Religion you've got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it...! [/IRS]
Also, J. Edgar Hoover.
People actually experience being born in the wrong body, yes. People also experience being born with both sets of genitals, or with no discernible genitals.
The thing is, Davie-boy, when people have tried umpteenth times in the past to help transgender people get free of supposed "mental illness and confusion" and to be "whole with their birth gender identity", it usually ends up in life-long misery and often suicide.
When people are instead helped to be whole in their inner-body gender identity, they usually live much happier, longer, more productive lives.
You are indeed living in the dark, stumbling around in confusion, thinking that YOUR perception of THEIR gender is somehow relevant to anyone else.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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