
Jeffrey Camras #fundie #racist #wingnut #crackpot blogs.timesofisrael.com

["Moving Forward on Palestine":here]

In order to right a wrong, in order to make peace and move forward, Palestine must be obliterated. It is an afront to society, morality, humanity. It represents lies and antisemitism, oppression and terror. Nothing more

No one cares about the Palestinians. Care for them solely exists in the form of Anti-Israel advocacy, NOT Pro-Palestinian support. This is proven by the refugee camps[…]
The very concept of statehood is a foreign concept[…]Prior to this were emirates, an evolved, modern form of the tribe[…]A model that works for the region. It can work for us too

There is a such a bitter hatred towards Jews from Palestinians that it has manifested in horrific ways. Suicide bombings[…]
Palestinians need to be reeducated. To not hate Jews, learn their TRUE history, not antisemitic wistful thinking that glorifies children’s death in the name of Allah. I even dare say buried deep in Palestine are the descendants of Jews who[…]converted to Islam or Christianity[…]There may even be a Tikkun, an opportunity, for their return to our civilization[…]
Israel[…]needs to put its faith in the Torah and Hashem in order fulfill our destiny. Establish sovereignty over Har HaBayit[…]Establish Jewish prayer and a Korban Tamid today! Conquer remaining biblical lands in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Do this diplomatically or militarily. Do not be weak with your enemies. Expel anyone who does not accept Hashem’s Sovereignty[…]
The world demands human rights for the Palestinians[…]If you want these rights, you have to give up your nationhood. Because it is a lie. An affront to morality, Truth, and Justice. And a dark stain on the fabric of human history. And I will not apologize for not dying

Citizens of Israel and Am Yisrael, stop being afraid! Stop waiting for approval from America and the West. Know yourself and walk with Hashem

David Benkof #fundie blogs.timesofisrael.com

[This is part of a response to Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, senior rabbi of the largest Conservative synagogue in DC, who came out as gay and divorced his wife.]

Steps like yours no doubt feel like the right thing to do for gay men in loveless marriages. But you’re not just any gay man. You’re one of the most important Jewish leaders in your city. Part of your job is to help model a loving Jewish family.

Leave aside homosexuality. What does your announcement say to the many men in your synagogue who are more sexually attracted to younger women than to their wives? I doubt you’d approve of a congregant breaking up his family to chase after his 28-year-old secretary.

Oh, but you say being attracted to men is “who you are.” Well, for a lot of heterosexual males, being attracted to younger women is “who they are” too, but we don’t give them dispensation to seek – casualties be damned – self-actualization.

I’m not telling you this as an Orthodox Jew to a Conservative one – or as a celibate gay man to one who wants to explore same-sex relationships. I speak as a coreligionist who is concerned about the impact your decision will inevitably have on the people around you.

Yes, you came out yesterday. That doesn’t mean you can’t “go back in” today. If you don’t, I recommend that Adas Israel start looking for a new senior rabbi.

David Benkof #fundie blogs.timesofisrael.com

While many American Jews have been big backers of public schools, our current system discriminates against traditionally religious Americans through what I call "the frum tax." (Frum is Yiddish for observant.)

Here's how the frum tax works: If you're secular and want to educate your children with your own values, it's free. But if you're frum, it costs tens of thousands of dollars to do the same thing. That's discrimination.


And no, the public schools are not "values-neutral." Public schools take strong stances on issues about which Americans differ. A version of American history built around the themes of race, class, and gender is not "neutral." There are many ways to teach our nation's history, such as focusing on the growth of capitalism, or on the contributions of great men. Jews from Orthodox sects that believe the Earth is less than 6,000 years old don't want to pay both for (public) schools that reject that view - and for (religious) schools that support it.

It's not the government's business to decide which historiographical or cosmological ideas are correct - and to confiscate money from citizens who have the "wrong" views in order to promulgate the "right" ones.


Three years ago, the school district of Ramapo, New York, elected a school board with a Hasidic majority. Ramapo includes cities such as Monsey and New Square that are heavily populated by Orthodox Jews. Since the state's educational structure massively discriminates against such voters - taking their money while barely helping their children's education - the board began to make cuts to security staff, sports teams, AP classes, and more.

The school board has been attacked for its "selfishness" and lack of community-mindedness. But if secular students in the district are now being treated unfairly, the frum majority living there has suffered too - and for a much longer time. Good for the Orthodox voters in the area for upholding America's founding principles of "No taxation without representation."

I hope frum people and their equivalents in other faiths will start following the Ramapo model. Join me in voting against any increased taxes for public schools, and in electing school board members who support spending only for the bare minimum (math, science, language arts, and social studies) - until the system stops discriminating against us. And since the idea of a "neutral" public school is a myth, we should pressure elected officials to choose textbooks spreading our beliefs, not those of our ideological opponents.

Mike Sigman and Grama LinLin #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Mike Sigman: Why can't I disapprove of some activity without it being called a "phobia" by these people on the Left? Is there a "phobia" because I disapprove of incest? Is there a "phobia" because I disapprove of pedophilia? Is there a "phobia" because I avoid people who are unhygenic? Is there a "phobia" because I don't want to have extended conversations with people who are slow-witted? Maybe the author of the piece should ask himself why he feels compelled to virtue signal and to encourage others to think as he does.

Grama LinLin Just take a look at what God did to Sodam and Gomorrah, and tell me again that being gay is not a sin! And if you do, I will call you a liar!!!!

Ave Şîn #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Ave Şîn: What a busha v'herpa! You quote only selected passages and leave out the psak! The Torah declares that homsexual relations incur the death penalty (when there are witnesses and warnings, of course). When the Torah states that some act is a capital offense, only an absolute heretic would dare say that it is "no sin".

Benny Attar: There is at least one country which enacts the death penalty for homosexual relations. 

Ave Şîn Avi: Rounds Anything that carries the death penalty is at minimum a sin and at maximum.......  Toeva is from the root l'ta'ev - to despise. The accurate translation is despicable.

 Ave Şîn: Benny Attar In the past as well, a court would only enforce the death penalty when there were 2 witnesses who warned the person and he stated he would do it nevertheless. So, we almost never actually had such a situation. Yet, the warning of the severity of capital offences of all sorts was enough to keep people considerate in public of the standards the Bible set. In private, the accounting is between God and man alone.

Ron Cantor #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

Ron Cantor: Dear Rabbi, please read the very next verse:
23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
and then in verse 29 he refers to all the prohibitions as "destestable" or "abominitions"... same word that you interpret as "deceitful"
So, based on your interpretation, it is fine to have sex wtih an aminal as long as you are not married.
But in mordern Hebrew the word is clearly not decitful but destestable or an abomnination. Here is a sentnece that the dictiionary gives.
התעללות בילדים היא מעשה תועבה ...
Child ause is a DESTABLE act ...
If God is God and I beleive He is; if He is the author of the Hebrew scriptures and created mankind, then it is clear from Torah that our first command it so replinish the earth. You cannot replenish the earth or procreate in same sex unions. There is not hint of encoueagement of same sex unions in ancient Israel. We do not see Moses saying, "It is fine to have sexual relations with members of your gender provided that you are monagamous." Not even a hint!
But we live in a broken world becuase of the sin of Adam and Eve. For people with same sex attracations, my heart goes out to them. But it is a fearful thing to change the word of God.

Benny Attar: There would be no need for a law against bestiality if people weren't doing it. I find it incomprehensible that people like you are more accepting of adultery, which is prohibited in the ten commandments, than of homosexuality.

Ron Cantor: Benny Attar "more accepting of adutlery"? Nope...just as bad. In fact, Jesus said if you look at a woman and lust, you are guilty of adultery. He was not acccepting and neither am I. By the way, it is the author excusing adultery, as casual homosexual relationships are adulterous. But here is what you can't deny--and I was addressing the torah-beleiving rabbi--if you beleive in the God of the bible then there is no way to find a place for homosexual relationships.

Peter Montgomery #homophobia blogs.timesofisrael.com

(=A reply to "Homophobia is the real sin"=)

the devil loves this kind of deception coming from the so-called religious, the Torah is clear on this abomination as are the rest of the prophets
the writer is in danger of hellfire and will have the blood of those he leads astray to answer for
you are warned according to Ezekiel 3 and 33