
Alexander Cornswalled #fundie #conspiracy cornswalled.com

For ten years, Dennis Markuze has been issuing death threats to atheists, journalists, entertainers and scientists. The deranged, inarticulate and repetitive nature of these threats have long been attributed to a diseased mind. Despite a decade of death threats, the Montreal police, who have jurisdiction over this person, have taken NO action against him.


A closer look at this man reveals a perplexing blend of alleged Christian fundamentalism and a near worship of Nostradamus.

Despite repeated efforts to engage him in conversation and discussion he has never done anything but repeat the same template driven insanity. There has been no variation, no thought, no research. It's as if the writing of Dennis Markuze is a character, a facade, and a poorly executed one at that.

Why put up this facade? And why are the Montreal police, the police department for a very liberal area, so determined to ignore an alleged conservative who is out for liberal blood?

The answer is simple. My theory is that Dennis Markuze is not the deranged madman he pretends to be. If he really were as violent and bloodthirsty as he claims, why would he attend and atheist convention with a backpack capable of concealing a bomb and do nothing but run?

The answer is simple. David Mabus (Dennis Markuze) is a deep cover liberal whose goal is to mock conservatives and make us look like psychotic lunatics. I suspect the Montreal police are taking no action against him, not because they'd rather he snap and kill someone first, as they claim, but because they already KNOW he's an act. The only rational reason for the Montreal police to take no action against a man who has been issuing death threats for ten years is if they know he's a fake and are in on it.

David Mabus (Dennis Markuze) I challenge you to do the right thing and confess your fraud. You are a fake, an act, a pretender. You are a liar defaming good Christian men and women with your routine. You are a sloppy, humorless, incompetent version of Borat. Stop libeling and slandering real Christians with your act.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia cornswalled.com

Fred Phelps is a fraud. He's actually a liberal out to make anyone who opposes homosexuals look evil and psychotic. He's dedicated his life to making a sham of all attempts to show homosexuality as a sin, ensuring his face and funeral protests are the first image that comes to mind whenever anyone calls homosexuality a sin.

He's the greatest and most damaging ally the homosexuals have. More and more Christians are supporting homosexuals because of the act Phelps puts on. His act of outrageous and over the top hatred fuels a stereotype of those who oppose homosexuals and their agenda, causing many religious leaders to forsake the Bible in favor of looking "humane" in order to avoid being equated with Phelps.

Perhaps Uganda has it right, and the Homosexuals should just be rounded up and sent to their own island where they can't do any damage to the rest of us.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

From the article "Why all Christians should support SOPA"

SOPA lets the US finally censor the Internet.

If you don't play by US rules, your web site will be blocked. Most of the Internet's major data trunks go through the USA. People visiting a European web site from South America will be relying on cables and servers in the USA for part of the communication. SOPA will let the USA block not just the traffic TO US users, but traffic going THROUGH the USA to other countries. Offending sites will be blocked not just in the USA, but in South America. This means South American web sites can be blocked from being seen by the rest of the world, even if they're not using a .COM, .NET or .ORG domain name.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

For years I've wanted the FCC to step in and censor the Internet and now it looks like it may actually happen. In a brilliant move, the FCC is planning to auction an unused piece of 25 megahertz wireless spectrum under the restrictions that the winner provide free wireless Internet access and censor obscene content.

If the FCC's plans come to fruition, 90% of Americans will have access to Free Internet service that's free of pornography and obscene material. The only people PAYING for Internet service will be businesses, and people seeking obscene materials. Within a few years being a private citizen paying for Internet service will itself be considered grounds for an investigation.

What family will stretch their budget to pay for an Internet connection, if the only valid reason for paying for it is if you were seeking obscene and illegal materials? Combined with the fresh interest in enforcing obscenity laws, American access to pornographic material would be returned to 1950's access levels, where it was a rare and shameful thing, hard to find and a humiliation if others learned you were viewing it.

The pendulum is swinging and the permissive whores debasing our culture with obscenity are being marginalized again.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

There is nothing redeemable in this podcast. It's a propaganda mouthpiece for Satan and his followers. The content is a lock step repetition of the same humanist lies that have plagued the United States since the invention of the "separation of Church and State" fiction.

Despite their lock step service to Satan and the intellectual dishonesty of claiming to be skeptical while accepting the same beliefs as the rest of their peer group, I can't help but feel sorry for these people. This is because of one episode where they interviewed an atheist musician who had written a song about his dog's death. This song was an attempt by someone with no belief in an afterlife to deal with the death of his pet. The shoddy, hopeless, empty shell of "consolation" he came up with was so "moving" to other atheists that one of them had this song, about the death of a DOG, played at his mother's funeral.

What was the best the atheists could come up with to console them on the death of a loved one?

"The deceased won't have to miss me."

Despite everything these people are doing to drag souls to Hell, I can't help but pity such lost, hopeless, pathetic creatures.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

Atheists are against God and by very definition in league with Satan. They don't KNOW they're in league with Satan, its certainly not intentional, but they are serving Satan's ends by abandoning God and pursuing humanist endeavors.

Anyone who is not with God is against God, and anyone who is against God is in league with Satan, as Satan supports and desires anyone who is against God.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

Fortunately, the drug resistant strain is limited to the gay population, where homosexuals are 13 times more likely to be infected than heterosexuals.

Anyone else think this sounds familiar?

A previously undocumented disease, untreatable by today's medical practices, is spreading like wildfire among the nation's gay population. With AIDS, the disease spread to heterosexuals through married men who were cheating on their wives and injected drug use. Will this disease cross over to heterosexuals as easily, or will the precautions taken to reduce the spread of AIDS slow the progress of this disease?

It seems that only the chaste and monogamous are safe. Parents, warn your children of the dangers of sex outside the safety of marriage. Pastors, warn your congregations.

We're on the cusp of another epidemic, another microscopic killer slaughtering the innocent because of the sins of Homosexuals. Let's nip this one in the bud.

Alexander Cornswalled #fundie cornswalled.com

The presence of such degenerate content is predictable. When a publisher dedicates itself to books that focus on moral relativity and upon removing God from human life, the very foundation of morality and law is eroded, giving way to a perverted permissiveness and a slippery slope towards the very depths of sin and filth. These books are just the tip of the iceberg, a sampling of the perversity and depravity being sold by Prometheus Books.

Take a good look at the books your child is reading for their college level courses. Are any of them published by Prometheus Books? A lot of their books are used in college courses, do YOU know what your child is reading?

Alexander Corswalled #conspiracy #dunning-kruger cornswalled.com

Pokos itself is one of the older, and more obscure words in Latin. As far as can be determined, it originated in Northern Italy as the name for a local deity, also known as Pikat-shoo. The Italians who worshiped this god were polytheistic, and Pokos was their god of thunder and lightning. Most of this sect's gods were bestial in origin.
The truth is, Pokemon originates from the name of the ancient god Pokos. Advertizers decided to claim otherwise, and made up the clever idea of "Pocket Monsters" to cover up the true origins of the game.