
Carlos Whitlock Porter #racist cwporter.com

The reason why liberals are called "liberals" is because they want to liberalize everything (when it suits the liberals). Everybody should be free to do anything; everything should be free to everybody (when it suits the liberals; when it doesn't, that is quite a different story). For example:

a) Women die during illegal abortions; abortion should be legalized to ensure proper surgical techniques;

b) Junkies poison themselves with drugs; drugs should be legalized to ensure a clean supply;

c) Prostitutes spread disease and are exploited by pimps; prostitution should be legalized and regulated;

d) Illegal gambling is dishonest because the casinos have to bribe the police; gambling should be legalized to collect tax revenues and to ensure fair play.

Personally, I have a great fondness for this sort of reasoning. For example:

a) Revisionist, racist, and "hate literature" should be legalized in all countries to ensure scrupulous accuracy of content;

b) Racial separation should be legalized and regulated to avoid violent reprisals by dispossessed whites;

c) Burning refugee centres should be legalized and regulated to ensure proper ignition of the various flammable liquids involved and to avoid endangering adjacent properties housing innocent people;

d) The sale of white children for adoption should be legalized and regulated to prevent white people who love children, but can’t have any, from importing coloured scum from the Indian sub-continent. Most people who have abortions are egotistical and materialistic. If they could sell their offspring for $25,000 each -- probably the average market value for a healthy white child -- they would produce one a year. Poo on morals, let's get the white birth rate up! (Of course, this means that the killing of sex perverts who might want to adopt them must also be legalized and regulated.)

e) The lynching of race-mixers, and pervert "rights" activists should be regulated to avoid accidental infection of innocent bystanders with AIDS;

f) The assassination of Federal agents, abortionists, "Fair Housing" spies, etc. should be legalized to avoid shooting next door neighbours by mistake, etc. etc.

Do I advocate murder? Of course not. Murder is illegal. Look at Waco, Texas . If you did that, it would be murder, but the Feds did it, so it’s not.

Carlos Whitlock Porter #racist #psycho #crackpot #homophobia cwporter.com


AIDS is a communicable disease of the Negro race, the non-white races, the racially mixed, and all persons that mix with Negroes (Hispanics, Jews, race-mixers, drug addicts, homosexuals, etc).

Among whites, it is estimated that 5% of Italians and 14% of Swedes are in fact racially immune to AIDS. They are said to possess the G2-fast gene, exclusive to certain members of the White Race and providing full immunity if passed on by both parents.

Since AIDS is a disease of minority groups, the only concern of the liberals, predictably enough, is to protect their "civil rights". Carriers must therefore be exempt from all laws applying to the carriers of other diseases (such as syphilis or typhoid). Insurance companies must be prohibited from asking any questions designed to determine whether or not an individual may or may not be a carrier. All laws against homosexual activity, no matter how lenient, must be abolished. Negroes must be encouraged to screw white girls at all costs. No problem!