[Paragraph breaks inserted because the author forgot to add them himself.]
About 3 months ago I wrote a later to one of my Jewish friends which I had planned to witness to for a long time. she read it and got mad at me for doing it, she said I didn’t have the right to convict people. so I said I would drop the subject. for the next 2 weeks several people called me a nati or asked me how Hitler was doing. one guy when I said Hi he said " I hate your ****ing guts" then he went into CSO. This guy calls himself a Christian and a few days later he was telling me how mad he was that I would say that to my Jewish friend. I was feeling really down already so I left, One of my Christian friends spoke to him and basically said he was a hypocrite for saying he was a Christian and yelling at me for witnessing.
so that day at lunch my Jewish friend starts yelling at me cuz we ( my friend and I) " Ganged up" on this guy, I got fed up with her yelling and said " this conversation is going nowhere, So Good bye" and I left, cuz she wouldn’t listen to me. yea 2 days later I got called down to the office and told that I was harassing her and that it is illegal to witness at school, I explained that separation of church and state only applies to adults and not students. I also said that she had brought it up the second time.
yea so she is still mad at me and hasn’t spoken to me since, I still get called names and yelled at because of it.