
runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

[ArthurN mentions the danger of teaching creationism s part & parcel of the school curriculum. runner responds:]

We teach the evolution myth which eases peoples consciences in killing the unborn and behaving immorally so why not teach something with a lot more evidence to back it.
At least one prominent evolutionist is honest when he says

‘Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit in this one complaint. . . the literalists [i.e., creationists] are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.
'Michael Ruse, professor of history and philosophy and author of The Darwinian Revolution (1979), Darwinism Defended (1982), and Taking Darwin Seriously (1986), acknowledges that evolution is religious:
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 August 2008 10:58:25 AM

[When one of the posters points out that evolution has no god or anything else that's similar to a religion runner responds:]


'I know i should know better, but Runner! Seriously mate! what is wrong with you? Evolution is a religion! lol! if so,

where is our god?

That is the point. Evolutionist are ignorant enough to practice a religion which denies that creation requires a Creator. That is one dumb religion.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 August 2008 4:00:56 PM

IRISH #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

there are NO intolerant christians and christians did not kill anyone in the name of god, the people who killed were NOT christians jesus christ taught nothing but LOVE and he was killed by so called religious people! so ask yourselves how many christians have been slaughtered for their beliefs,maybe we can all live in harmony one day on this earth!
Posted by IRISH, Thursday, 23 August 2007 6:33:59 PM

Runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

TRTL writes

'Now observe that silent majority attempt to dictate their views as being the only moral one, never mind the immorality of forcing a woman to give birth against her will.'

Just happens that the vast majority of journalist and writers on this topic impose their pro choice views on anyone they can.

TRTL speaks of the 'immorality of forcing a woman to give birth against her will'

No mention of the immorality she has often committed and then tries to cover it up by murdering her a baby. On top of that the shame is suppose to be on the one who calls this wicked act of murder wrong. Unbelievable!
Posted by runner, Monday, 23 June 2008 12:41:18 PM

Runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au


Without wanting to sound cynical but to try and argue truth and reason with most secularist is a challenge. They hide behind women's rights so the abortion industry can prosper, insist the right to view pornography (even though it leads to child sexual abuse)and claim that bigoted Christians are really the cause of the world's woes!

They are quick to promote homosexual marriage knowing that it is destructive for society. In fact any honest study will show you most of the hated paedophile priests are homosexuals.

The only absolutes they believe in are the ones they make up themselves. One day they will bow their knee and confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Hopefully some of them will have found a little humility and repented before then.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 9 July 2008 6:11:01 PM

runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au


Australia's biggest threat from freedom of religion is from the fundamentalist humanist who insist their wonky philosophies are based on science. Somehow they loathe the freedoms established in our nation through biblical principles and champion earth worshiping policies that include murdering the unborn. They often champion pagan religion that leads to all sorts of dysfunction in a society and label anyone who oppose them as bigots. They seem to be over represented by the homosexual lobby which is not surprising considering their philosophies which really come from paganism
Posted by runner, Friday, 23 November 2007 2:00:06 PM

Runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

[a poster named Roy argues that christians shouldn't try to legislate morality but win people over by example]

I have sympathy with this stand Roy however it can be used as a cop out when we know the secular humanist are not happy to teach their own the lies of evolution and the denial of a baby being a baby but want the whole of society to participate in their own bigotry. It is true that their is no righteousness outside of Christ but it is also true that if Christians don't make a stand for the most vulnerable in society (elderly, unborn and children) then no one will.

AS was seen in Victoria that the secular humanist want free speech for everyone except Christians. I personally would prefer to go to jail then deny my Saviour and His teachings. I would like to think that my children will still have freedom to call wrong wrong and right right long after I go. The way things are heading and the way humanist want it is for good to be called bad and bad good. We see this in everything from perversion (homosexuality to killing the unborn).
Posted by runner, Monday, 3 September 2007 4:14:03 PM

josho_vox #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

Can't all of you see that believing in nothing is believing in something. The Secular Party of Australia clings as much to its policies and aims as the Christians, Muslims and Hindus. It is as much of a religion as anything and the problem that we face is that it doesn't remove religion from government, all it does is creates a new religion.

Religion: the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices. Something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience.

People are forgetting that 'religion' itself doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a 'God'. It's got everything to do with a belief in regards to that 'God'. If atheism, cynicism and freedom for rights has become the 'belief' system for this political party then it is much of a religion as christianity

TRUTHNO78 #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

The reason gay marriage will never be legal is because Christians will be prosecuted for saying it's wrong to be gay. Secondly, your kids WILL be taught about gay sex in primary school if gay marriage is the law of the land. When this happens, most parents would then take their kids out of public schools and put them in Christians schools so their kids would avoid reading books like My Two Dad's.

This would be unfair to the children of atheists because they'd have to remain in gay-friendly public schools, and most likely grow up to be at least bisexual - we're all products of our environment I'm afraid.

runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

THe lies of evolution are taught openly in schools so it makes a lot more sense to teach about the truth of creation. The religion of humanism (man believeing he is god) has proven a complete failure. No wonder many of the 'believers' in humanism send their kids to schools where they don't have to put up with the fruit of its flawed beliefs.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 July 2007 9:30:07 PM

runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

Rusty writes

'Let* the religious schools indoctrinate the littlies to the most dysfunctional of views'

No doubt you have not noticed the obvious that by far the most dysfunctional families come from the secular zoos. Your own earth worshiping religion [runner's talking about secular views here] fails dismally and only adds to the dysfunction. The only difference between the perverted homosexual priests that molest children and the secular teachers is that one pays compensation while the other does not.

Your 'intellectually superior' pseudo science such as evolution is yet to achieve any real science breakthroughs. You are blinded by your own bias and dogmas. The ethics you refer to are no doubt very elastic and nonsensical.

Runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

The promotion of homosexuality is unhealthy for our nation. Marriage of same sex couples is as sick as marriage between a woman and a cat. We should be helping people caught up in this unnatural lifestyle not encouraging it. Why Australians tolerate this polictally correct and yet morally bankrupt rubbish is bewildering. The acceptance of defacto relationships (living in sin) has had a large affect on dulling peoples consciences. It is obvious that the secular humanist have succeeded in deluding so many. No wonder we have so many fatherless children, teenage drug use, abortion and crime. Now we want to add more perversion to our legal list and will be dumb enough to ask why we have so many problems in society.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 June 2008 12:29:31 PM

Sells #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

When compared with Islam, it is obvious how different Christianity is. Islam is a religion with a capital R. It is about unquestioning obedience to what purports to be divine law. There is no theological development in Islam. Christianity is really about the unmasking of what we now know as religion. This produces a freedom from all religiosity, all idols, all gods. It is a mistake to think that fundamentalism represents Christianity. The temptation for us all is to become religious and that includes the secularist who claims the ascendancy of reason. Dig a bit below the surface and you will find the same old tired idols, the same fear of death, the same human triumphalism and belief in progress. That is why it is only radical Christianity that will truly set us free.

Runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au


Your select parts of history might ease the conscience of many who reject the Saviour's forgiveness but it makes little sense. Yes the Catholic church has been corrupt and done many horendeous things in the past in the name of God. Unfortunately they clearly ignored Christ and showed they had no real knowledge of Him. What many ignore is that more unborn babies have been murdered than the total number of all others killed in wars throughout history (as a direct result of secular thinking). Added to this the number killed by Marxism (at the heart of secular humanism) far outweigh the horrible crimes committed by Catholics and others calling themselves 'Christians'.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 June 2008 3:59:39 PM

runner #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

The author writes with such authority

'The world is such a wonderful place because we have had over 3 billion years of the most primitive life forms taking energy from the sun and changing the atmosphere into a stable, oxygen rich one with very effective feedback mechanisms that keep the system stable.'

And the next chapter of the fairy tale is? To think that people are so dumbed down to accept such ardent statements as fact without questions shows how much we have devolved in our thinking. Only those totally blinded by evolution dogma fail to see the Great Designer of this planet.

The reason so many are miserable and addidcted to anti depressants is simply because the god deniers have had their dogmas implemented into society. It has led to depression, family breakdown, child abuse and drug addiction.

Someone who describes the past so inaccurately as the author has little chance of offering answers for the future.

Philo #fundie forum.onlineopinion.com.au

Because atheists have no moral conscience or respect for the sanctity of human life they believe they can destroy a human foetus without consequence. That they without conscience may cross breed human embryos with animal sperm supposedly for the advancement of their view of science. That they cannot believe death and deformity of an individual is natural, and prefer to believe they can outsmart what is natural [allowed by God] by destroying healthy human cells and cross breeding them with lower living species [a practise that is morally condemned].
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 30 September 2007 4:16:38 AM