Georgi Alexandrov Stankov #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy
Divine Constitution of the Universal Law
This constitution acknowledges and abides by the axiomatic, scientific and spiritual principles of the new Science and Gnosis of the Universal Law (UL) and its infinite applications in human life as developed by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov and presented on this website.
Since the UL is the knowledge of the Source (Godhead) expressed in human language, it is called: The Divine Constitution (DC) of the Universal Law.
– The DC acknowledges all humans as immortal, unlimited, independent, free and sovereign creator beings who exist in infinite dimensions and realities, and not only on the earth, which is a specific incarnation experiment of their human souls. Humans always create from the fulcrum of their souls, consciously or unconsciously to the human mind of the incarnated personality.
– This includes the immediate abolition of the national state with all its legal, governmental, administrative, financial, economic, health, education, and other collective forms of governance.
– In particular, the countries that abolish their current constitutions and vote for the new DC will acquire immediate free access to the following basic technologies that will bestow them with hitherto unknown freedom and prosperity:
1) Quantum Intelligent Antigravity Vehicles for easy individual or group transport to any place on the earth. These vehicles will be based on Free Photon Energy according to the new Science of the UL. With these vehicles, all borders and legal restrictions of the current national states (e.g. passports) will be abolished forever.
2) Soul-protected Astral-Card for everyone that will provide unlimited resources to every individual according to his spiritual necessities as determined by his soul. This new technology will abolish with one fell swoop all current control mechanisms, all fraud, corruption, oppression, injustice, inequality, and manipulation based on the current Orion Monetary system.