
Agus Karta Parulian Panggabean #fundie #kinkshaming #homophobia thejakartapost.com

"When there's NO revelation, people cast off restraint", the proverb goes on to say. In modern words, it is liberalism that opens the door for porn industries to air their films on TV stations, publish their photos on magazines, etc.

As a result, brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, etc were established everywhere in the west. Homosexual couples are also everywhere. Not only adult women are the victims of sexual freedom but also children are today's victims of sexual freedom.

In contrast to what happen in the 1950's era. At that time when the Word of God still have its place in westerner's heart, we can hardly find brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, homosexual couples, human sperm spread over women's face in the west.

DA #fundie thejakartapost.com

Facebook user reported after claiming gang rape of Ahok voters 'halal'

A Facebook user who stated that it was halal (religiously acceptable) to gang rape women supporting incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, was reported to the Jakarta Police on Monday.

Indonesian Women Against Violence reported the person, identified only as DA, for allegedly spreading hate speech against women.

"We are concerned that the [Facebook] post might cause violence in real life. Moreover, we remember what happened in the May 1998 tragedy, when widespread sexual violence left many people traumatized, particularly Chinese-Indonesian women," said Valentina Sagala from the women’s organization, referring to the 1998 violence that preceded the fall of the Soeharto regime.

Valentina, however, emphasized that the report had nothing to do with the current Jakarta election race that sees Ahok running against Anies Baswedan, who is supported by several Islamist organizations, among other groups.

Ahok, a Christian of Chinese ethnicity, has faced several issues relating to race and religion during the campaign period.

"We are not standing up for any particular candidate, we’re standing up for women," she said. "Whichever candidate they choose, women must never be subject to violence."

Valentina said the case showed that many people in the country still viewed women as targets for political machinations.

Six unnamed Jakarta vigilantes #transphobia #psycho thejakartapost.com

The North Jakarta Police have charged a group of men who allegedly burned a 42-year-old transgender woman to death with aggravated assault.

A total of six suspects face charges under Article 170 of the Criminal Code, which stipulates that individuals who are found to have collectively used lethal violence against a person face 12 years in prison.

The police had apprehended three of the six suspects, identified only as AP, RT and AH, as of Thursday afternoon.

The violence purportedly took place in Cilincing after the suspects accused Mira of stealing a truck driver’s phone and wallet. The truck driver had parked his vehicle near Mira’s rented room.

North Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Budhi Herdi Susianto said the suspects hit her with a wooden log before dousing gasoline all over her so that she would confess to the alleged theft. They then proceeded to pull out a lighter with the intention of threatening her, he said.


He said fire from the lighter inadvertently set off the gasoline, burning the victim alive.

Amnesty International Indonesia director Usman Hamid conveyed his disappointment in the authorities’ “lackluster” investigation of the murder, which he said only resulted in a relatively light assault charge.

“We still maintain that what the suspects did was carry out a despicable murder. The police should have conducted a more robust investigation, instead of taking the suspects at their word,” Usman told the Post on Thursday.

He said the suspects obviously intended to “do more than just threaten” Mira, as they had gone out of their way to procure gasoline beforehand.