"When there's NO revelation, people cast off restraint", the proverb goes on to say. In modern words, it is liberalism that opens the door for porn industries to air their films on TV stations, publish their photos on magazines, etc.
As a result, brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, etc were established everywhere in the west. Homosexual couples are also everywhere. Not only adult women are the victims of sexual freedom but also children are today's victims of sexual freedom.
In contrast to what happen in the 1950's era. At that time when the Word of God still have its place in westerner's heart, we can hardly find brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, homosexual couples, human sperm spread over women's face in the west.
And has been often pointed out, children were often born 6 months after their parents were married.
The 1950s was just as "bad" as today, and the 2050s won't be any "worse".
In contrast to what happen in the 1950's era.
Ah, you mean the pure, chaste 50s, when many babies were born shockingly premature, yet...miraculously fully developed?
human sperm spread over women's face
We prefer to use the term Jizz-Mops .
As in jizz-mops for jebus.
Victims of sexual freedom?
Yeah, God forbid people be allowed to fuck who they want, when they want [but not in public], how they want. Geez.
Also, LOL bukkake.
"In contrast to what happen in the 1950's era. At that time when the Word of God still have its place in westerner's heart, we can hardly find brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, homosexual couples, human sperm spread over women's face in the west. "
You weren't in the west in the 50s were you?
Some of us prefer empiricism to revelation.
And you think facials and bukkake are an issue in the West? Uh... look to your north. That chain above the Philippines -- they have some really, really weird porn.
"Not only adult women are the victims of sexual freedom but also children are today's victims of sexual freedom."
Victims, because we can never enjoy sex unless it's gawdly heterosexual sex in the missionary position, and only during our fertile period, because women DO ABSOLUTELY NOT enjoy having sex.
... at that time ... we can hardly find brothels, cafes and bars ...
Aww, c'mon, you weren't really looking.
"At that time when the Word of God still have its place in westerner's heart, we can hardly find brothels,"
Um...brothels existed during the 1950's. That's like saying there were no speakeasies in the 1920's.
"cafes and bars,"
I can understand the whole alcohol thing, but what's wrong with going down the road and ordering a cup of coffee?
"night clubs,"
Dancing is evil!
"homosexual couples,"
Down with homosexual couples! They should be reduced to soliciting sex in public restrooms, as God intended!
"human sperm spread over women's face in the west."
Bukkake isn't new, you know. Men and women have been doing all kinds of filthy things to each other ever since humans discovered you could have sex in more than one position.
brothels, cafes and bars, night clubs, homosexual couples, human sperm spread over women's face in the west.
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong...
Cafes and bars? Night clubs? Homosexual couples? Nooooooo!
Also, I'm relatively certain that my country (the US) counts as part of the west, and here, the teen childbirth rate peaked in 1957.
778201, I would agree, but seeing as how this is from Jakarta, or so I take it, English may not be his first language. However, this doesn't make it any less funny, how liberalism causes human (not animal) sperm to be spread over a woman's face, but only in the west. The cafe's being evil part sounds more like mormonism than protestant fundyism, but I could be wrong. And I don't even know what to say about 'sexual freedom'. That's just hilarious.
Um, how am I a "victim", when I am free to CHOOSE my partner, CHOOSE whether or not to breed, and CHOOSE how I dress? WTF? And how the hell is FREEDOM hurting CHILDREN?
You know, I think this guy thinks we just run around getting head from random ladies...
His vision of the world we live in is so goddamn awesome... It's like we are living in the world of porn... Which is annoying since I am not a milkman or playboy billionaire or some other job which is regarded as sexy...
Wait till I get my medical degree... Then we will see whose sperm is all over women's faces...
Hell, why stop at fifty years ago? Why not go one hundred, back when we didn't have opium dens, or a thriving business of prostitution; when neither laudanum or absinthe were available, and our cough drops were free of cocaine and heroine? Oh, wait...
"As a result, brothels, <b>cafes</b> and bars, night clubs, etc were established everywhere in the west."
Because there wasn't anywhere you could get a cup of tea during the day pre-1950s
"When there's NO revelation, people cast off restraint", the proverb goes on to say" tl;dr...
"human sperm spread over women's face in the west."
That's Japan, you ignorant dickweed. USA has Americentricism. What is the Indonesian equivalent, I wonder? At least I know more about what's outside my own borders (the UK).
'I say, I say, I say! My wife's gone to Indonesia.'
'No, I drove her to the airport!'
@Dr. Funkenstein
"How often do you see bukakke in the real world, exactly?"
Agus has probably been on 4chan's /b/ (or /h/), and thinks that, just because they have hentai pics of Japanese Bukkake, it must happen in the West.
You can actually find some 50s nightclub acts on Youtube, Martin and Lewis did 'Blue" material sometimes back then.
The 50s to most religious folk is held up as some high moral age that it never was. It was an economically good time
In the 1950s we had no internet, no cable TV, no Facebook. Where I lived we had two TV stations, and one of us would be sent outside to rotate the antenna between them. But we still had brothels, cafes, nightclubs, and homosexuals. You do realize, I hope, that hiding things doesn't mean they've gone away.
Yeah, because no conservative politician has ever been found in the company of sex-workers.
We're victims of sexual freedom? Oy vey, the oppression of not being forced to marry just anyone to have somewhere to live, the shackles of having sex whenever we want, with whoever we want, refusing sex to whoever we want.
It was much better back when rich uncles could rape their poorer teenage nieces and it was the girls' fault for not being chaste enough, and the girls were punished for becoming pregnant.
Yup, there were NO bars, speakeasies, pubs, cafes back then!
What did Grandpa Trump work with again, when he immigrated to the US from Germany...?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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