
pianopassion #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[The last in a silly list of reasons why women don't belong the workplace]

The reason many mothers work outside the home is to make ends meet. But if a woman develops the potential functions of her home and practices wise buying can greatly increase the finances of the home. Then in the book it showes a list of extra expenses cuased by the mother working outside the home: federal income tax, state income tax, social securtiy tax, tithe, transportation, meals, resaurant and carry-out meals (for lack of time to prepare one), extra clothes and cleaning, forfeited savings on thrift shopping, employee insurance, day care, and "I owe myself" expenses. It ended up that it either came out even or the family actually lost money

CarolinaBaptistLady #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I do not believe in going to movie theaters! In my own opinion, I think it is dangerous! Think about, you are in a dark room where anyone can grab you and do horrible things to you.

Also, the commercials that advertise movies that are soon to be let out are full of sin. No Christian who lives for the LORD has any business going there!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Desperately missing C.S. Lewis' point, and deducing the Chronicles of Narnia is Satanic propaganda]

After his resurrection, Aslan said, "If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even Death itself will turn backwards."
It appears that the 'deep magic' is the code or law of Narnia. If we were to assume the parallel between Christianity and the world of Narnia existed, we would have to assume that the 'Deep Magic' is a type of the Word of God. In fact, Aslan said, "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written." So, we have the first blasphemy: If the author is attempting to parallel Chronicles of Narnia then the 'Deep Magic' is a parallel to the Word of God. We cannot compare any magic to the Holy Word of God! To do so would make God Himself a liar as God pronounced witchcraft (the practice of using magic) to be a sin!

Tiffany09 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Ok if nobody has heard the news...here's the scoop. Lebanon captured some Isrealy people...Isreal bombed Lebanon. So now we have a war.

Here's my question. In Matthew, the Bible says that there will be wars and rumors of wars.

Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

So is this the beginning of the end of the world? Or what? Am I reading to much into this?

Justin #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I honestley dont know what to say about this,exept that all Homosexuals should be killed.God destroid Sadam and Gamoriah because of idiots like that.NOWONE SHOULD LIVE LIKE THAT!They shouldnt even live!

DodgeRamFanatic #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Sorry, Evangelist, I'm not trying to drive you, but there is both theological and scientific proof that life doesn't exist on other planets. (From a theological point of view) how about that verse in the Bible that says, "Eve was the mother of all living"?

IFbaptistgirl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Untill this century it wasn't widely accepted for women to wear pants. It was considered improper. The awful feminist movement changed that, so young ladies our age don't have a lot of modest examples to look to, save godly women in our churches. Modest apparel meant long flowing garment. Pants, shorts, culotts, etc do not line up with this.
Those garmets naturaly draw a persons eyes to areas taht aren't meant to be excentuated or seen publicly. What godly woman wants to cause her brother in Christ to sin with his eyes by exposing herself?

iamsaved1 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Erin, an OXYMORON is a phrase that seems to contradict itself. So, someone said "WOMAN PREACER". We know there are women out there who claim to be preachers, but we also know that a womand preacher is not Biblical. So, the phrase, "WOMAN PREACHER" is an oxymoron.

Does that help?

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