
katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I believe that interracial marraiges are wrong and unBiblical, and Mrs Debbie and Abby have provided good evidence for that. It is clear in the Bible so human "logic" shouldn't come into it at all. The Bible says what it means and means what it says.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Ok so they were discussing this on another message board that I go on, and I got flamed pretty badly for saying stuff about Ham. First of all I was told that Ham wasn't cursed at all, it was Caanan, and second off I was told that I had been listening to a bunch of southern Americans that are racist and belong in the KKK. Now I don't want to offend anyone but what is the big deal? I have an understanding about some kind of war between the north and the south and whatever and that it had to do with black people but what in the world was it really about? I have been told that it is only people in the south who say Ham was cursed and stuff and whatever. Please help here first of all I think I see in the Bible that you are right and second of all I have an appaling lack of knowledge of American history!

Yizzy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

lol ive never understood how people can believe in evolution in the Big bang sense, because theres a massive hole in their theory, for their theory there needs to be something there to start off with and nobody can ever explain where that someting came from. its quite fun making my science teachers stutter when i point that out.

but the point is, even if the big bang theory was true (which it isnt) God would have had to start it off. some people can be so ignorant to what is the obvios, eg, its obvious if you look around that God exists, but many people arein total denial

Mrs Lace #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Fstdt and it's members.]

I'm not sure which board you are referring to. That point is irrelevant, because all such boards are equal. Poor taste and vulgarity seem to be the characteristics required to be a "popular" poster among their members. Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times. When I visit such message boards I always leave with mixed feelings of sadness and disgust. But for the grace of God I would fit in with those who post on them. I thank God He is true to His Word and regenerates fallen man.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

As for a situation where the mother's life may be in danger by giving birth...... It is not our place to play God by killing the baby to save the mother's life. He has a purpose in everything...even a situation like this one. It is never right to do wrong to do right. It is the Lord who blessed that woman with a pregnancy and He is the only One Who can rightfully end the pregnancy or cause the mother to carry to full term. It is also His prerogative to choose to take the mother's life so that the child may live. Being saved or unsaved makes no difference here - except - the saved mother has the peace of God dwelling in her to uphold her, comfort her, and guide her.

Arlomay #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[This is from a thread discussing whether there is such a thing as Christian rock and whether to call it Christian rock or X-tian rock.]

"I don't think Christ and rock and roll should be put together. Where do you think they got the title? THe guy that invented it called it that because he heard postitutes use it.
Rock em' and Roll em'. Get it?"

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

In rape trials, the victim is almost always asked a question something like, "What were you wearing?"

Jesus said in Mat 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Here is the point I want to make: modesty is essential. Rapist are attracted to those who are immodest. How often do we hear about kids and teens being kidnapped, raped and murdered. Then we see pictures of the kids only to see that they were not modest at all. Jean Bennet Ramsey was dressed, as a little child, like a scaled-down adult protestitute. What should we expect from the dregs of society? My point is simply this: I believe that if you knowingly dress in a way to attract guys, you are as guilty of adultery as the guys are. You are committing adultery with them. [emphasis original]

Mrs. Debbie #fundie #racist teens-4-christ.org

(Also fits in RSTDT)
Obviously God made different races for a reason so why would He want one race to be the same as another? Yes, Adam was created in the likeness of God....the rest of us are all in the similtude of Adam. He made each race different and in order for that race to remain the way He created it then each race needs to stay within themselves.

I don't know about your church, but our church has all kinds of people - whites, blacks, hispanics.....American, Indian, Romanian, Polish, African, Guyanese, etc, etc...... We all go to the same church. We all sing praises to God together. We all hear preaching together. If THAT is not racial harmony then what is? When it comes to salvation we ARE all equal in the sight of God. ALL are sinners and must come to Him in repentance and faith.

As for the interracial dating - we have covered that somewhere here on the Board before - and it is wrong biblically. Please do a search to find that topic.

Bro, Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I do not believe in atheists. They don't exists. Sure, there are people who are immoral, who lie and say they do not believe, but there are none who truly do not believe. Even if there were one who is a true atheist, when he closes his eyes in death, and opens them in Hell, he will believe. Sadly, then, it will be too late. Now is the time to choose to repent and to serve God.

Bro. Randy #fundie #god-complex teens-4-christ.org

Am I a saint? Absolutely. All you have to do is a short study of the books of Acts and Romans to see that the church, the Bride of Christ, the believers, those who have been redeemed by the shed blood of Christ, the saved are referred to as SAINTS. I am a Saint just like Peter, like Mark, James, Barthlomew, Paul, Mary, Joseph, and so on.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Lol I like what your friend said. Of course we know that evolution is a heap of rubbish. Darwin might have gotten hit on the head when he thought that one up. No, I think it had more to do with the fact that he was so anti-God he had to come up with something that didn't have God in it.

Ashley Brianne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Ya'll... this has been on my heart and mind lately... My dad taught the Soulwinning devotional saturday... and he asked us, "why go soulwinning" then he gave us some reasons...
1. B/c its the descent thing to do
If you had the cure for cancer for 20 years, and u met people who's lost loved once b/c of cancer they would prolly think, "HOW INDESCENT" "y didn't u tell me that u had a cure"
Ya'll we have the cure for hell, we shouldn't keep it to ourselves..
2. B/c HEAVEN is For it
There is rejoicing in the presence of angels over ONE sinner that repents... I can see Jesus SHOUTING and REJOICING over a sinner excepting what he did on Calvary.. if for no other reason that b/c it makes my Saviour happy, then i am gonna go soulwinning..
3. B/c Hell begs us to...
wat profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul....
I am reminded of the parable of the rich man.. who went to Hell.. an he was EVEN WILLING THAT A LEPER would give him water from the tip of his finger.... and knowing he would never be released from the torment of Hell THE ONLY REQUEST he had was that someone would go AND TELL his family about Christ...
Ya'll i can imagine there is a daddy in hell right now, that if he could ask us of one thing, he would beg us to warn his kids not to come to Where he is at..
I can imagine theres a wife in hell right now, that if she could ask us of one thing, she would beg us to go tell her husband not to come to a lake of flaming fire.
IF NO OTHER THING COMPELS YOU TO WARN OTHERS ABOUT HELL... The fact that HELL compels us to, should be A GOOD ENOUGH REASON... We have got to stop seeing men as tree's walking, but see them for what they truly are, someone with a never dying soul, who will either spend an eternity in heaven , or an eternity in hell. No they may not be u'r mom, dad, bro, sis, grandchild, son, daughter, or friend, BUT THEY ARE SOMEONE's mom, dad, bro, sis, grandchild, son, daughter they are someones friend...
WE MUST GET OUR MIND ON THE MAIN FOCUS.... we don't have to have a call, when we have a command, "GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL"
Romans 10:13-14
Just thought i'd share

Bro.Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Topic: Is it okay for a men to wear necklaces?]

Since many dictionaries consider a necklace to be two things: (1) adornment about the neck and (2) worn typically by females, we can assume there is an effeminate connotation to wearing a necklace. While this may not always be true, the Bible takes such a strong stand against the effeminate, that we should, as a matter of practice, stay as far away from the confusion as possible. Therefore, MEN should not wear necklaces for the purpose of adornment.

ImaSaved1 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I can imagine some things we see today which could be examples of believers who are being 'tried' because of their sin. Sexually transmitted diseases? These 'trials' can can easily cause a wayward believer to realize their error and turn back to God!

Lizzie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

You know...I have a confession rolleyes.gif A while back I used to watch Wil and Grace (I know, I know, don't bash me now...I got right...). I knew homosexuality was wrong, but it was entertaining and I thought ahh...it's not that bad. I was watching it one night and one of the girls on there was scared to go to the doctor for a check up, so she had Wil go with her. When she got her results back she didn't want to open them out of fear. So Wil opens them. During that she says, 'God, if the results are alright then I'll spend the rest of my life devoted to you!'. When Wil gets them open he says, 'yeah, you're alright.'. She then pulls her hand out from behind her back which had her fingers crossed and shouts, 'HaHa, got you again, God!'
I was so shocked and disturbed. I seriously almost cried. I (thank the Lord) haven't watched it since and I de-reccomend it to anyone I hear talking about it.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

There are a lot of things you can learn from the modern, hollywood, romance style of dating:
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live in disobedience to God's will
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live with a sexually transmitted disease
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to stand at the wedding alter having a heart and/or body that is sexually impure
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be disqualified from whatever ministry God may have for you.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be a parent before you are ready or married.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to practice for divorce.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to have your heart torn asunder because you joined your heart to someone who was not God's will for you.
Need I continue? God has a plan for marriage and Hollywood's style of dating is not a part of it.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Dan found out about a birthday gift that Sue was planning to give him – a kiss. Later that night, he asked for his birthday present and she gave it to him. A few minutes later, Anne and Dan sat in the back seat of a car watching Sue and Mark in a passionate embrace. Now several years later, three of the four have had illegitimate children, two of the four have already been married and divorced, three of the four have been heavily involved in drugs and alcohol. And one still struggles to this day with her walk with God. Was all of this the result of the one kiss? No, not completely, but the one kiss was a match dropped in a sea of gasoline that was the unrestrained emotions of four teenagers.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Response to why Evangelicals don't dance]

We don't dance (as it is today) for a couple of reasons:

1. most types of dancing we see today are sensual
2. the types of dancing we see today do not glorify the Lord
3. Modern dance involves the use of music that does not glorify the Lord.

jesusfish #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki]

Nobody is ever completely innocent except unborn children. But that's irrelevent. We killed the citizens of Japan because their government was an immediate threat to ours, not because they were guilty of something.

The real tragedy is that so many people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't saved. In one fell swoop, the United States sent the populations of two cities to Satan.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Harry Potter only gets kids reading because of the content of the books. The content of the books is evil and the author herself is a satanist. Satanism is a very dangerous religion. Young people are drawn into it becuase it is so appealing. It appeals to their flesh and their sense of mystery and the music appeals to their flesh too. Harry Potter books are dangerous and leading many down the broad road of destruction.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

["Yeah, but there is no leaven in (Shine Jesus Shine and Open Our Eyes Lord)"- OpenOurEyesLord.]

While the songs may be doctrinally sound, and maybe even musically sound, they are guilty by association...in my opinion. These songs are used as bait songs by cxm artists to lure you in. This is a proven technique. Artists release a single, and people like the song and go buy the cd, expecting the rest of the cd to be similar.

There is enough good, solid, Christian music that can be sung/ listened to, why walk the line? Why possibly give the devil a foot in the door? The overwhelming majority of singers/groups that sing these songs are in the cxm genera, and if these songs are sung in church, it may be a stumbling block to younger/weaker members. They may like the songs and go out and try to find it for themselves, thinking that it along with the other songs on the cd must be okay because they heard that song at church.

Yes I think that Galations 5:9 does apply here.

Bluegrass Girl #fundie #sexist teens-4-christ.org

I believe that a girl should not leave home at 17 or 18. A girl should be under her father's authority and household until she is married. In the wedding ceremony, there is a reason that the father gives the bride away. He is giving her to her future husband.

Bro. Randy #fundie #senpai_noticed_us teens-4-christ.org

[More slander aimed at fstdt.]

your ideas actually constitute conspiracy to commit a crime and a recruitment effort. According to the FBI agent I spoke to, your childish ideas amount to a conspiracy to commit internet fraud, internet vandalism and theft of bandwidth. Others have attempted to spam our site with porn. When they do that, the charges also include contributing to the delinquency of a minor, distributing harmful materials to a minor and (possibly) distributing child pornography. In additional to the federal criminal charges, a civil liability exists for any costs we incur, time lost, emotional distress and punitive damages.

ImaSaved1, Bluegrass Girl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[NEW YORK — A woman filed a civil rights lawsuit against a popular Greenwich Village neighborhood restaurant Tuesday, claiming a bouncer chased her out of the women's bathroom because she looked too masculine.

Khadijah Farmer, who was at the Caliente Cab Company after New York's gay pride parade last June, said the bouncer ran into the bathroom, pounded on the stall door and demanded that she leave. He told her a customer complained a man was in the women's room.

"I told him I was a woman, and I tried to show him my I.D.," Farmer said at a news conference. "He refused to look at it. I was extremely uncomfortable and quite humiliated."]

Hmm, perhaps if ladies looked like ladies and men like men there would not be a problem.

Bluegrass Girl:
That's exactly right! Why should this even be an issue? Obviously it was very unclear as to what her gender was.

Imasaved1 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

NEW YORK — A woman filed a civil rights lawsuit against a popular Greenwich Village neighborhood restaurant Tuesday, claiming a bouncer chased her out of the women's bathroom because she looked too masculine.

Khadijah Farmer, who was at the Caliente Cab Company after New York's gay pride parade last June, said the bouncer ran into the bathroom, pounded on the stall door and demanded that she leave. He told her a customer complained a man was in the women's room.

"I told him I was a woman, and I tried to show him my I.D.," Farmer said at a news conference. "He refused to look at it. I was extremely uncomfortable and quite humiliated."

Caliente Cab Company released a statement denying the discrimination claim and said Farmer's "primary interest" was money.

"There has been no discrimination or violation of anyone's civil rights or human dignity by Caliente Cab Company or anyone employed here," the restaurant's statement said.

Farmer's lawyer, Michael Silverman of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, says his client is asking for unspecified damages and demanding that the restaurant train its staff not to discriminate on the basis of gender identity.

Farmer said she knows she looks like a man with her closely cropped hair and male clothing. She said people usually apologize after making the mistake, but the bouncer told her, "I want you out of this restroom and out of this restaurant."

Farmer, a counselor at a residential program for people with disabilities, said she was suing under city and state human rights laws to prevent other people from having to endure similar humiliation.]

Hmm, perhaps if ladies looked like ladies and men like men there would not be a problem.

Marksman #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[In response to the question: What about the fish? I would think that they stayed in water, and weren't taken onto the ark, but sea fish need saltwater, freshwater fish need freshwater, and when the flood came, all the water would have mixed, and become brakish. Very few fish can survive this.]

This can probably be described in many ways, but one way it would work is that salt water is more dense then fresh water, so when they are mixed the salt water sinks to the bottom, and the fresh water stays on top. So when the flood happened, the bottom half of the earth was salt water, and the top half was fresh water. I am sure many fish died, but enough of them survived by staying in their type of water(top or bottom) to reproduce after the flood.

Katy-Anne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I'm glad that your school does not allow sodomite couples to the prom or whatever it is you guys call it over there. But most schools here do, and they allow the kids to practise sodomy openly. We cannot refuse to rent houses to sodomite couples because that is discrimination, according to Australian law. I'm glad America is not that bad yet. But if you keep allowing all the rest and the tolerance of sodomy, it will for sure happen.

Just so you know, I am one of the people that thinks inter-racial marriage is wrong. I have friends that are in inter-racial marriages and I don't condemn them but I do think that its wrong.

Randy Ross #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[From the "Rules"]

Teens-4-Christ is a King James Version Bible site.....please use King James Scripture when posting Scripture reference. failure to do so will result in the editing or deleting of your post. Your account may also be deleted or banned.

Any posts supporting beliefs contrary to "What we believe" will be deleted...may result in banning of the poster.

Any link to be posted on The Board must be pre-approved by an administrator before it is posted. Failing to get links pre-approved may result in a suspension of your privileges.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

By saying this you are denying the omnipotence of God......His unlimited power. God created the heaven and the earth and all that dwell therein. He chose for the chromosomes to be placed as they are within man and within monkeys. Many scientists have studied themselves out of a belief in God. They have laid aside the natural knowledge of God for the un-natural knowledge of the world and its humanistic systems. Had man continued in the knowledge of God the theory of evolution would not exist.

imasaved1 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Under this law, they cannot refuse someone. So, girls, suppose there's a perv guy in your class. Up until today, he's claimed (and acted) straight. But today, he announces that he's a sodomite and wants to use the girls locker room and bathrooms. Remember, they cannot refuse him. A few days later, after he's got what he wants, he announces that he is no longer sodomite. According to this law, there would not be anything you could do about it (except homeschool)

Imasaved1 (Bro Randy) #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[on demonic possession]

It certainly does happen today. In fact, I think it is much more common than we realize it is. I believe the majority of people who are in mental instutions are under some kind of demonic opressions.

I also believe those who abuse druge submit themselves to demonic opression.

However - the saved cannot be indwelled by a demon. That space is filled by the Holy Spirit!


Bro. Randy (Imasaved1) #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Talking about a plan to allow 'gender confused' children to use either a male or female restrooms]

This is absolutely sick, perverted and twisted. No, wait -- there is a Bible word for it: it is an abomination. Folks, God made a covenant with Noah to never destroy the world again by water, but He never made a covenant with Lot. He never promised not to destroy another city or state for their sin. I am not a prophet and I am not predicting anything, I am just pointing out the fact that God will judge in His time.

Remember New Orleans and their scheduled city-wide Sodomite-pride festival? Remember how it ended? That city of debauchery is still trying to clean up from Katrina.