
Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie scottlively.net

I am Dr. Scott Lively and I’m here to explain how the LGBT movement gained legal, cultural and political supremacy over Christianity in America in just 50 years. It advanced through five stages and four supreme court rulings.

The Five Stages of Homofascism are:

1. Tolerance
2. Acceptance
3. Celebration
4. Forced Participation
5. Punishment of Dissenters

The original goal of the LGBT movement in the 1950s was tolerance, what Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society called “The right to be left alone.”

But exactly 50 years ago in the Stonewall riots, homofascism was born – when the movement set its sights on replacing family-centered society with sexual anarchy. Their detailed agenda was published soon after as “The 1972 Gay Rights Platform,” and they launched a united national campaign for “sexual freedom” to be recognized as a constitutional right.

In response, the pro-family movement arose during the Reagan administration in the 1980s to defend marriage and the natural family. In 1986, Justice Byron White (appointed by JFK) dealt a death blow to the LGBT “sexual freedom” strategy in the majority opinion of Bowers v Hardwick, expressly recognizing the right of states to regulate all sexual conduct in the public interest, but specifically homosexual sodomy.
Having fulfilled his globalist mission to establish “Gay Supremacy” in America, Kennedy recently retired from the court after (I strongly suspect) assuring that his legacy would be preserved by the nomination of his former clerk Brett Kavanaugh to fill his vacancy. I sincerely hope I am wrong about Kavanaugh and will apologize profusely if in future cases he shows integrity in helping to reverse Kennedy’s errors.

So here we stand in 2019, four years after Obergefell and the LGBTs instant pivot to “transgenderism” (and pedophilia), watching small children being deliberately infected with hypersexual transgender insanity to the applause of the entire leftist bloc, and Congress seriously debating the so called Equality Act to criminalize Christianity in America.

Throughout this decades-long process America has been pushed inexorably by the leftist elites through the five stages of homofascism until today celebration of all things LGBT is the norm, forced participation in “gay” culture is increasing rapidly, and punishment of dissenters is a virtual mandate of social justice in the minds of the Millennials. God help us!

Can this process be reversed? I believe it can, but only if conservatives, including our presumed five member majority on the supreme court remember what it is that conservatism exists to conserve: the God-fearing, family centered, constitutional republic our founders fought a bloody revolution to secure for us.

Scott Lively #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

It was only when the globalists (having failed to destroy Trump with the Russian Collusion Hoax and Impeachment Scam) launched the Covid-19 pandemic in order to collapse the world economy (a strategy I called “Globalist Chemotherapy”) that I began thinking they might actually take down the president, and the larger theme of Dynasty of Darkness became relevant again relative to current events. I’ve now published the Introduction and Chapter One in video and text form, and am preparing to publish Chapter Two.

However, a new development has put Obama back into the picture. On April 18, 2020, an article in the New York Post outlined a nightmare scenario for constitutionalists titled “How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House.” In short, the scenario is Biden picking Michelle Obama as Vice President for the win in 2020, before being disqualified for mental incapacity in early ‘21under Article 25 of the constitution, putting her (and Barack) back in the Oval Office. The article didn’t add that she could then appoint her husband as VP, then resign, giving him the presidency again, at which time he could appoint her as VP. A modern-day Baal and Ashteroth would then have control of the nation.

As I contemplated this dystopian outcome, and the one (earthly) thing that stands in the way of it becoming reality – the Donald Trump presidency – I was suddenly reminded of “the restrainer” of the Antichrist in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.” Prophecy gurus have long assumed (without conclusive proof) that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit, but suppose the “he” is actually just a man: Trump. Heads will explode over this speculation, but it is at the very least plausible. However, it is not essential to my argument, just an interesting aside – and a reminder that many of the presumptions considered dogma by prophecy “experts” are based on ambiguous texts with plausible alternative interpretations.

I’m not going to publish the chapters of Dynasty of Darkness out of sequence, so interested readers will need to wait a few weeks for my full analysis regarding Obama, but in the interim, I’ll just remind everyone that this man, whose real name is Barry Soetoro, accepted the Democratic nomination for president on a stage literally designed after the Seat of Satan in Berlin, and that his “stage name,” Barack Obama can be literally translated “lightning from heaven,” as in Jesus’ statement in Luke 10:17-19 “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”
The Hebrew word for lightning is ’Barak” (Strongs #1300) , “O” is used to join concepts together, and the word for heights (of heaven) is “Bamah” (Strong’s #1116. Thus, the sentence in the Hebrew would state “I saw Satan as Barak O Bamah.”

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Milo and the “Stockholm Syndrome” of Sodom
Posted on February 22, 2017 by Pastor Scott
In the mid-1970s, America was introduced to “Stockholm Syndrome” when 19 year old Berkeley student and heiress Patty Hearst was transformed from kidnap victim to domestic terrorist by identifying with her captors. Stockholm Syndrome is trauma-induced mental enslavement to the person or group causing the trauma, and Hearst has ever since been its poster child. Her identity hijacked, she joined her Simbionese Liberation Army kidnappers and eventually went to jail for crimes she committed voluntarily in that false persona.

In the unfolding spectacle of the Milo Yiannopoulos pederasty scandal, America is being introduced to a far more potent and common form of this phenomenon: Sodom Syndrome. Like millions of boys through the centuries, 14-year old Milo was recruited into homosexuality by an adult homosexual predator. He then justified his molester, “Father Michael,” in his own mind and recently in unwise but candid media comments. Very typically of adult homosexual men who experienced similar recruitment, Milo portrayed Father Michael as a sort-of coming-of-age mentor, and his young teen self as a consensual partner, fully competent to make his own decisions. (Historically, most male leaders of the “gay” movement share this profile).

In response to the scandal, Milo has recast himself as a helpless victim. While this seems cynical, he actually IS a victim to a far greater extent than most people, and even he himself, realize. I believe what Milo experienced at 14 was Sodom Syndrome, and like Patty Hearst to the SLA, his identity was subsumed into the LGBT culture by psycho/sexual trauma, reinforced by associating sexual climax with his predator’s orientation. Its all about brain chemistry and subconscious coping mechanisms, not free choice – at least not at first.

Like Milo I had a bad relationship with my father, and ventured into the world at an early age. An alcoholic from age 12 and a pothead/drug addict from 14 I lived a vagabond/hitchhiker lifestyle that lasted over ten years and spanned the continent. As such I was a ripe target for recruitment by predators and was solicited by “gay” recruiters countless times. To be fair, only rarely did these men attempt force and fortunately none was successful. To be clear, I never experienced same-sex attraction and didn’t succumb to “gay” recruitment, though I don’t believe anyone is immune to Sodom Syndrome.

When I was about 14 or 15, I spent an afternoon smoking pot with a “gay” guy in his 20’s who explained that young people during puberty have a very fluid sexual identity and how easy it had been for him to turn young teen boys into sex partners. I was very non-judgmental in those days, and didn’t think twice about it, nor similar conversations I had with other homosexuals (though few were that forthright). A confirming study I later saw said 25% of young teens suffer same-sex confusion but most grow out of it naturally by the end of adolescence.

After I had surrendered my life to Christ, been delivered from my addictions and started a family of my own, I saw the world in a wholly different light. A nineteen-year old man, who had “come out” as “gay” after being molested seven or eight years earlier, himself molested a four-year-old boy. I was close to both families and watched that child change from sweet and loveable to hyperactive and rage-driven. He never became homosexual himself to my knowledge, but never really recovered either and now in his 40s lives a miserable life of addiction and crime.

Later as my compassion grew for homosexuals, we took in a repentant ex-“gay” who was dying of AIDS. Sonny lived with us for the last year of his life and I was with him when he died. He attributed his homosexuality to being raped at age seven in a YMCA men’s room by a friend of his father. Sonny’s form of Sodom Syndrome compelled him to seek “gay” sex in settings with the strong smell of urine. He never chose to be that way and expressed deep shame in it, but even in his last days in Christ, the pattern burned into his brain by the youthful trauma remained the identity of his flesh while his mind and spirit were freed only through sexual abstinence.

In the earliest days of my ministry I had the pleasure of making friends with Anthony Falzerano, a leader of the ex-“gay” movement. He said the most common denominator in boys who get recruited is a kind-of “father-hunger” due to troubled family relationships, and that this is easily recognized by predators on the prowl because they suffered it themselves. He and other ex-“gay” leaders showed me by example that the cure to homosexual dysfunction is restoration of male normalcy through long-term healthy relationships with fatherly mentors.

My ex-“gay” friend Richard of Portland, OR sought me out in this way after the predator who made him his houseboy at age 12 (his piano teacher) kicked him out and replaced him when he got too old. My fatherly help blessed Richard through some rough times and gave me personal experience in mentoring ex-“gays.” He never went back and is doing well today.

I’m frequently accused by pro-LGBT leftists of being a suppressed homosexual myself because my life’s work has been opposing their agenda. That’s not true of me, but I’m not insulted by the suggestion because I don’t despise homosexuals like they assume. I do this work because I am a Christian saved by grace, trained for and assigned to this work by my Savior. I do it because I recognize that the sin of Sodom is the most destructive force in human civilization, singularly unique in it’s condemnation in the Bible. I do it because I don’t want to see any more young people lose their innate heterosexual identity to the Sodom Syndrome. Make no mistake – the problem is growing like runaway cancer because we’ve allowed it to go mainstream.

Past criticisms notwithstanding, my heart grieves for Milo Yiannopoulos, because I see what I might myself have become under different circumstances and it is hard to watch anyone crash and burn so spectacularly. What Milo really needs is his Father in Heaven, of course, but he also needs a Dad to lead him out of the darkness of perversion back into the light of normalcy. I pray that this crisis will open his life and heart to both. I’m personally willing to help him in that, if he doesn’t have anyone else. I also pray that Milo’s suffering will not be in vain, but truly open America’s eyes to Sodom Syndrome and it’s own sin in pretending – as a way to avoid confronting hard truths and harsh push-back — they’re all just “born that way” and can’t be cured.

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

'Gay theology’ has always been satanic bait to lure those with same-sex attraction into lives of active homosexual sin. It is also a seductive siren-song for ex-‘gays’ in the weak moments of their recovery.

Scott Lively #conspiracy scottlively.net

The ‘gay’ agenda is simply a sub-plot of the larger Satanic agenda and now that LGBT goals appear nearly fully realized, the hidden hands behind them (both human and demonic) are coming into view. The puppet-masters who have made ‘gay’ supremacy possible have been working backward from the branch to the root to bring chaos out of order — the ultimate satanic goal: first confusion of sexuality as conduct, then confusion of marriage and family, then confusion of gender, and next confusion of what the Bible calls ‘kinds.’ It is not just the deconstruction of civilization but the dissolution of all boundaries between human and animal and machine, to produce creatures that are a blend of all three.

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

The bright future of the pro-family movement is in the hands of the man we hired to drain the swamp in Washington DC, and who hasn’t yet backed down in that fight despite the remarkable scorched-earth campaign of destruction and discreditation being waged against him by the establishment elites of both parties, Hollywood and the media.

Scott Lively #conspiracy scottlively.net

The main event is the full-throated blood-in-the-streets Communist/Anarchist revolt that the political left has always dreamed of. They came close to achieving it in the 1960s. And they got a little taste this decade with the carefully orchestrated Black Live Matter rioting, and more recently with the Steve Scalise shooting. However, now that the “mainstream” media and Hollywood appear fully on board, and Bernie Sanders has given the order to his army to ‘resist’ by any means necessary, and (after Ossoff) the ‘centrist’ Democrats realize that they can’t seem to win through the legitimate political process any more, the perfect storm of political rage and opportunity appear to be shaping up for the summer of 2017 — Mark my words, the ‘Purple Revolution’ will run red.

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) (also known as sexual orientation anti-discrimination policies) are the most devious tactic of the LGBT movement for stripping Christians of First Amendment protections and setting the stage for the “gay” takeover of any social, political or cultural entity. These SORs are the seed that contains the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit. Once implanted, the entire agenda emerges like the trunk and branches of a Manchineel tree, producing what looks deceptively like wholesome fruit but in fact is known in the island paradise in which it grows as the manzanita de la muerte, or “little apple of death.”

Read more: http://www.mnn.com/family/protection-safety/blogs/why-manchineel-might-be-earths-most-dangerous-tree#ixzz3k7xUeEyG

The antidote to the poisonous SORs is First Amendment Supremacy! The solution is already in the U.S. Constitution and simply needs to be re-affirmed in either of two ways:

Our First Amendment Supremacy Clause is designed to amend existing Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) in cities, counties, states, corporations, schools and colleges, and other organizations to ensure that in any contest of SORs with the First Amendment, the First Amendment must prevail.


Our First Amendment Supremacy Bill is a stand-alone statute to be enacted by states which do not already have state-level SORs. FASB invokes the doctrine of preemption to “preempt the field” and mandate First Amendment supremacy over SORs within any sub-unit of its government and other entities within its jurisdiction.

First Amendment Supremacy Bill Fact Sheet

Send copies of these fact sheets to every pro-family political activist and public official you know and urge them to adopt the First Amendment Supremacy strategy.

Vigorously oppose any new SORs at any level. Attack them as “Gay Fascism Bills” because that’s what they are. (it worked in Springfield, Missouri http://www.scottlively.net/2012/07/09/christian-red-alert/)

It is SORs that have allowed the LGBT activists to take down Christian bakers, printers, florists, bed and breakfast hotel owners and others, and hung a sign saying “hateful bigot” around the necks of every Bible-believing Christian in America.

It is SORs that have allowed LGBT activists to take control of a vast number of huge corporations whose resources, identity, and community goodwill they are now cynically plundering to advance their selfish and destructive agenda.

Vigorously oppose the Federal Equality Act, which is an SOR at the federal level (ten times more dangerous than the SCOTUS “gay marriage” ruling).

Remind everyone that SORs are always sold as if they are limited to protecting homosexuals and transsexuals from employment and housing discrimination (despite almost zero evidence of such discrimination in America for at least 20 years), but in fact are ENFORCED as blanket prohibitions on all disapproval of the LGBT agenda!!

The LGBT agenda is poisonous, but we have the antidote in the First Amendment. Use it, or lose it!

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

As expected, SCOTUS today declared a constitutional right to “gay marriage” by judicial fiat. I haven’t read the ruling and may not ever do so since it really doesn’t matter what its reasoning is. The decision is illegitimate on its face because Justices Ginsberg and Kagan were disqualified from voting under the fundamental rules of judicial ethics because they each performed same sex “weddings” during the period of deliberations when the parties were legally entitled to impartiality by the jurists.

In response to the ruling, Mr. Obama called it an example of “justice that arrives like a thunderbolt.” That phrase turns logic and morality on its head as it relates to official government endorsement of sexual perversion. But I suspect it will eventually, perhaps very soon, be recognized in retrospect as an unwitting prophecy about God’s punishment on America for what she has just done.


12:30pm I just received an email from my ex-‘gay’ friend Greg Quinlan informing me that today’s “gay marriage” ruling happens to fall on the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah in 586BC to Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer: the ninth day of the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar.

“Coincidentally,” in our daily chapter by chapter Bible study at Holy Grounds Coffee House that we began in Genesis more than two years ago, we arrived today at Jeremiah 39, which reads in verse 2: 2And on the ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah’s eleventh year, the city wall was broken through.


Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

So here’s the moment of truth for pro-family analysts and advocates. Do you really grasp the extent to which LGBT leaders and activists will go to serve their own interests? You’ve seen what they do at the street level, against Christian businesses, etc. What would that deviltry look like on an international level, if, say, the President of the United States were a “gay” activist?

In August of 2013 I sent a open letter to President Putin, thanking him for signing the anti-propaganda law. In it I warned him “not to assume that you have fully solved the problem by the enactment of this law. The battle to protect your society from homosexualization has only just begun, and you may be surprised to discover in the coming months and years just how aggressively many world leaders will work to try to intimidate and coerce you to capitulate to homosexualist demands.” http://www.scottlively.net/2013/08/30/an-open-letter-to-president-vladimir-putin/

Regardless of where one stands on Ukraine or Vladimir Putin, just for a moment consider where the pro-family movement would be if it hadn’t been for the Ukraine coup. Russia would still be (relatively speaking) a respected member of the international community offering an alternative, genuinely pro-family model for social policy. There would likely be at least a half-dozen nations which would have adopted the anti-propaganda law for themselves (with many more considering it) and there would be a healthy international debate raging on pro-family vs LGBT visions for the future. I believe the tide would probably have begun to turn in our favor, at least on the global scene, if not yet in the US or EU.

Is it really so far-fetched to believe that morally wicked, Imperialistic, Alinsky-ite Obama (credibly alleged to be a homosexual himself) started the Ukrainian civil war to punish Russia for opposing the “core value” of America, the priority of his State Department? Or (more importantly to the “gays”) to prevent the Russians from leading a pro-family counter-revolution in the world?

Are you as a pro-family conservative really going to accept the word of Barack Obama, John McCain and the mainstream media that Russia is the bad guy in this story? If you do, you really don’t know your enemy — and I’m not talking about Putin.

Next time you hear the implication that Russia has created “a climate of hate and fear” in Ukraine, Russia or anywhere else, just remember whose go-to strategy this is for smearing its opponents and how deeply they are entrenched in the media, the White House and now the GOP establishment as well.

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

It is no accident that the current lawsuit against me in federal court is for “Crimes Against Humanity.” They are deliberately trying to associate my name with the spectre of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, for whose criminal prosecution the category of “Crimes Against Humanity” was created. That association carries with it special implications (e.g. “If you could go back in time would you assassinate Hitler before he came to power?”).

And both the lawsuit and the HRC publication repeat outrageous lies and misrepresentations that paint me as a monster intent on inciting “gay” genocide.

Clearly, even this bogus lawsuit hasn’t stopped me from advocating Biblical truth about homosexuality and the LGBT agenda, so what is left for them to do?

I believe they are now deliberately trying to incite murder against me and every other person on their enemies list. That might have sounded a bit paranoid in years past, but post-Corkins it is just cold hard fact that some “gay” activists are incited to murder by inflammatory leftist rhetoric. The HRC knows that, and yet their rhetoric in this Exporting Hate publication is MORE inflammatory than the SPLC’s rhetoric the drove Corkins over the edge!

Because I am a Bible-believing Christian I am not afraid of death. But neither am I volunteering for martyrdom. As of today I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of being assassinated by agents of the LGBT movement. For one thing, I will no longer publicize my travel schedule in advance.

And I am demanding a retraction and public apology from both HRC and SPLC. To both of them I insist: STOP INCITING HATE BEFORE YOU GET PEOPLE KILLED!!!!!

Scott Lively #fundie #wingnut #homophobia scottlively.net

Lively to Run for Massachusetts Governor

The people of this state need a candidate who can clearly and unapologetically articulate Biblical values without fear or compromise. They need a candidate who will tell the simple truth that abortion is murder, and homosexuality is condemned by God (but that Jesus forgives and heals those who repent). That parents and not the state have authority over their children, because government is our servant and not our master. That socialism is slavery and humanism breeds corruption. But mostly they need a leader who will remind the people that Massachusetts was founded upon Jesus Christ and the Bible and that our future security and prosperity depend on restoring our trust in Him. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!” Psalm 33:12.

These are very dark days in Massachusetts and across America, and growing steadily darker. I believe it is time for Christians with a strong Biblical worldview to rise up and preach the whole truth of the Bible as widely and boldly as possible. Massachusetts is the bluest of the blue states: the first to adopt socialized medicine and “gay marriage,” the national model for promoting homosexuality to children in the public schools, and the most aggressive defender of child-killing through abortion. The Mass Republican Party is solidly controlled by moderate to liberal “progressives” and the Democrats are virtual communists. They both embrace and champion the culture of death. With these two liberal parties splitting the liberal vote, a true conservative independent could win the governorship.

I feel both called and well prepared to meet this challenge. I am a fifth-generation Bay-Stater, born and raised in the Village of Shelburne Falls, with roots in the region going back to the early 1600s. I am a former left-wing liberal, who has learned by hard experience the folly of those ways. I am a constitutional lawyer and internationally-recognized authority on family and human rights issues from a Christian perspective. I have run my own successful businesses and know how to keep a budget. I am a missionary pastor with a doctorate in theology who for the past five years has founded and run an inner-city mission serving the poor and disadvantaged — a mission that is a model of racial harmony and community service — without accepting a dime of government funding.

My personal life theme of “redemption theology” is clearly reflected in all of my endeavors, and exactly what Massachusetts needs to recover from four decades of decline under Godless socialism.


I expect to often be asked by reporters what I think my prospects are for winning this election. To this I reply that it would take a miracle from God for Scott Lively to become Governor of Massachusetts — and I wouldn’t want it any other way. God should get the glory for any good thing that comes from this campaign. So don’t expect me to campaign like a politician. I will do nothing more than travel the state to offer what I believe are Biblical solutions to Massachusetts’ problems — and leave the rest to Almighty God.

May He Heal this Commonwealth

Dr. Scott Lively

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

[Letter to the British People]

Britain was one of the first countries of the world to be Christianized, and it’s role in bringing the light of Christ to the rest of the world is virtually unmatched. But today, Britain’s lamp stand is being removed. She has lost her first love and refuses to repent. Her state church has turned to apostasy and her people have fallen prey to false religions and atheism, like sheep without a shepherd.


From what I have observed in the recent history of Britain, the greatest impediment to Christianity is her own state church, whose recent response to sensing disaffection in the younger generation is the astonishing plan to promote homosexuality to them instead of teaching them Christian virtue and the blessings of authentic marriage.

The American Declaration of Independence from Britain in the 1700s insists that “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another—a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” I suggest that the time has come for the genuine Bible-believing Christians of Britain to declare independence from the Anglican Church, and to declare plainly to the nation that its ruler-ship over them has become illegitimate.


All of the many denominations and variations of Christian expression existing in Britain today have equal claim to promise of the First Principle of the Magna Charta, a promise which is in truth a binding covenant upon the British government “in perpetuity,” meaning forever! They were all, as it were, “in the loins” of the universal church of that day, and are “heirs” of the covenant.

This venerable document, the cornerstone and foundation of all human rights law in the world today will celebrate its 800th Anniversary on June 15th, 2015. I urge the Christians of Britain to seize the opportunity of that global celebration, and the time of preparation for it, to rally the true church of Britain (those who love Christ and His Word) to lead the nation in repentance and a return to their first love.

Perhaps by reminder of the lesser covenant of the Magna Charta, the people will be reacquainted with the greater covenant of Christ, and by turning back to Him, will preserve their great privilege to be called a Christian nation, with all of the many blessings that entails.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

[Scott Lively's "Letter to the Hungarian People"]

I can’t point to any country of the world today that is a model for the rest of the world, except perhaps for Russia, which has just taken the very important and frankly necessary step of criminalizing homosexual propaganda to protect the society from being “homosexualzed.” This was one of my recommendation to Russian leaders in my 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007.

To fully protect your country from the moral destruction that is raging in the United States and Europe it is necessary to affirm and protect authentic marriage as the only proper context for sexual relationships, and to actively discourage sex outside of marriage through your public policy, reserving limited tolerance for people who choose to live discretely outside the mainstream. I strongly advise that you adopt an anti-propaganda law similar to what Russia has recently passed, to stop the “gay” agenda from advancing any further that it may already have done. It will also be necessary to uproot and discard any existing sexual orientation regulations (the bad seeds) which criminalize discrimination against homosexuality in your laws and in the official policies of your government agencies, universities, corporations, and NGOs.

Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that many homosexuals are unwilling and unhappy members of this “gay” movement. For them homosexuality is not “gay” (meaning happy and carefree), but SADD, which is the acronym for “Same-Sex Attraction Disorder,” the condition with which they suffer. Even as we firmly resist the efforts of this destructive movement, we should not lose compassion for those who suffer from this terrible dysfunction. We should strongly discourage and oppose those who would choose the path of hatred and violence against individuals rather than rational, objective policy-making against their socially destructive philosophy and political agenda.

Scott Lively #fundie scottlively.net

The next time you’re at a “gay ’ wedding with political, media or other important pro-gay-marriage celebrities, and one of them gets up with a glass of wedding punch to toast Partner A and Partner B for their courage to “be themselves,” here’s a question to shout out (in a feigned drunken slur) from the back: “Hey, Dude, why don’t you support bi-sexual marriage too? Are you some kind of bigot?“

Chances are if you’re reading this article, you’re not the sort of person likely to be found at such an event, but the point is that bi-sexual marriage is the very last thing that any of our opponents want to discuss, and we pro-family conservatives should really be forcing them to do it at every opportunity.

Think about it. A bi-sexual marriage would require an absolute minimum of four people. You’d have same sex partners A and B just like in the “gay marriage,” but you’d also need to have a heterosexual partner for both A and B.

You couldn’t get by with the same heterosexual partner for both A and B since that would mean Partner C wasn’t really a bi-sexual, but a polygamous heterosexual. (And we all know from “gay” activist rhetoric that polygamy can’t be a true sexual orientation. There’s never been a P in LGBT!)

So, for example. Male Bisexual Partner A would be partners with both Male Bisexual Partner B and Female Bisexual Partner C, While Male Bi-Sexual Partner B would be partners with Male Bi-sexual Partner A and Female Bi-Sexual Partner D.

I know it’s confusing but bear with me because this is important stuff. We’re talking essential human and civil rights for one of the four key groups in the LGBT community! In fact, one could argue that bisexuals are the most important sexual minority because they are the most neglected, even more than T’s (transvestites and transsexuals). No-one ever seems to talk about the rights of the Bs, not even their fellow Ls, Gs, and Ts.


Is “bi-sexual marriage” really relevant? Of course it is! Bisexuals are a core constituency of the LGBT movement. The other side CAN’T disavow them! They are the 800-lb gorilla in the room. Or, if you will, the “turd” in the punchbowl.

I debated whether to use that phrase, it being so crude, but in the end that’s the main reason I finally adopted it. “’Turd in the punchbowl” is a long-standing working-class metaphor for something dirty that completely ruins something clean. Once the crowd realizes there is a turd in the punchbowl, nobody is going to drink the punch. Ever. No matter what you do to it.

Marriage as God designed it is a clean and holy institution that sanctifies the sexual union of a man and a woman united as “one flesh.” It produces blessing for them and for society.

Marriages based on various forms of sodomy are unclean counterfeits that destroy true marriage by invalidating its central purpose, which is to enclose the procreative natural family in a socially unique protective cocoon. Once marriage stops being unique to the “one flesh” male/female procreative union, the concept of marriage loses all meaning.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Friends, I believe the worm has begun to turn and the backlash against the fascistic “gay” agenda has finally started. As Christians we need to steward this process and keep it civil and positive. Our goal is not merely to stop their agenda, it is to advance our own: a genuinely family-friendly society grounded in healthy Biblical values. To that end, it is time for our side to begin showing the contrast in clear unequivocal terms. We need to expose every aspect of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda to public scrutiny and at the same time remind everyone that God’s plan for sex and marriage produces as much good and health as “sexual freedom” produces harm and disease.


Likewise, the choice of the Center for Marriage Policy http://marriagepolicy.org/ to come against “gay marriage” on the grounds of public health, talking again about the diseases associated with homosexual conduct, is a very smart move. They have declared September Protect Marriage Month and are circulating a flyer detailing the many health risks of homosexuality. We need to bring back public discussion of AIDS as a “gay” disease, pederasty as major subculture of male homosexuality, mental health problems and domestic violence as major problems associated with lesbianism, the recruitment of children into a homosexual identity through experimentation with “gay” sex, etc.. All the truths we stopped telling because they screamed so loudly about them.

Now is the time to step out from the behind the defensive bulwark of “traditional marriage” in which our only argument is that “marriage is between a man and a woman.” It is time to start taking back some of the ground we have ceded to the other side in the face of their overwhelming public relations superiority. Their marketing strategy to cast homosexuality as benign and even socially beneficial has finally hit the brick wall of reality. The phony facade is beginning to crack and crumble like an eggshell does when a baby chick is ready to be born.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

LGBT History Month is not yet universally adopted by public schools. Nevertheless, throughout October tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of innocent school children will be subjected to the most despicable brainwashing ever conducted in American classrooms. They will be taught, through carefully constructed lesson plans, to view homosexuals as a superior class of human beings whose influence on society has been wholly benign, but whose contributions to society have been limited due to irrational prejudice and bigotry. They will learn the importance of protecting homosexuals from societal “homophobia,” perhaps even emanating from their own parents, and that homosexuality is a perfectly normal and healthy (and unchangeable) form of sexual identity. In other words, they will be indoctrinated in provably false and thoroughly biased pro-“gay” propaganda.

In the interest of balance, I’d like to offer a few facts that are not likely to make it into the curriculum.


Another inconvenient fact unlikely to be cited by GLSEN brainwashers is that the German SHR, the world‘s first organization to define homosexuality as a struggle for “human rights,” was formed in 1919 by Nazi-aligned German nationalists (shortly before the formation of the Nazi Party), and that it’s most prominent member was Ernst Roehm, later to become supreme leader of the dreaded Nazi SA or Storm Troopers. Roehm was also, incidentally, a pederast, meaning that like [Henry] Gerber he was an adult homosexual male who seduced teenaged boys.


I could go on and on but it only gets worse. The point is that the “gay rights” movement is not benign. Its history is a poisoned stream whose head waters begin in the swamp of Sadean perversion and whose direction was set by the same people who created the Nazi Party. In America its course has run mostly through underground sewers until the past few decades when control of the movement fell into the hands of modern marketing experts who have hidden the truth under a white-washed facade of their own shrewd design. And it is this sugar-sweetened poison that is about to be spoon-fed to America’s public school students. It is a “gay” Koolaid of dangerous lies and it is to our great shame that this once Christian nation will allow these innocent children to consume it with hardly a whimper of protest by the public. This pederastic theme at the core of the “gay” movement did not end with Gerber. His eventual successor, Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society in 1950 was an outspoken defender of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association.

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